Evan Rows (No Mist)

Yeah it's me, Evan Rows, hottest boy ever and the son of Zeus. That's right, I'm a demigod. Well, there's just a slight possibility that I say that just for attention. The Gods and Goddesses got revealed because Hecate fell sick, and now Apollo is trying to heal her. But until then we can see the Gods. Electives have been replaced by Greek/Roman, and I walk into class.

I'm glad to see my long-time crush Hazel waiting in class. The teacher, who's also a tree nymph, comes in to the room.

"Okay class, pick a partner, because you'll do a research project about a topic of your choosing and then give a presentation about what you've learned at the year's end." she says.

Everyone goes and picks a partner. A big Asian kid is walking to Hazel. Oh no you don't, you wannabe! I run to Hazel. 

"Let's be partners." I state. She shoots a longing glance to to the Asian kid, who nods to her. 

She smiles. "Okay, lets be partners." she says.

We sit down at a table and look at what to pick as our topic. 

"How about we look up Pluto." I say. 

She wrinkles her nose. "No, I don't really like him." 

I gasp and wait for skeletons to jump up from the ground and kill her. Nothing happens, so we continue. 

"How about we do a person from theSseven?" I ask, thinking up a quick plan.  

A smile plays her lips. "No, actually, I wa-" 

"Yeah we shouldn't do it, I already know about the Seven since I was a part of it." I say loudly. 

Everyone turns to me. Suddenly, the Asian kid, a girl with choppy brown hair, and Hazel start to laugh. 

"What's so funny!?" I yell. "I'm a son of Zeus, you'll never understand my hardships!"

 The girl with choppy brown hair marches up to me. "You're a mortal." she says. Quick as a blink, she pulls out a dagger and stabs me through, but the dagger doesn't touch me. 

She turns to everyone. 

"Has he had you on your knees, getting his ways claiming he's a son of Zeus?" she asks everyone. People murmur how I have. "He's been lying! His life has been easy, and he's taking credit for what real people work for!" she cries. 

Suddenly, she cuts her arm, the Asian kid's arm, and Hazel's arm. They all bleed golden ichor.

 "I'm Piper McLean! I am the goddess of trust and compassion!" she cries.

 The Asian kid stands up. "I'm Frank Zhang! I am the god of leadership and commitment!" he announces.

Finally, Hazel gets up. "I am Hazel Levesque. I am the goddess of gems and precious metals, and the goddess of curses." she says. In a flash of golden light, they're gone. 

Everyone turns to me, fists balled. Maybe I shouldn't have pretended to be a demigod.

Another moron! And this is an AU where they got gifted as honorary Gods and Goddesses. If you enjoyed, please vote and follow! Please point out any mistakes, and thank you for reading!
