Chapter 2

Next Day

Teacher: "Everyone quiet down, we've got a new student I hope you all will behave nicely and be friendly with him. You can come in now (y/n)."

You open the door and walk in

Teacher: "(Y/N) please introduce yourself to everyone"

"I'm (y/n) Jin. Nice to meet you all" You say with a smile on my face

So handsome think the girls with hearts in their eyes

So handsome think all the boys with jealousy

Why am I getting chills

Teacher: " Okay (y/n), you take the seat next to Jin-ah"

You walk up to your seat and greet you Jin-ah "Hello"

Jin-ah: "Hello"

Timeskip to end of school

Jin-ah's POV

I was walking out of the classroom when I heard a voice

???: "Hey Jin-ah wait up"

I turn around to see Song-I walking towards me


Song-I: "Hey" We keep walking towards to the hospital " So, what do you think about the new student ?"

"Hmmm... He seems okay. He gives off a friendly vibe."

Song-I: "Yeah he seemed kind of easy to approach. And top of that he's the most handsome boy in our classroom. You should've the girls they all hearts in their eyes"

"You were one of them too" I say with deadpan look on my face

Song-I: "You're going to see your brother right ? Want me to tag along ?"

"Yeah and the company would be greatly appreciated"

(Y/N)'s POV

I was walking a home when I sensed a strong presence near the hospital Probably a hunter

I ran towards the presence thinking about the rank of the hunter Oh man I wish it's a B-rank hunter I'm tired of fighting C-ranks

I finally find the hunter. "Hey Hunter-nim can I fight with you ? I promise I won't try to kill you"

Hunter: "Huh ?" The hunter looks at you weirdly.

The hunter is tall, around 5'11 which is slightly shorter than you. He has short dark green hair in a buzz cut with purple eyes. He has a massive build which makes him look like a bear.

Hunter: "Kid do you want to die, you're not even a hunter and you are trying to fight me ?"

"C'mon pleeeaaaaaseeee. I'll even go easy on you" I say with puppy eyes

Hunter: "Going easy on me ? Are you an idiot or did you break out of the mental hospital ? Doesn't matter now you've pissed me off, die !"

Yes, he fell for it. Hah and they call me the idiot. His IQ must be in the negative.

He runs towards me. He was pretty fast for his build but not fast enough. I use Bo-Bup to appear above him. "Axe !"

The ground cracks but the hunter only has a shallow wound on his back. Nevertheless it is still progress

Hunter: "Damn brat" He takes up a boxing stance while I land on the ground. He then ignites his hand on fire "Fiery Punches" He keeps punching me while I dodge but the heat of the flames got me sweating a bit and made it a bit hard to breath. Jab, Jab, Right hook, Uppercut. Basic boxing, huh. Looks like he isn't that good of a boxer. I backflip to create some distance between us. 

"Kyokushin Karate: Choku Zuki" I hit the hunter in the chest with a punch pulling him off the ground and then brought him down with a chop. But the hunter reacts in time and stops my chop and punches me in the gut with a fiery punch. I crash into a wall and breaking it. I cough a bit of blood. This is exciting. It's making my blood boil. Now I'm fired up. I stand back up with an excited grin on my face

Hunter: What's with this guy, he's not even fazed after that punch

The hunter takes his stance but this time throws a punch projectile. I dodge it just in time Fast. And has enough power too, more than his fiery punches. But I have the perfect technique to counter it.

Hunter: "This is the end ! Great fireball !" The hunter punches the air with both of his fists making a huge ball of fire

Instead of the expected fear, all the hunter saw before the fire engulfed (y/n) was a smirk

"Mori Jin Original: Ice Kick" I prepare a kick creating the opposite turbulence as the fire wraps around my leg, and kick towards the hunter

The final outcome: (Y/N) wins by freezing the hunter along with the whole alley

[Just replace Sero with the hunter and Shoto with (y/n)]

"Thanks for the fight" I said bowing down

Hunter: "Ummmm... Can you please get me out of here ?"

"Huh ? Oh, right. But first let me make a call" You move away from the hunter and take out your phone "Hello Bing-Ha nim ? Yeah I've got some ice right here. It should be enough for 500 servings. Yeah, so can you make some flavored ice for me too ? 5 servings should be enough. Yeah, thank you"

You end the call and turn towards the hunter "Don't worry hunter-nim, Bing-Ha nim should be here in a minute with his tools"

Hunter: What tools ? For killing me ? Or for torture ?! Thinking that this was the case the hunter began pleading "Please don't kill me I'll do anything I won't hurt anyone I'll retire from my job too just please don't kill me !!"

"Huh ?"

Police: "Put your hands behind your head and get on your knees kid I won't repeat it again !"

"Huh ?"

Police: " You're arrested for attempted murder of a Hunter with Bing-Ha"

"Huh ?"

Jin-Ah's POV

Good thing the police came in time I thought hunter-nim was going to die

Going back in time for a bit

I heard some loud noises on my way home. Being curious, I went towards the alley and saw a man frozen in ice. What the hell ?!

???- "Don't worry hunter-nim, Bing-Ha nim should be here in a minute with his tools"

I look towards to the right to see- Hey isn't that the new student ? What is he- wait, could it be ?!

I take out my phone and call the police " Hello is this the police ? Yes, someone here is trying to kill a hunter. Yes the address is- 

Back to the present

I  hope the new student stays in jail for life. We don't need a killer on the streets. I feel proud of myself. Maybe I should get myself some flavored ice for my heroic actions.
