The Things I Wished Had Happened

Percy POV

To say that I was jealous of a three year old baby was kind of embarrassing, but still was true. Estelle, my beautiful and sweet little baby sister, was just sitting on the floor of our apartment and playing with her block toys. We live in a nice, clean, and spacious apartment now.

Nothing like where mom and I used to live before.

I tried not to be angry at my mom. It wasn't her fault. She was trying to protect me and she too had gotten hurt. But, at times, I get angry at her because of her that I never got or will have the childhood Estelle has.

When I was her age, I was sitting in my room while Gabe took up all the space in the living room with his poker buddies and drinks. I sat there with the fear that Gabe would lose, which he always did, and start to hurt me, like he did every day before that. When I was her age, we didn't have a lot of money. Our apartment was small and crappy and, with Gabe there, started to get claustrophobic. I grew up within those walls, never even dreaming of anything else.

I had to escape the monster that was in my house first to even dare to dream of a future.

And then I found out about my true heritage and all my problems took a left turn and changed. Gabe wasn't an issue anymore. I had to deal with fighting for survival and wars. I had to deal with the trauma of losing friends and loved ones, while I'm just living from one day to the next.

I still don't get a chance to dream.

Sometimes I like to think of a future for myself with Annabeth, but even that I cannot hold onto with utmost confidence. What happens if we face a monster we can't beat or aren't prepared for? One day we'll meet our match and we will die. I just hope that, when I do, someone will find my body and pay respects to the hero that tried to survive, but met with the fate of all the other heroes.

Estelle didn't have to worry about any of that.

I didn't think I was angry at Estelle. I mean, how can anyone be angry at that cute little ball of joy? It wasn't her fault.

It wasn't her fault.

"Do you ever wish things could have been different?" my mom asked me from the doorway to the kitchen. She saw me staring at the baby, lost in my own mind, and somehow magically figured out my thoughts.

I didn't answer right away. I wished I could have had a normal childhood. I wished I didn't have to deal with Gabe and I wished I didn't have to pretend to be strong as a child to protect those that I loved.

But then I realized that I needed each and every one of those experiences. Who would I be had I not had those people in my life? I needed them all, regardless of whether or not they're with me right now.

"No," I found myself saying.

I wouldn't change anything for the world.
