Chapter 1

"There's nothing wrong in your bloodstream." Bruce said after I had been checked out, "Whatever it was that Joker gave you, it ran its course"
I sat up on the table, "Thanks for checking anyway." I said.
"Of course, if you get injured and I could have helped, I'd die." He said, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Please don't." I said as I headed up to the manor, "I'd prefer it if you were to live."
I heard a chuckle as I closed the clock door up and headed to my room. Only to stop as the man stood in the middle of the living room.
"Who are you?" I growled, reaching for my weapons which I'd left in the Batcave.
"I'm your SQUIP." The man replied in the same voice that I'd heard earlier, "I'm here to help you."
"What the hell?" I asked, "What's a SQUIP?"
"A Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor." He replied, "I'm here to help you fit in."
"Why don't you go away." I said, "Before I make you."
"That could be a feat, Richard." He said, not the least bit fazed, "I'm a part of your brain."
"You mean you're a figment of my imagination." I said, "Or I have a disorder where I see things because that would be new and I don't think it would be so cool."
"No Richard." SQUIP said, "I'm a Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor."
"There is no computer in my brain." I said, "I'm giving you three seconds before I attack you."
"There is now." He said, "I was given to you as a drug and activated by the Mountain Dew you drank."
I couldn't be bothered to listen to this man jabber anymore and lunged at him, but I went straight through him and almost careened into the wall. Maybe he's just like Manhunter, able to phase. If that was the case I didn't stand a chance of hitting him without my gear.
"You can't get rid of me, Richard." He said, "I'm here to stay. And don't bother going for your weapons, you can't fight me."
"How did you know what I was going to do?" I asked. I hadn't even moved.
"I'm in your brain." He said as if it was obvious, "I know everything you're going to do. Such as research a way to get rid of me. It won't work, I'm not online. No one knows about me apart from word of mouth."
"Joker." I growled, "He's the reason I'm having to put up with you. And he can get rid of you."
He didn't say anything to that and I sighed, heading upstairs, SQUIP following me.
I closed the door to my bedroom and headed onto my laptop to search for SQUIP. But he was right, there was absolutely nothing.
"You're going to have to tell me more about you." I said, spinning in my chair to face him as he sat on my bed.
"I don't have to tell you anything." He said, "You're not the boss of me."
"You said you're here to help me, so..." I trailed off, smirking as he looked down a bit.
"And by not telling you anything I am helping you, Richard." He said, returning my smirk, "Now why don't you freshen up a bit. You're still covered in sweat from that fight."
"You better stay out here." I warned and he held up his hands as I closed the door.
I went over to the mirror and stopped. Oh God. I raised a hand to my eyes, my usually beautiful blue eyes but the new colour was staying. The same electric blue as the SQUIP and those lines coming out from the corner of my eyes, I looked like I had a circuit board in me. I stepped back and shook my head, looking again but the vision wasn't going away.
"What's going on?" I growled, throwing open the door.
"It's just some side effects." He replied nonchalantly, "Nothing to worry about. You won't glow or anything like that."
I slammed the door shut on him again and turned on the shower. This was just a dream and I'd wake up soon, I know I would. I showered, changed into my nightclothes and got into bed. The SQUIP gone from my vision.

I awoke and instantly ran to the mirror but the changes had been permanent. How was I meant to go to school like this?
"Wear glasses or something." The SQUIP said as he came into the bathroom behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "No one will ask. It's what you normally do when you get injured."
"I don't wear glasses in class." I hissed, "I'd get in trouble."
"You need to get in more trouble to become popular." He said and my jaw almost dropped.
"I don't want to be popular." I said, "I just want to stay under the radar so no one makes any connections between my two identities."
"But that's not what's best for you." He explained, "And that's what I'm here to give you. Of course, I can't get around the horrible uniform they've picked out for you but we can work on charm and charisma. And not getting bullied. It's a start."
I held back my remark as I fixed my hair, put on my uniform and some glasses and headed downstairs. Alfred didn't look at me as he placed my breakfast in front of me and I quickly ate it and headed off to walk to school.
"You can't walk to school." The SQUIP said and I felt my body come to a stop without any consent of my own, "You'll reek by the time you get there."
"I need to get to school SQUIP." I retorted, trying to move my legs but it wasn't happening.
"And we'll get the butler to drive you." He said as my legs brought me back into the manor, "He was going to offer anyway."
"How do you know that?" I asked.
"It's a probability." He said as Alfred came around the corner with the keys in his hand, "And talk to me telepathically. We can't have people thinking you see things, it wouldn't make you popular."
"Ah, master Dick." Alfred greeted, "I was hoping to catch you before you left, I'm on my way to the store this morning and wondered if you'd like to be dropped off."
"Sure." I answered and we both got into the car.
Thankfully he didn't bring up the glasses. He dropped me off without any trouble and I walked over to where I normally meet with Barbara. But that didn't exactly work for me as I was stopped by Nathan and Kevin. I backed up as they sent me into a corner, looking for Barbara but she didn't seem to be anywhere. I stopped short as I went into a locker and looked up at the boys. How come they were so tall? Or was I just short? Let's be honest, I'm tiny.
"What do you want?" I asked, "I've got class to get to."
"What do we want?" Nathan asked, "To see you join your parents."
"You've got to fight back, Richard." SQUIP said and I quickly glanced around and saw him to my left, "You can, or I'll do it for you."
"What's up with the glasses gipsy?" Kevin asked, "You trying to hide your tears?"
"It's not your concern." I retorted even as I made myself smaller to appear scared.
"Hold his arms." Nathan ordered and Kevin grabbed them, holding them behind my back.
"You have a couple more seconds to decide, Richard." SQUIP said.
Screw you. I replied and he just shrugged.
All of a sudden my leg was in Nathan's stomach and I had wormed out of Kevin's hold and punched him down."Oh, you're asking for it now nerd." Nathan growled as he lunged at me again.
I easily dodged his attack, without any consent of my own may I add, and came back at him with a punch that sent him careening into Kevin. They both went back into the lockers and I grabbed them both by the collar lifting them off the ground against the lockers.
"Why don't you go cry to your friends?" I snarled and threw them against the lockers hard, leaving a dent, watching as they ran off to lick their wounds.
"The hell was that?" I asked aloud, turning to face my SQUIP.
"I'm here to help you, Richard." He said as he came over, "And if I have to do that by force, I will."
"By force?" I almost yelled at him, "You just made me beat them into next week. What's that going to do for my secret? That doesn't help me."
"You may not think it does, but if people know who you are then they'll love you more." He replied, stepping back as I advanced on him angrily.
"No, because then the people that are close to me will be targeted." I growled, "Now get out of my head before I force you out."
"You can't get rid of me Richard." He said, stopping as he came up against the locker, "I'm part of you forever. We've been through this."
"There will be someway." I replied, "And Joker will know, won't he? He put you in here, he can get you out."
"Go for it." He replied with a laugh, "I'm sure the madman will be of much help, from what I can see he was so cooperative in the past."
"I hate you." I said as I began to walk off.
"You won't hate me forever." He smirked, "You'll learn to appreciate what I'm doing for you."
