You guys stayed up quite a bit, you all sat around the campfire you made, Jay played the guitar and some of them, including him sang a few songs.

It was wonderful. Almost kinda romantic in some way.

You looked at Sunoo who was sitting opposite of you and stared now and then.

Niki next to you started laughing a little and whispered to you: "You're so obvious~"

"What- I am not.", you whisper-shouted back at him and looked at him.

"Oh no no, you are~", he giggled and you looked at Sunoo and then away, making him laugh more.

"Shhh.", you said.


Jay started singing none sense as he forgot the lyrics, making you guys laugh. At first you didn't even notice since your mind was full of Sunoo and nothing else.

Jungwon pinched your waist making you almost snatch at him: "yahh."

"This night's gonna be interesting~"

You glared at him, making him laugh.

You shook your head, pouted a little but then also laughed.

Were you really so obvious or did they just find other things about you to laugh at?

You and Sunoo left at the same time to get ready to go to sleep, so you went into your tent together.

Your clumsy ass tripped over the entry of the tent and fully landed on Sunoo's lap who just started laughing and asked whether you're okay and if you hurt yourself but you just shyly separated yourself from him and sat on your mattress.

"I'm fine... sorry about that..." He just softly smiled at you: "Don't worry~"

As the two of you comfortably laid in your sleeping bags, he started talking again: "y/n?"

"Hm?" "Is there anything you wanna talk about or tell me?"

Your heart started racing like crazy. "Oh uhh, no... is there anything you wanna tell me?"

"Hmm... no. But are you sure? You seem so in your thoughts these days... is everything alright?"

"Yes yes... it's just... work. Yes, work is just a little stressful, that's all."

"Oh, I see. Can you manage? But whether you do or not, you know you can always talk to us about it, right?"

"Yes, I know, thank you..."

"No need to, that's what friends are for.", he turned around but since it was so dark you couldn't exactly see in what direction he turned to. You laid on your back and stared into the darkness.

"I really like you, Sunoo.", you rushed and got big eyes, you actually wanted to say that you appreciate him.

"Aw, I like you too, y/n~", he slightly chuckled and you bit your lip, "you're such a good addition to our friend group, you know that?"

"I am?"

"Yes, absolutely! All the guys really like you and are so comfortable around you, including me."

"Well, that's good to hear because I'm also really comfortable around you guys too."

"Wonderful.", he said, "that's how it should be~"
