My Beloved Solar Eclipse, Chapter 2

My Beloved Solar Eclipse, Chapter 2



The night was a cold one as Sun sat on the field as the wind blew in his face as the soft glow surrounds him as the wipes the warm tears that had been streaming down his face as he stands up and teleports to his base. he had been alone for a year now, all because he was snooping when he shouldn't have. The star glows as sun pulls it out. 'This damn thing, all the hate I've received because of it...' ever since sun found the star in the daycare while cleaning it. all the trust moon had for his brother was eradicated. No one questioned suns true goals or meanings, they just shut sun out and didn't think twice. Well everyone besides eclipse, eclipse was the only person who trusted sun. I mean, not trusted but Eclipse didn't label him as a danger or threat. And soon enough, Eclipse would think of sun as more than the villain stereotype and as a close friend.








...Or more...



'Damn, I didn't expect him to actually leave' i pace back and forth 'and why cant i see him on the GPS?!' before i dial eclipses number and i waited for him to pick up. "Pick up, pick up, pick up!" I mumble before I hear the dumbasses'(eclipses) voice.


"The hell?" I looked down at my phone and I saw the moon had called me, sun seemed to notice that it was moon and sat down on the couch. I then answered the phone after a second and heard moons scratchy voice.

*"Eclipse! Where are you!?"* moon asked the second i picked up the phone

"I was out finding a place to stay. Like you wanted me to-" i answer the clearly mad/worried moon animatronic.

*"I was not expecting you to actually go."* the moon animatronic said and I put a hand on my face. *"Anyways, why can't I find you on the GPS? Where the hell are you?"*

"Some cottage in the woods. Now why you cant see me on the GPS I don't know." i say calmly, before moon talks again

*"oh, well tell me when you are ready to come back."* moon says before he hangs up.

I wonder why he was so worried and why he couldn't be seen on the GPS



'Shit i forgot about the barrier.' "hey sun, why cant moon find me on the radar?" "...reasons" 'star related reasons...' i knew telling him the real reason why he cant be seen would cause problems so i he should most likely keep quiet till the time comes to tell him. "Alright then. But uh where should i sleep?" "oh right, uh you can sleep in my room. Its the one at the end on the right." "oh alright. Thanks!" the solar animatronic then walks off to my room. 'he is so calm about this whole thing, I know moon would have skinned me alive if he found me'


'Lets se aha! ' Eclipse walks in to suns dim lit room, despite it not being in the color pallet he expected it was quite nice and calm with shades of gold and a grayish-teal... reading nook!? i didn't know sun liked to read... Eclipse walks over to the reading nook and sits down on the black bean bag before he grabbed a book and began to read. A few minutes later he was asleep, book still in-hand.


Sun walked to his room and to his surprise Eclipse was peacefully sleeping in his reading nook. 'this dumbass...' this was a new one for even eclipse, i just don't question it and lay eclipse down in my bed, i make sure he is nice and comfy in the bed before i turn off the light, leaving only the glow of my fairy light and me to illuminate the room.

"oh sunny~" i hear a familiar voice whisper in my ear. "w-what do you want newton..?" the large and almost blinding white bio-animatronic walks around to be Infront of me. "can't i toy with my favorite host~?" it then raps its hand around my bottom ray and grasps it tight "you really should pay attention to people when they're talking. or do i need to teach you a lesson..?"


=THE NEXT MORNING(still sun's pov)=

the sun animatronic sits in the corner crying softly, he checks the time then stands up wipes his tears and walks to the bathroom to clean his wounds and bandage his cuts before he walks beck into his room where Eclipse was still asleep. Sun stares at the solar animatronic before he gives him a small kiss on the forehead and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast.

he thinks to himself as he goes to make breakfast...

'Eclipse is so kind and caring to me... i really don't deserve him...'


'i hope he stays forever. Me and him together forever'

' As my little solar eclipse'


That's chapter 2! I hope y'all enjoyed reading because i enjoyed writing it! :D

886 words :D!!!
