OO1. frustration

You were begging for a break. Fatui soldiers are swarming like bees in this nation especially in this place, it's like a hive for bees. - The fire was the only source of life and you'd be screaming and shouting if it weren't for it right now. What the fuck is wrong with my luck today? Yesterday, you felt so happy and was absolutely enjoying life. Now a harbinger is trying to find your ass.

This harbinger wants your body, not in a sexual way. More like a killing and experimenting way, sure you'd think that oh! just some blood samples, right? You wish, he'd cut off your limbs even if he didn't need it, he just despises you.

An enhanced geo user was well, not safe around the fatui. Enhanced vision users are sometimes captured or killed if they could compare with a harbinger, even if it was the 11th harbinger. - The cold night you spent on dozing off was interrupted by sounds.

Sounds from below was heard and you looked down to see three soldiers sitting around gossiping, as the tent was high up.

"I heard that your lord will reward us if we find the target."
"How much?"
"And she's a woman?"

The coversation was misogyny at it's finest. They were at a number of 3-4 men and you thought; you could handle them fine— you watched as they walked around, stopping at times when they were so shocked at the gossip the other said. Eitherway, you watched them as you grew curious at the harbinger mentioned.

You then plunged in the middle of their conversation, pointing the weapon— you asked, "which harbinger is this lord?" as you watched them prepare their weapons.

"The location of this so-called [name] is exposed? Well then, find her. track her down." A woman said, she sat by her desk and held a bunch of papers. "Let her escape and our dear motherland will lose to the evil." Soldiers nodded. They made their way out of the door and gently shut it. Arlecchino was left alone, her gloved hands held papers oh so delicately.

She had the features of an androgynous female. She looked over to the papers and was wondering what she should do if the plan to track her down doesn't go smoothly, maybe she'd let the average fatui soldiers capture her ― if they weren't such cowardly bastards. They were probably on their knees, looking forward to the woman they underestimated. That woman is not one to be underestimated, her appearance consists of an 'innocent' woman yet as far as she knows, she may or may not be so strong to the point she might reach up to her.

When that happens, she herself will have to chase her out. Fatui soldiers are useless. Her personality? Unpredictable. She can't seem to predict what's her next location. It's like she loves making fun of our dear harbinger. The moves she makes are extremely annoying. She takes risks any moment, manages to get in trouble but gets away every moment. There's no telling when or where she'll strike back. Amidst the dark, she'll be there watching every movement of Arlecchino but Arlecchino can't watch her movement. Like she's always behind her back, watching her.

She stands up and makes way to her library, a book may be able to calm her down before she destroys the whole place! ― she can though. It'll never affect the currency of the fatui.

"I'll find you. Definitely. " ― While she stared at the board full of red threads and pins. Her pictures was everywhere, her connections and every place she's lived in, banned in, or whatever. Every information in her is needed. She's spent 6 months trying to find her somewhere. But then when she captures her, where's the fun part? If her goal is done, then so is the fun she's had all these months.

You were just walking around and they still couldn't find you? That's pretty cool. Except; you were banned in the place you were walking around. They definitely didn't think of checking this place just because you're banned, it wasn't like you were permanent ban. Give the landlord some Mora and there you go. New house and new life, you think. If they can't find you anywhere in the 'unbanned' places then they'll find you in the banned ones.

Well, this place was aesthetically pleasing. The big open window showed you the shops, people, everything ! Such a great place, they wouldn't think of ruining their reputation and ruin this lovely and cute land. It would be risky towards the city, where they worship the God of Justice. Mora simply isn't gonna help their crimes, not here nor there. They don't want mora, they want justice.

This place will give you some time to relax. Nor is it the time to relax BUT you're still human! You have plenty of time before you become one of that harbinger's robots, probably. Aside from that, you touch the sheets of the bed, it was comfy. Jumping on it would be a dream for kids. You closed the curtains and laid front face in the bed, wondering why would Celestia pick you to have a life like this?

' Stupid Gods. They don't deserve their power. '

You thought while laying down and sleeping, the day was done.
