- t w o -

QUINN'S POV                                                                                                                                                                          1 week later

My heart raced with anticipation as the crisp envelope from Mooncore Academy was carefully torn open. A wave of joy washed over me as my eyes caught the bold '96' emblazoned at the top of the letter. But it was the additional note, the one that heralded his entry into the prestigious top 20, that truly took my breath away.

Beside me, Quinton's hands trembled slightly, the weight of his own envelope seeming heavier than mere paper. His score, an 84, was a narrow victory, but a victory nonetheless. The two of us exchanged a look of shared triumph and unspoken promises of support. We were officially going to Mooncore Academy.

Time skip>>

Quinton and Quinn were both sorted into Altalune on their first day in the academy. Quinn was surrounded by a group of kids their age in a blink of the eye which left Quinton alone most of the time. Their lessons started the next day and they were each given schedules for the term. Next year, they would be able to choose which subjects they would like to take. For now, all the first years had to take History, Literature, Arithmetic, Art, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Physical Education. 

They could pick a language to learn if they wish and had the option to pick up an Co-Curricular Activity. The moment Quinn got handed the form for it, she read through the list of clubs she could join and started writing down her five choices; Violin, Theatre, Art club, Golf and Soccer. 

On the other hand, Quinton was becoming a tad bit over confident about even getting into the academy. All he did was play on his Nintendo Switch all day, not even caring about studying to keep up his grades! Quinn had already given up on him and it was only the first week!

[A/N] oops! no more teasers! I deleted "chapter 3", those who were lucky enough to read it have to wait 2 more chapters! I'm also making changes to chapter 2 and I already wrote a chapter that is not yet ready to be published.. OK byee 
