
I OWN NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS OK! DONT MAKE MY ACCOUNT GET SHUT DOWN PLEASE! I woke up early that morning. Not purposely, obviously, but falling out of your bed and onto your face will wake you up. I groaned. "Why is life so hard?" I started getting ready even though every bone and fiber in my body was yelling GO BACK TO SLEEP. I did have a job interview today and I wanted to make a good impression, waiting like, my whole life for this interview soo. I put on (whatever you want! Don't want to make you wear something you don't want to, do we?) and did my hair quickly so I could get to the interview early. As my dad always said, you only have one first impression! I hurried through breakfast and jumped on the public bus at 9:00 am, even though my interview wasn't until 11. I still wanted to look around the museum as well. 

Of COURSE the bus HAD to get stoped behind a train. Anxiety getting the better of me I got off the bus and called a taxi. I got to the London Museum of History (ok I seriously have no idea what that museum Steven works at is called but that one8 at about 10:40 and had an overwhelming sense of terror what if I was late? Oh no. I walked in and marched to the middle front area of the museum where a man was selling candy. "Um, hello. My names Y/N and I have an interview here. I was wondering where I should go for that?" I stuck out my hand for him to shake and he did, obviously, it would be rude not to. "Steven Grant. Ya, just right down the hall there's an office with the name Donna on it. That's where the interviews happen." My thoughts proceed as: Omg. Omg he has an accent. Almost every one here in London has an accent. Yes but his accent is amazingly cute. Ok ya. Wait I should probably respond. "Nice to meet you Steven. I have to go but I hope to see you later!" I said and smiled, though I was sure I was profusely blushing. "You too! Oh Good luck on your interview!" He said with a slight wave. 

Steven perspective:(Warning, I have no idea how to right from someone else's perspective sooo this might be terrible. Probably. Ya it will be) Just a regular old day for me, waking up, eating breakfast, feeding Gus, going to work, almost missing the bus. Same old same old for little Steven with a v here. Got to work, got yelled at by Donna, started working. That's when the same old stops for a minute. A lady/man, about my age I would guess walks into the museum and was coming straight towards me. Gulp. They were cute too. What did I do wrong this time. They stop right at the counter I'm working and sticks her hand out to shake. They said that they had an interview here and wanted to know where to go. Oh and also their name was Y/N. I told them my name and where to go and they tensed up and started blushing. Was it something I had said? Oh no. A new person here and I already made a bad impression. They gave a lopsided smile and said, "Nice to meet you Steven. I have to go but I hope to see you later." "You too! And good luck on your interview!" I said to them. Oh bloody h*ll. A cute new person and I already made a bad impression. 

When they came out of the interview I was still working the sugar trade. They walked straight over to me again and said, "I got it! I got the job!" As they jumped up and down their hair bobbed around there shoulders. "Oh yay that's great, innit!" They got all blushy and started to tense up again but just said, "Ya it's amazing! Well, see you tomorrow co-worker!" They gave finger guns as they walked away.

Both: I have a feeling that we are going to be good friends. Want to be more though.
