Artmeis Quest

32....Artmeis Quest

Artemis just said that Kronos was my father, I was horrorfied, this must not be true!

Nico: Just accept it. It's true.

"Your lying!" I exploted to Artmeis.

Me: No she isn't.

"No, its true, he is thou father" She explaned to me.

"But your a virgen!" I reminded her wisely.

Leo: Good point.

"Yes Im still a virgen its just I hated Kornos so much my hate for him over flowed and thou waste born" Said Artmeis.

Everyone: *mouths hanging open*

Me: Wait, she said 'thou waste'.... *looks scared of self* What in the world did I just imagine...?

(See that flamers, shes still a virgen now u can stop flaming about it)

"But how can I kill him now sense he is my dad" I wondred.

Me: Does it matter if he's your dad?

"Thou must steal thou heart bc he is evil and must be slayed!" Said Artmeis.

"Well now I have the word that can defeat the word of death!" I said but then I remembered taht Kornos was still looking for teh other half of the word of death!

Grover: Okay.... So now what?

Artmeis eyes blazed firely "Thou must stopest him first!"

Annabeth: What is wrong with their speech?

"How will I do that" I asked.

"Thou must slayst him!" Artmeis gave me a sword made from steel in the heart of the moon on a darkest might foraged in tears of teh stars, it was so sharp it could cut though pearls.

Me: Is anyone keeping count of how many weapons she has?

Flavia: Let's see, she has a dagger, a whip, a bow and a quiver of arrows, an ax, a gun, and a sword. In total, that's six weapons.

The handle part was lucid and sliver, it glowed like the radius moon but the sharp part was black and deathly. It was like 5 feet long....5 feet of deathly!

"Stabest him in thou heart" Said Artmeis  cause her hate for Kronos was strong and like burning fires. "then we will be revenged an thou will be a goddess!"

Me: *resists self to kick story-Artemis in the face*

Annabeth: I know that feeling.

"Yes he will die," I agreed with her. "But...there is a problem! I dont know where he is now."

Me: You are a Mary Sue! You know everything! So, just suddenly say that you know where he is, kill him with your overpowered powers and skill, and make-out with every single boy in sight so I can stop torturing myself with this [beep]!

Hazel: *mutters* I'm just going to pretend I never heard that.

Leo: Uh-oh, Andy said a bad word!

"He is marching North" Artmeis explaned.

Me: *destroying the room*

Grover: We need to do something with her.

Flavia: Like I said, Nutella calms her down. *tosses me another jar of Nutella*

Me: *catches it and starts eating it like a maniac*

Flavia: See?

"I will quest for to kill him!" I said "But Percy has to come with me!"

Percy: No, I'm not!

Annabeth: I'm not allowing him to.

Artemis eyes glowed from opressed rage "Thou love him?!"

Piper: Of course, she does.

In that minute wise words from Hazel swum into my mind like a electrical revulution, "But I must follow my heart and my heart says yes I love him!" when I spoke this I knew it was true!

Jason: From what Andy's been telling me,  I doubt that.

"But thou cannot be a goddess if your not a virgen, only virgens can be goddess" She yelled.

Everyone: *facepalm*

"But Hera is not a virgen" I explaned.

Frank: And also a bunch of other goddesses.

"Thats becauses all the other goddesses are f*cking sluts, thats why Apherdite has like 666666 kids" Said Artmeis.

Piper: Excuse me?!

Annabeth: I'm sorry, did I read that right?

"But I love Percy" Tears crawled in my eyes like small crystels of stone.

Me: Yeah, right.

Artmeis heart stormed with pitty. "Fine thou maybe might keepest thou bf 'Percy' if thous does a great deed!"

Jason: Boyfriend? Already?

Leo: You and Piper were dating the first time you showed up. You didn't even know who she was.

Piper: Leo....

"What is this deed" I asked.

"Thou must steal Cupids bow an arrows of love an keep them for 1 whole day!" She said "This way there willest be more virgens an maybe less sexing"

Nico: *flinches*

I knew to a acomplish this I musty go to Olympics!

Me: *snickers*
