Ch.9 - Losing Her?

Asalamoalaikum :)

I'm back! Yay! 24 hours it is? Nope. I guess not.

How's y'all? I'm fine too ;) Well you guys are not gonna ask me so I decided to tell myself 😅

Recap's here

* "Saba?"

I turned to him again. He was still blank. I raised my eyebrows to let him continue and he took a deep breath tearing his gaze away from me.

"I'm sorry." with that he stood up and left the room before I left. *



"For what?" I screamed running towards him.

He turned around and looked at me and then lowered his gaze.

"For..." he looked again. "For that night." and went towards his room locking the door and I just stood there, dumbfounded.

Did he really?


I was busy making food when I heard the bell from ammi's room sneaking into my ears. The noise was very sharp and she was continously ringing it. I hurried up, washed my hands and ran towards her room. The bell didn't stop. As soon as I entered the room I saw her breathing heavily.

Her chest moving up and down, her body shivering badly.

"Ammiii!" I screamed loudly and grabbed her hand hurriedly. I started rubbing my palms against her hands, sandwiching them. I tried massaging her heart area with my palms but of no use. She was breathing heavily, her eyes closed.

Oh Allah, where's Shehryaar?

"Sss-Sab-Saba... Aaah?"

I looked in her eyes and she tried to say something but couldn't. Her lips were moving but not forming any words.

"J-Jee Ammi! Paaani?(water?) Paani chaiye? (you need water?)" I asked her while nodding my head. My eyebrows raised at her and my palm still trying to make an effort in rubbing her heart area. My hands were shivering too.

She didn't respond and just kept breathing heavily. Her eyes closed tightly again.

"Shehryaar??" I screamed as loudly as possible. The most hardest I could. He didn't show up.

Ammi winced loudly which made me look at her. Her eyes still closed. "Ammi kuch chahiye? (Mom you want anything?)" and she shook her head a little.

"Sheh-Shehryy... " she said with great difficulty in her breathes. "Bula- bula lo Shehry k-ko."

"Ppp-please." I nodded my head and called for him again. I called his name twice thrice but he didn't respond.

He was home. Where is he now? Can't he hear his mom dying?

I pressed ammi's bell continously while comforting her. She didn't show any effort, it was like it's not in her control. Her body shaking, shivering like hell.

Somehow she took hold of my hand and started lipsing something I couldn't actually get. My other hand was on the bell which was ringing already but still no sign of Shehryaar.

"Je-Jee ammi?"

"Re-re-r...cite... Recite." she responded weakly.

I nodded and starting reciting Quran whatever Surah is coming in my mind. I repeated them and not stopped reciting for a single moment. She calmed down a bit but her breaths were still heavy. She stopped shivering but was holding my hand tightly.

Soon Shehryaar stepped inside. Oh Thank God. He looked angry. His face fuming with anger.

"What the hell is upto you Sab-" he stopped what he was saying when he looked at ammi. His hair seemed wet. He was showering maybe. He ran up towards her started rubbing other hand which wasn't holding mine.

"When did this happen?" he asked me looking towards her.

"About fifteen minutes I was calling you, you didn't show up. Please take her to the hospital."

Her grip on my hand went more tighter before Shehryaar picked her up and ran towards the door.

"Shehryaar main bhi aon? (Shehryaar should I also come?)" He just nodded his head once, twice, thrice and then went out, exiting the house. I hurriedly followed him as he sat on the drivers seat after seating her at the back seat and I also sat on the back seat trying to help her sit alright and help her in breathing somehow.

We reached the hospital soon within ten minutes. Shehryaar called the hospital for the emergency service on the way. The staff was standing outside waiting for us. I soon got out still holding her hand. Me and the staff helped her getting out, her fast breathing didn't stop and the staff took her inside hurriedly on the stretcher. Me and Shehryaar followed them.

They took her to the room where the doctors were whereas stopped me and Shehryaar not to follow anymore and wait here.

There were a few seats there and I took Shehryaar's hand and dragged him to the seats, making him sit down. I sat on a little far seat from Shehryaar's one. He held his head in his hand too tightly. I wanted to calm him down but I couldn't even control myself too.

I am about to lose my 'mom'. My second mom. She is the only one left here for me.

Shehryaar screamed a bit, clutching onto his hair and pulling them till they actually come out their roots. He pulled his hair more harder and I neared him.

No I can't leave him alone in 'this' situation. I just can't.

I pulled his hands out of his hair and he at once looked at me. His face was covered with tears and tears only, his eyes red. He looked at me intently and then a loud whimper escaped his lips as if he was trying so hard to take not to. His lips trembled and I, without waiting any more second pulled him towards me and hugged him as tight as I could.

He digged his face deeper in my neck, hugging me back with the same pressure as I was, as if he wanted to cry with someone for so long. He wanted someone to hold him, console him, tell him that everything's gonna be alright.

And we are in this situation together. Why can I not console him? She's his mom more than mine's. He deserves the attention.

"Why does everyone leave me?" he whispered on my neck as I could feel his lips moving there. His hot breath fanning my skin. "Haan? (yeah?)" he whispered again lowly.

"It's not in one's hand Shehryaar." my reply made him pull back and look at me. "We don't have any control on this, please understand Shehryaar, nobody left you. They just went back where they came from, just like my mom, just like your... your dad."

He shook his head numerous times as if he's a kid not understanding the circumstances I said and still wanting to have the ice cream to which I said no. I cupped his face which made him stop shaking his head and looked at me in the eyes. I chose to stay quite and let him flow what was in him. He didn't say anything either, didn't cared for anything else than his mom right now.

His gaze so intense as if he's tearing me apart into pieces with his eyes.

I never realised he owns such beautiful and pure eyes uptil now.

"Everyone hates me, that's why they left. That is why they leave me because they don't like me." he whispered so lightly still looking into my eyes choosing to break the silence.

I shook my head a little at him but he spoke again. "No, they do. They hate me. Everyone hates me. Yo-you too! Don't you?" his whisper again went through my ears.

I didn't know what to reply him and turned away as a result and heard him chuckle a little.

"See? You do too." he responded to himself.

"But you don't have to ever worry about me leaving you. Don't you?" I replied back with a heavy heart.

He looked at me and his lips curved a little from the side, he smiled, he actually smiled.

"I guess." he whispered.

"You still guess? I can bet that."

"You guess!"

"Shehryaar stop with this 'guess' already." I said a little sternly trying to make him smile in which I succeeded. He did not only smiled but laughed a little too, but his laugh soon faded.

I held his hand in mine's interwining our fingers.

"Everything will be alright. Don't worry Shehryaar. I trust Allah. And if she even leaves us, I still trust Allah that He's gonna keep her in peace."

He nodded to what I said and pulled me closer while sitting holding my waist. He let his head down in my shoulder with his eyes closed.

An hour passed in this situation but there was no sign of the doctors coming out of the room. Shehryaar fell asleep on my shoulder and I let him too, he needed it. I kept reciting duas and all the Surahs that came in my mind, till a doctor showed up.

"Who is here with that lady? Can I talk?"
