Set To Fail

He had never seen Krissy cry so much. And he never wanted to again.

He could only watch as she broke-down completely. Heavy sobs sent her body into trembles. He couldn't touch her. He couldn't even be near her because she never wanted to be near him anymore. He could only sit chained against the wall across from her and watch. She absolutely refused his pleads for her to come to him and instead hid behind her hands and fought back sobs fruitlessly.

He had asked what was wrong when she had returned shaking and puffy-eyed in the custody of Maria, which had been alarming to him anyway. But then she had broken down after Maria had left, apologizing over and over again.

He had understood bits and pieces of the inconsolable girl's rant. Apparently he was going to go through something called a survival experience and something a about a... tiger?

After an hour, she had finally calmed down enough to explain what had her so upset in full detail. And... he was afraid, but not 'too' surprised. Of course the tiger part had been a shock.

"Its not your fault, Krissy." He told her, forcing her gaze to lock with his. "Don't allow Maria to put that in your head. Its all on her. Everything she's ever done to us is on her, no one else. I would bet that Maria had no plan to feed... Franky at all. It was another one of her games, Krissy."

The teen girl rubbed her face and looked away from him. "Yeah... but I fell for it again. I'm so stupid I fell for something so obvious."

"No," he quickly said with a shake of his head, "you're not and stop letting Maria fill your head with that crap. Can't you see that's what's going on here? Maria wants us feeling dumb and weak. We can't allow her to make us feel like that."

Krissy stared at him sadly before looking away. "Do we really have a choice?"

He hoped so.


Bryce paused in lacing up his new sneakers, hearing the thumping of feet on the wooden patio behind him. He finished his last boot quickly before turning around, his gaze instantly found Krissy who trailed behind Maria slowly. Lately it had been like that, Krissy always being with Maria. In the last two days he had only seen her once when he had been sweeping the living room and she had walked by following behind Maria.

She was unharmed. At least there weren't any wounds visible above her faded yellow sweater and below gray skirt. But he worried anyway. He was forced into falling asleep twice without Krissy being with him and it was driving him insane. He had no idea if she was safe. No idea if she was being hurt. He was doing a horrible job at being her protector. He wasn't being much help at all.

Bryce stared her down and she openly stared back, shifting on socked feet.

"Aren't you going to greet me, Bryce?" Maria questioned lightly.

Bryce forced his gaze to land on his tormentor. "Good morning, Mother."

Maria smiled. "You look as if you haven't been sleeping well. Do you require more blankets for your room?"

Bryce was on edge and he really didn't want to play her games. "Mother..." He began slowly, keeping his voice as respectful as he could manage. "Why haven't I seen Krissy in two days?"

"What ever are you talking about? You're clearly seeing her right now." The woman laughed. Bryce stared at the ground with a clenched jaw. Maria sighed. "I just realized having a boy and a girl share a room was improper," yeah, he was sure that was it, " plus I needed an assistant anyway."

Bryce glanced up, gaze flickering to Krissy, who quickly looked away.

"When... will I be able to see her... speak with her again?" He understood what was going on. Krissy had become not only something to be used against him, but an object the woman could give him and also take away. His insides began to churn. He needed her. He needed daily confirmation that Krissy was alright. The last two days had been hell. Living seemed like a cruel chore otherwise.

"As you are well aware, Bryce, actions have consequences and rewards." Maria smiled. Bryce's left hand picked at his right wrist's rough skin scabs. "But that is not actually something you should be worried about now. Marcus filled you in, I assume?"

What was being called a survival experience. Yes, Marcus had filled him in on this next chance for Maria to torture him. Survive a week in the woods around the home with a hungry animal stalking him. It was why he had been given shoes for the first time in weeks.

He nodded. He might not come back from this one. "Yes, Mother."

"Good," she nodded herself. "You'll have until sundown to put a good distance between you and Franky. Now remember, don't go too far," her arm found Krissy's shoulders and pulled her closer, "lots of things can happen if you're too far away from home. No going past the lake at the edge of my property. Do you understand?"

Bryce eyed her arm. The woman's threat was very clear. "Yes..." He attempted actual escape and he would be leaving Krissy behind...with her.

"Besides," she gently shrugged, "I have men posted along the edge of my property anyway and will be watching both of my animals very closely."

Bryce didn't care about any insults she threw his way. His eyes found Krissy once more.
