/08/ Human Sacrifices?

*Disclaimer: I do NOT own Teen Wolf. ALL Rights go to the amazing Jeff Davis. I mean without him, none of us would have experienced MOONdays. However Fangirling aside, I DO own Brooklyn and her non show related plots*

/Brooklyn's POV/

I decided to meet Scott and Stiles in the locker room to see if there was any news on the so called "Human Sacrifices" And let me tell you. Walking into a room of highly fit teenage boys,changing. I would walk in here anytime. Call me a teenage girl.

I turn in the locker room and see guys taking off their shirts and changing. I was turning the corner to Scott and Stiles' locker when I heard their weird conversation.

"Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott. You know who else is a virgin? Me. I'm a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life. Okay, I need to have sex, like, right now. Someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. Like, someone needs to sex me right now!" Stiles ranted, most likely using hand gestures. I heard a locker slam and when sounds like everybody's favorite gay person. "All right, I'll do it"

I had to cover my mouth to muffle the laughing. "What?" Stiles asked confused.

Danny didn't seem fazed by it though. "Come to my place at 9:00. Plan to stay the night. I like to cuddle."

I really want to see the look on Stiles' face right now. "Oh. that was so sweet." He started. Then changed his tone. "Are you kidding?"

"Yes, I'm kidding" Somehow I don't really believe him.

"Okay. You know. you don't mess with a guys emotions like that, Danny. Its not attractive. At all!" Stiles yelled after him.

"Hey Stiles. I'll have sex with you." I said coming out from behind the lockers. He gave me a dumbfounded expression, then soon realized I was messing with him. "Not. Funny Jones." He noticed my hurt expression. "Oh my god. Im sorry. I forgot." I just shrugged it off.

"Mr. Lahey, happy to have you back. Not happy that you're late." Coach yelled at my honorary brother. "Sorry Coach" He replied as he walked over to his locker. Which happens to be by Danny.

"Cross Country is not optional for lacrosse players. I don't want you to turn into a bunch of, fat asses on the off season." Coach yelled at his players, as they took off their shirts to reveal AMAZING six packs. I said it once and I'll say it again. If Isaac wasn't my honorary brother, I would totally be crushing on him. "So work on that"

I guess Isaac must have saw me starring so he smirked and walked up to me, still shirtless I might add. "Stop starring. We are supposed to be honorary siblings." I growled "Shut up Lahey."


"I cant believe you signed me up for cross country! I hate you!" I yelled at Stiles.

He looked at me and smirked. "Your a werewolf. A little running won't kill you."

Coach blew his whistle and we all started running. Then I saw Isaac and the twins, racing or whatever. Knowing Isaac and how they tried to kill him, he's gonna do something stupid. So being the amazing honorary sister I am, I followed them.

The three of them ran off the trail, then the twins started beating Isaac. "Hey Ethan? I always forget. How many bones are in the human body?" Ethan looked at Aiden, with a vicious tone he responded. "I don't know. Lets check"

Alright time to put them in their place. I came out and punched Ethan in the face. "Thats one!"

Aiden looked at me, and his look softened. "Brooke. I don't want to hurt you." I smirked. "Too bad, because I want to hurt you!" Then I grabbed him and threw him into a tree.

We all barred our fangs and flashed our eyes, when we heard a girlish scream. We stopped what we were doing and ran to the noise. When we got there we saw a guy tied to a tree, with a garrote around his throat. All of us were shocked at the sight. You could see where the blood spilled from his throat. Then a blonde girl pushed through the crowd screaming,



"Did you see the way the twins looked at him?" Isaac questioned. The sherif came and made all of us leave before we trampled all the evidence. "Yeah. like they had no idea what happened?" Stiles answered sarcastically. Isaac looked at him. "No. They knew"

"They kid was strangled with a garrote, al right.? Am I the only one recognizing the lack of "werewolfitude" in these murders?" I looked at Stiles and Isaac. I really don't know who to side with.

"Oh, you think its a coincidence that they turn up and people start dying?" Isaac questioned with a serious look on his face. That is a good point. But Aiden may be an Alpha but he wouldn't hurt anyone. Right?

"Well, no, but I still don't think its them." Stiles said sticking with his theory. "Scott? How 'bout you?"

"I don't know yet." I bet Scott just doesn't want to side between his best friends. Then a hand waved in front of my face. "BROOKLYN!?" I snapped out of it. "What? I wasn't listening."

"Obviously." Stiles muttered under his breath. I just rolled my eyes. Isaac looked at me, "We asked what you thought." Crap. I don't want to have to side with one of them. There like my best friends.

"Uh. Im gonna have to agree with, um." I bit my lip. I do this when I get nervous. "Um. With. Stiles." Isaac looked at me hurt. While Stiles was fist bumping.

"Are you serious? I mean human sacrifices?" Scott asked, both me and Stiles. Stiles and I shared an 'Are You Serious' look, then turned to Scott. "Your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, but you're telling me that you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?" Stiles said frantically with hand gestures.

Scott sighed,then looked at Isaac. "Thats a good point too."

"I don't care. They killed that kid, they killed the girl that saved me. Im gonna kill them too"


*Not edited*

DID YOU GUYS SEE THE LIVE STREAM OF THE TEEN WOLF CAST ON PALEY FEST?!? COMMENT IF YOU DID. seriously vv high levels of O'Brosey. Seeing Crystal again, gave me sad feels. Dylan's pee break tho. lol The cast was perf! Like always. A Wednesday night well spent. TPose tho "I WANT TO BE SHIRTLESS MORE!"

Sorry guys short chapter I just wanted to update today. It was late obvi cuz of the Live Stream. I only found out bc Melissa Ponzio Tweeted it, so Melissa McCall saves lives, one Fangirl at a time.

Stay Lovely Wolfies!

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-Alex :)
