Chapter 1

Brilliant blue are the color of my love's eyes.
With bright bold flecks of green and brown.
I do not know why they are,
Only that they look as intense as flames.
Oh, how I get lost in those eyes.
That draw in like the tide,
But also send away.
Awaiting me.
Calling me.
Like a far off song.
So distant does it play for me,
And yet I know it still.
I only hope it does not stop,
Or else my heart shall stop as well.
Then the sea will stand with me,
And stay flat, overbearingly still.

Chapter 1
That Morning 8:45am
As my eyes open cascades of sun hit my already golden irises. I started to sit up, my auburn hair fell in long tangled tresses around my face. Some of them getting in my mouth and eyes causing me to sputter and shake in an attempt to dislodge the unwelcome intrusions. "Well that's a great start to the day." I mumbled, getting out of bed and heading to the shower. I managed to get undressed and into the shower as gracefully as someone half asleep could, and turned the knob controlling the water. I flinched when it hit me because as usual I forgot to flip the temperature switch that changes my water from cold to hot. If I wasn't awake earlier I certainly was now. As the freezing water slapped me into reality ,and out of my dreamlike state, the urge that grips me quite often hit with the force of the same freezing water that was now pelting my back. I wanted to play my violin. This wasn't new to me. I always wanted to play my violin but today was different. Today it was stronger. Almost as if I didn't play at that instant nothing would satisfy me until I did. Maybe it was because I had just won the Shiro competition. Either way the music was calling me. I finished my shower and got dressed in some distressed blue jeans and a T-shirt with a faded blue and purple logo that even I couldn't make out what it once was. I tied back my hair with a blue hair tie so that it wouldn't get tied up in the bow, but left enough in my face to keep me comfortable. Then I grabbed my violin case from under the keyboard, got the keys from my bedside table, made sure a note was on the fridge explaining where i'd gone, shut off the lights, and walked off to the car.
It strikes me now that I felt a little off when I started to the door ,with my car key's in my right hand and the big awkward violin case in the other. Had I known all the trouble opening up that silly little door, getting in the car, driving to the park, and playing in the gazebo would do. I never would've left that house, but I did. Before getting to the North point park the grumbling in my stomach made me realize the one thing I had forgotten to do at the house. Eat. I stopped at the Surf Turf smoothie shop my best friend Layla worked at and got out figuring it would be a quick stop. The heat and light of the sun burned my eyes as I stepped out of the car and approached the shop that was more like a boardwalk stand. No sooner had I stepped up I was embraced in a whirl of tan skin and ebony curls. I laughed returning Layla's bear hug and then stepped back noticing her eyes weren't their usual shade of Emerald. " Wow! I love that purple dress on you! It matches your violet contacts perfectly."
" You think so?" she asked running her hands down her dress nervously.
" I know so." I said. Her smile burst as she glowed with happiness.
"Thanks!" Then she saw my violin case and smiled
" Forgot to eat breakfast again, huh?" I gave her a guilty sheepish smile and replied.
" You know me, always in a rush to play. " she laughed as she started behind the counter to make my usual strawberry and pomegranate smoothie and also grabbed me a cranberry crumble muffin.
" Thanks." I said gratefully as I payed her and started eating. She laughed at me again.
" You know, one day I won't be here to make sure you eat." she teased and I stuck my tongue out at her.
" Ok, Surfer girl." I replied, grinning at her as she now stuck out her tongue at me.
" At least I have a normal hobby, Ms. Prodigy."
" Oh, Of course!" I said dramatically " how ever will I live being that i'm probably the only girl in california that doesn't surf?" Then we looked at each other and laughed. After thanking her one more time, I got into my car with the smoothie and once again started to head off to the park realizing that my quick stop had turned into quite a lengthy visit.
When I got to the park I was surprised to see how few people were out today. After all it was a saturday a normally big day for the park, what was up with the low attendance? Oh, well. It's not like I played for the crowd anyway. I thought, as I walked towards the stunning white gazebo, took out my violin, and began tuning. The rustling of leaves mixed with the harmonies bird songs led me to close my eyes and take a minuet to breath in the sunshine and fresh air. The whole park was in a state tranquil peace and I knew what song I was going to play today. I finished tuning then started tightening the bow. When that was done I started rosining the bow while recalling the sheet music in my mind to Camille Saint- Saens Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso. Remembering that it was written for the violinist Sarasate I stood up violin in my left hand, bow in my right and began to walk to the center of the gazebo.
As I walked silence seemed to overtake the park as if an audience hushing for the long awaited act. The silence was one of apprehension. One that told me from the moment I put my chin on the chinrest and the bow to the strings there's no going back. Play, my love. Play for me, Saya. The whisper was soft and sweet almost like a caress, but there was force behind it, and as if entranced by this force I closed my eyes and began to play. Once I started playing I knew today was definitely different. Instead of playing for fun I played as if I were in concert exhausting all my emotions and energy into the piece so that a piece of my soul was in every note. It was as if something was pulling the notes out of me and pushing me to fight and embody the music in any way I could. The experience was intense and challenging but it thrilled me in a way I had never felt before. I became lost in the notes the notes that were me but weren't as well. When I was finished I could feel a heated gaze behind me. An unknown presence that I wasn't used to. As I turned my breath caught in my throat as deep blue irises sought out my golden one's. Holding my gaze and rooting me to the spot. The teen looked around my age and seemed to enjoy my obvious puzzlement. He smirked and the movement seemed to snap me out of my dreamlike state. The smirk also irritated me it seemed indignant but also familiar. I knew at once that I didn't like this guy at all.
" That was some pretty powerful music you played, too bad it sounded like you were crying." He said running a hand through his short brown hair, his voice caught me off guard and reminded me of the whisper earlier. It also brought back the horrible memory of the last critic from the Shiro competition.
" It's no doubt that the music you play is beautiful. But it always sounds of sadness." I shook my head to clear the memory and looked at the guy in front of me. He looked taller than me with lightly tanned skin. His eyes seemed to draw me in and his smile was breathtaking. There was no doubt that this guy was handsome and was used to getting his way. I shook my head. Snap out of it Saya.
"Thanks." I said quickly walking to my violin case. Stop! The whisper that encouraged me earlier now resounded through my mind it was still a sweet and loving whisper but the force behind it was now more pronounced. The word was a command and something told me the command wasn't optional. Turn around.
" Don't you remember me, Saya ?" this time it was undebatable the voice in my head definitely belonged to the teen behind me.
"No, I do not remember you!" I said whirling around fear and indignation apparent in my voice. I started walking backwards to my violin case.
"Now get out of my mind and leave me a-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because just then I tripped on the Gazebo stair. Oh, Crap! I thought as I closed my eyes and braced for the impact that comes from falling two feet. Instead I fell into something comfortable and strong. I opened my eyes to see deep blue eyes with splashes of green just like the sea right in front of mine. His ragged breathing mixed with my panicked gasps. He was warm. As I gazed into his fathomless eyes I couldn't help but get the sensation that I did know him. There was such sadness in those eyes and that felt wrong to me. There was supposed to be happiness in those eyes, wasn't there? Woah what was up with me? He was just some creep who was clearly delusional and had interrupted my beautiful practice.
"Are you planning on staying in my arms?" The voice full of light pulled me from my thoughts. I indignantly stood and walked the rest of the way to my violin case face flushing as I went.
"Why is your music sad? " asked the teen.
"It's not." I snapped, angry at the stupid comment that seemed to follow me everywhere. When I turned I saw a smug look on his face. That irritated me even further.
"Well, this has been fun lets do it again sometime. Does never work for you? Good." Without waiting for a reply I started to stalked off.
" You can't walk away Saya."
" watch me."
That was when the hole opened up in the ground.
