
Imagine having a nice enough sleep for the first time in a heavy and stressful week; Lisa couldn't wait to start her day with a good morning kiss from her wife and a nice cup of coffee only to be awoken up by a cold hard metal pressed dangerously on her throat and the witch of her nightmare hovering above her.

Lisa parted her mouth in shock as she blinks up at the woman straddling above her. “Jennie, what are you...?”

“Who you dreamin'?”

“What–” Lisa swallowed hard when Jennie pressed the silver revolver upwards, quickly shutting her up.

“Your tits is hard and you're all smiley in your sleep, who you dreamin'?” Jennie repeated as she pushes the barrel on Lisa's Adams apple.

“I–I don't know! Can you put this thing away please?” Lisa widened her eyes in terror.

Jennie clenches her jaw and inhale sharply through her nostrils. “Your my what?”

Lisa scrunched up her face confusedly. “Nigga?” She tried to Joke.

The impatient woman sighs softly and brought her thumb over the hammer as she clicked it making the cylinder rotate slowly while Lisa follow it moves. “I repeat, your my what?”

“W–wife. I'm–I'm  your wife!” Lisa breath out panicky.

Jennie smile looking satisfied as she loosen her grip on the revolver slightly. “Right.”

Lisa sighed in relief but Jennie pushed the revolver back again to it's position on her throat and leaned down, close to her face. “Till when?!”

Lisa probably will die from having heart attack before Jennie could even pulled the trigger. She shut her eyes and whimpers shakily. “Till death do us part.” She breathed out.

Jennie pulled away and smiles. “Good to know.” She placed the revolver down on the nightstand and got out of Lisa's torso.

The terrified woman open her eyes and quickly jump out of the bed as she put the revolver at waist band of her boxer from behind. She put a hand over her chest and looked at her wife. “What was that? What kind of witch posses you this time?”

Jennie stopped at the doorway to turn around. “I woke up pretty early today and couldn't get back to sleep so decided to clean up your office and I came in here to check up on you but you're all giggly and smiling like a fool in your own little dreamland.”

“So you decided to put a revolver on my throat?”

“What? I needed to make sure you're not dreaming to some bitch and can you stop being dramatic? It doesn't even have any bullets in it.”

Lisa looked away as she shakes her head, wiping some sweats that form on her forehead. “You're crazy.”

“You love me, though.” Jennie wink at her before she went out and close the door.

Lisa stared at the closed door and sighed. “You have no idea.” she muttered to herself before hopping inside the shower.

                                . . .

“Mum, can I use your phone?”

Jennie turned around from the stove to raise her perfectly trimmed eyebrows to her son. “And why's that?”

“I'm going to call my friends to come over.”

“Why?” Jennie asked as she places a mug of coffee in front of Lisa receiving a kiss on her shoulder as gratitude from her wife.

Levi stared at his pancakes and shrugs. “We'll just hang out on the pool at the front yard.”

Jennie raises her eyebrows at the unusual behavior of her son because levi isn't very friendly to initiate an invitation for hangouts but nonetheless she take it as a good start.  Jennie then shrugged. “Sure, finished your breakfast and you can call them.”

“Thanks mami.”

She smiles sweetly and turned back around again,  flipping the last pancake on the pan and saw Lia walk passed her on her peripheral vision. “And you missy, where are you going?” She eyed the small plate of pancakes on Lia's hands while the younger one shifts on her feet.

“I'm.. I'll give this to the stray dog outside.”

“You can just give them a dog food.”

“No they um they really love your pancakes mami so that's why.” Lia smile tightly.

“Maybe she'll give it to her boyfriend,” Levi commented and Lisa stopped midway putting her fork inside her mouth to frowned at her son's direction.

“No, sit down and finish your breakfast.” Jennie firmly said.

“but mami~” Lia whines sadly and turned to her mother for help. “Popsss!” she called out, startling Lisa causing the hot coffee to burn her tongue.

“If you want to feed them, you can do it later. For now listen to mami and finish your breakfast.” Lisa compromised while she wipes her chin making Lia sighed in defeat and stride towards the living room.

“Okay I'm finished!” Levi announce and run on Jennie's side, grabbing her phone and disappear out of the kitchen.

Lisa tear her eyes away from where the two disappear to look up at her wife. “by the way, have you talked to lev? Concerning his behavior at school.”

Jennie let out a sigh, take off her apron and tied her hair in a messy bun before sitting in front of the younger woman. “I don't know why is he being all moody and grumpy recently at school.”

“Don't act like you don't know him, he's always like that hun.”

“I know okay, but I meant it like seriously punching a boy? And humiliating his own teacher in front of the class?”

“He punch me before and humiliated me one time at that supermarket when I didn't buy the stuff he wanted you know? caused a scene.”

“He's only 3 that time.”

Lisa shrugged her shoulder as she sips her coffee while Jennie frowned at her luck of interest at the serious topic. Lisa notice the look. “what?”

“I need your thought about this if you didn't realize. I can't let him leave that school with a bad record.”

“well have you talked to him?”

“I did and you need to stop giving him false information.” Jennie rolled her eyes. “Seriously? Carter was swallowed by whales?”

Lisa laughed. “sorry about that.” she shakes her head still chuckling. “But I can't just tell him that carter moves in another state then he would be sad that his friend left him or he'd be having hope that he will come back soon when in reality he won't, I need to tell a little lie in order for him to forget and move on.”

Jennie scoffed and stood up to leave but Lisa grab her wrist and stand up as well as she hug the smaller ones body from behind. “Don't stress yourself too much about this okay? He will forget and realize it eventually, it is like telling them that there's Santa Claus out there every Christmas when there isn't yea?” Lisa leaned down to place a gentle kiss on top of Jennie's head. “I will talk to him.”

“He won't listen to you.”

“Yea Like mommy like son.”

Jennie arched an eyebrow before she turned around and wrapped her arms around Lisa's nape. “Anyway, since you're off today me and the ladies will visit the venue later, can you look out for the kids while I'm gone?”

Lisa stared at her parted mouth. “Of course.”

“without bruise?”

“of course.”

“without letting them starve?”

“of course my love.”

“And without mess in the house?”

Lisa frowned as she chuckles. “Oh come on I can handle everything in here just fine, you don't have to worry okay?”

Jennie smile gracefully. “Okay then, Imma go take a shower now we'll be leaving in a few.” Jennie pulled out of her arms and Jog upstairs with Lisa watching those fluffy ass bouncing with every step on the stairs.

She jumped startled when the sound of bowl met the hard floor. Lisa quickly turned to her 8 month old daughter.

“Da!” Lara squeal, armchair and all over her face is covered in cerelac as she lift her spoon in the air.

Lisa stared at the messy floor before she approached Lara and carry her up her arms. “Clean this up Lara or else–mkp” The word got stuck in her throat when Lara shoved her spoon in her mouth before she blabber nonstop as if telling a great story to her mother.

And as the argument between the mother and daughter died down, Lisa ended up cleaning the mess Lara made anyway before she washed her daughter and replace her clothes into clean one. After they finished she walked down the stairs seeing her wife making milk bottle for Lara. She approached behind Jennie silently as a mischievous idea came up her head. She smirks before grabbing Jennie's shoulder. “BOO!”

But man it was backfired.

“Argw!” Lisa yelp as the spatula collided against her forehead.

“Omg,” Jennie widened her eyes but then glared before hitting Lisa's bicep with the spatula she's holding. “Your fault.” she shakes her head before taking Lara from Lisa's arm and goes upstairs, leaving the woman in pain.

“Your dada is so childish tsk tsk.” Jennie murmured behind.

Lisa rubs her forehead while pouting as she checks the little red bump on her head at the mirror. “Aish.” Her little moment got interrupt when the doorbell rang. She straightened her shirt and headed to the door.

“Oh Hey!” Lisa smiles widely at the three ladies waiting at the doorway after she opened it.

“Oh geez what happened to your head?” Irene grimace as she stared at the purple on Lisa's forehead.

“Ah.. this? It's nothing.” Lisa shrugs awkwardly as she cover it with her bangs. “Don't worry.”

“Who said I'm worried? It's suits you.” Irene retort with sass, tapping Lisa's chin before she walked passed her and inside the house.

“Thanks prude.” Lisa smirked.

Irene stop on her tracks as she turned on her heels and kicked Lisa's butt causing the woman to back away while laughing. “Call me that again I'll skin you alive.” Irene pointed at her before she left them at the doorway.

Lisa giggled, watching her back and turned to Joy and Jisoo. “What's up with bae? Is it day of the month?”

“Oh come on you know she's anti Lisa all the damn time.” Joy and Jisoo laughed as they follow Irene inside.

“True.” Lisa crossed her arms, chuckling and looked up to the stairs. “Oh you goin' to wear that?” She arched an eyebrow at Jennie's attire.

Jennie rolled her eyes with a smile. “I have a thick Jacket.”

“You mean my Jacket.” Lisa hummed, Implying to the Manoban name printed at the back of the Jacket Jennie's holding.

“Oh honey, you see this?” Jennie pointed to the bright diamond on her ring finger. “The moment you decided to put a ring on this finger, everything you own had been mine by then as well and same goes to you.”

“Alright, alright.” Lisa held up an surrender hands.

“Hi aunt Jisoo, aunt Joy and aunt Irene!” Lia walk up to them, smiling.

“Hi Liana!” Irene run to her as she gave the younger one a warm hug. “Why does you're getting prettier day by day? How to be you Lia?”

“I made that.” Lisa said from the back while Lia smile shyly.

“I wish we had a girl too.” Irene pouted, completely ignoring Lisa's comment.

Jennie fix Lia's bangs as she looked at her friend, she smiled. “It's never too late girl.”

“Yea, you can make a whole cheerleader team if you want.” Lisa nods.

Irene turned to her. “yea? Why don't you do it?”

Lisa faked a gasped. “D–do it with you? Bae you know I'm not into you like that, I'm sorry but you're never been my type.” Lisa shakes her head apologetically and groans when Jennie smacked the back of her head.

“Let's go I don't wanna go home late.” Jennie check the inside of her purse before she approached her kids and gave them a kiss and Lisa walk them to the door.

Jennie turned around, looking up to her wife. “will you be able to–”

“I certainly would. No bruise, No trouble, No mess and I wouldn't let them starve.” Lisa quickly cut her off.

Jennie bit her lip as she peck Lisa's mouth. “Okay then, take care okay? I'll be back soon.”

Lisa nodded and watches them leave with Joy's vehicle until they disappear on another street. Lisa closed the door and was about to slump down on the couch when not even a second the doorbell rang. She hisses and drag her feet on the front door. “Did you forget so–”

“Commander!” Little Waine shouted, showing those wide smile as soon as the door opened.

“I told you It's Lieutenant commander.” Levi spoke behind his mother.

Lisa blinks her eyes as Gio and Sam salute to her and run inside the house follow by Junhoo and the excited Waine. Lisa called her son. “Buddy, what's going on? Who invited them?”

Levi turned to his mother. “I did.”

Lisa parted her mouth to say something but shut it afterwards. She couldn't really throw those kids outside can she?

“I can't barely babysit a three what more seven?” Lisa scoffed to herself and closed the door but a black converse stopped it and a woman walk in.

“Relax big boss, It is just me.” Seulgi smirk when the first thing she saw was a deep frowned on Lisa's face.

“Don't step foot inside my house.” Lisa deadpanned, blocking seulgi from entering with her body as their face inches from one another. Then suddenly everything seem to have an intense electricity going on like dragon ball Z as their eyes glared at each other.

“You two are going to kiss or what?”

Lisa quickly step away from seulgi when she hear Levi's voice but naughty seulgi step forward and peck her mouth causing Levi to widen his eyes.

“What the..” Lisa glared to her friend.

Levi gritted his teeth as he march towards them with a clenched fist. seulgi laugh at his reaction but soon groaning as she received a punch on her stomach from Levi. The boy pursed his lips in anger. “you're not supposed to do that! No one except mami!” He turned to his mother, pull her by the shirt as he forcefully wipe Lisa's mouth, literally removing her lip.
