8. An Amortentia Moment

A/N Another 'moment' request from @lottie_maurauder_Xx! This was a challenge because it's a theme that's been done so well, so often...

(995 words)

Horace Slughorn rested his thumbs in the pockets of his waistcoat and surveyed, with excitement, his year-eight class traipsing in.

Over the Christmas holiday he had come up with 'A Plan' which he just knew would work. He hadn't told anyone but he imagined how pleased Minerva would be when he succeeded.

'Welcome everyone,' he beamed broadly. 'Welcome. Now, don't sit down because I've chosen your new partners as we study Love Potions together. Miss Granger and Mr Wizleby, as you are; Mr Longbottom and Mr Finnegan, together...' And so he continued until everyone was paired up, including Harry with Mr Malfoy, who looked at each other with what Horace decided was fondness.

'Right,' he announced. 'Who can tell me about Love Potions?'

He wasn't surprised that Miss Granger's hand shot up. He let her answer.

'Good, good,' he said, not really listening because he was too busy watching Harry. 'So, we are going to brew Amortentia. As you know, it's illegal, so the potions won't be leaving the Lab. However, those who are successful will have the privilege of trying one drop from a pipette.' Horace grinned. He had high hopes for his pairing of Harry with Mr Malfoy, not least because of Harry's wonderful skills at potions. He was sure his Plan was going to work.

There was a certain amount of unrest in the class but he ignored it and hummed to himself.

The class settled and checked the recipe before heading to the store cupboard for their ingredients.

Horace wandered happily around the room, whistling. He stopped beside Mr Malfoy and leant across to peer in their cauldron. 'Very good, very good,' he hummed. 'Harry m'boy, don't forget to whisk the Ashwinder egg until it's in wispy peaks.' He wandered off briefly, before returning. 'Excellent. Make sure that rose thorn is very finely chopped, Mr Malfoy, and only stir three times.'

Mr Finnegan had his hand up but Horace ignored him. He wasn't entirely sure why the boy was doing potions at N.E.W.T. level because he always blew everything up. Though admittedly Mr Finnegan and Mr Longbottom had done a good job on the bridge during The Battle.

'Harry m'boy, tell me what you need to do with the powdered moonstone.'

He was too excited to notice that Harry faltered and it was Mr Malfoy who suggested making it into a smooth paste with the essence of peppermint.

'Good, good,' and he watched closely as Mr Malfoy added the paste, stirred it seven times anticlockwise and then sprinkled in the pearl dust. The powder floated briefly and Mr Malfoy stirred it seven times clockwise. The potion turned a perfect lilac with a mother-of-pearl sheen, the steam rising in characteristic spirals.

'Perfect, perfect. What do you both smell?' he asked, utterly delighted.

He didn't notice that the rest of the class has stopped to watch. He ignored Mr Finnegan's waving hand.

Mr Malfoy leaned over the cauldron. He wrinkled his nose and leant closer. 'Nothing,' he said, disappointingly.

'Oh,' said Horace, confused. He was sure they had done the potion perfectly. 'Harry m'boy, you try.'

'Professor,' interrupted Mr Finnegan. 'Is our potion...'

'Just a moment,' snapped Horace, impatient to hear what Harry smelt. 'Go on, m'boy.'

'Er,' said Harry, leaning cautiously over the cauldron. 'I think...'

'Yes,' Horace also leant closer.

'Er... maybe broom polish,' he said vaguely.

Horace was optimistic, he knew the Malfoy boy played Quidditch. 'And...'

'Professor?' said Mr Finnegan again, with a sense of urgency in his voice.

BOOM! Went Mr Finnegan's cauldron.

Horace was certain the castle shook as he stumbled forward.

When Horace awoke in the Hospital Wing, he couldn't quite remember what had happened but he was rather plagued by a feeling of needing to find Harry.

He also found he was tied to the bed.

'Horace! I'm glad you've woken up,' said Poppy Pomfrey, who was fussing around the room despite all the other beds being empty. 'How are you feeling?'

'Where's Harry?' he said, despite himself.

'Ah,' said Poppy, knowingly. 'I think the potion was probably as potent as Miss Granger suggested. I think it would be a good idea if you drank this.'

She held up a vial of blue liquid.

He eyed it dubiously. 'Will Harry be visiting?' he asked.

'Only if you drink up like a good chap,' she said.

'Of course, of course,' he said, smiling at the prospect of being visited by his favourite student.

The next time he awoke, he groaned. 'Oh goodness,' he cringed. He rather wanted the world to swallow him up. He also thought that perhaps he might have to hand in his notice and retire early.

'Now, Horace,' came Minerva's tight voice. 'Can we untie you or are you going to try and run through the school in an embarrassing fashion, pursuing Mr Potter?'

Horace was fairly certain Minerva was laughing at him, despite her pursed lips.

'Oh goodness,' he exclaimed. 'What happened?'

'Well,' said Minerva. 'Let's just say thank goodness Mr Malfoy was quick enough to vanish the contents of his cauldron before you completely immersed yourself in his potion. And thank goodness Ms Granger was quick-thinking enough to cast an Incarcerous spell upon you before you made a complete fool out of yourself.'

Horace blanched. He remembered stumbling towards Mr Malfoy's cauldron as the explosion caused the potion to jump skywards in large droplets directly into his aghast mouth as he stared at Harry.

'Why didn't the potion work for Harry and Mr Malfoy?' he was confused.

Minerva patted his hand in a kindly fashion. 'It did, Horace. It did. But they had been stood next to each other all afternoon and were too used to each other's smell. Now, I suggest you have a re-think of your lesson plans for the next few weeks.' She stood up and brushed down her skirt. 'And I think it would be for the best if you took the rest of the week off.'

