c h a p t e r - f o u r


I dribbled the ball between my legs, stepped back, and drained a quick three as I waited for practice to officially begin. I continued dribbling the ball as I noticed KD walking over to me.

"You in your zone Curry." He chuckled, watching me make all of my three point attempts.

I chuckled and dapped him up.
"Thank you."

"You excited?"

"For the game?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

Why would he ask that? We were playing the Suns tomorrow, that was an automatic win, what's exciting about that?

"No, not the game. Your anniversary."

I paused then sighed as I realized I had forgotten one of the most important days of the year.
"Oh shit that's tomorrow."

He chuckled.
"You didn't forget right?"

I just rubbed my temple, trying to think of how I forgot the date in the first place. Draymond walked over with a wide smile on his face.
"I know that look Curry. What did you forget this time?"

KD chuckled and turned to him.
"He forgot his anniversary."

I glared at him as Dray laughed. I quickly turned to Draymond.
"Did you remember you and Hazel's anniversary?"

He stopped laughing and thought about it before looking down and checking his Apple Watch calendar.
"Oh shit.".

"I swear y'all have the memory of 60 year olds." Kevin chuckled.

I turned back to Kevin and shrugged.
"I got my anniversary on lock. When your in a marriage like mines, it's not much to plan an anniversary."


I chuckled as Bryce told me yet another subtle joke.
"Shut up Bryce. We haven't even gotten everything done."

"We're making progress. That's what matters." He smiled.

I sat up.
"Okay what's left?"

"We just need some Title III documents and we should have everything in order for your trip to New York next week."

I nodded.
"Okay. Their upstairs, let me get them." I sighed standing up.

"Hurry back!" He smiled as I walked away.

I chuckled.
"Just for that I'm going to take extra long!"

I heard his deep chuckle which was like music to my ears at times as I walked up my staircase. I walked into our bedroom and sighed.
"Okay where are you documents?" I mumbled to myself.

I looked around my dressers and file cabinets and couldn't find them. I decided to go into this practically hidden closet in me and Steph's room that neither of us ever went in. I might have stashed it in there, just to get rid of it. I slide open the door and shifted some things around, trying to look for it. I found a big box of papers and knew it had to be somewhere in there. I grabbed the box and tried to put it down gently but it was super heavy and I ultimately dropped it, causing a big thud to erupt throughout the house.
I groaned.

"You okay Ish!?" I heard Bryce yell from downstairs.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just dropped something." I sighed, standing up.

I went to close the closet back when I found something that caught my eye. A bright pink Victoria Secret bag that took up half the closet. I smiled and pulled it down.
Steph probably brought this for our anniversary. He actually found a decent hiding spot this time.
I decided to be nosy and look through at what he got me but I regretted it as soon as I pulled out the first lingerie piece.
This wasn't my size..none of these were my size..
I took a deep sigh, trying to be understanding and not get angry but I don't know who he brought these outfits for because it damn sure wasn't me.


"Bam bam ba di lum bam bam." I sang along to the end of Famous by Kanye West.

I was driving home from practice, happy to get home and see the girls after a long day. I stopped at a red light and groaned as I saw traffic building up. As soon as I stopped, my phone rang and the name Wifey popped up.

I raised an eyebrow and answered.

"Where the hell are you?"

"I'm coming home from practice right now. What's going on?"
She sounded pissed.

"Just get here as soon as possible. We need to talk." She said angrily, before hanging up.

What the fuck did I do now?


I quickly unlocked the front door and immediately heard footsteps running towards me.
"Daddy's home!"

I could tell it was Riley and before I knew it, my two girls were squeezing me tightly. I smiled and hugged back.
"Hey girls. How was your day?"

"Mine was great! I painted a picture. Want to see?" Riley asked.

I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah show me." I said, picking Ryan up and following her.

She walked to the kitchen table and showed me a picture of her, me, and a basketball.
I smiled and kissed her head.
"It's beautiful Ri."

She smiled in satisfaction.
"Thank you daddy."

"Where's mommy?" I asked, putting Ryan down.

"Upstairs in her room."

I nodded and dropped my stuff, walking upstairs. I took one deep breath before opening our bedroom door and seeing her sitting on our bed, an obvious scowl on her face.
"What's going on?" I asked nervously.

She looked up and sighed.
"What is this?" She asked, referring to the lingerie on the bed.

I held my face and sighed.
"What are you doing with this Aye?"

She scoffed and stood up.
"Who's lingerie is that Steph!? Huh!"

I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Wait what? Who else's would it be other than yours?"

She scoffed again.
"Bullshit. That's not even my size."

I was genuinely confused at this point.
"What? Yes it is."

She paused and looked me in my eyes, finally noticing that I was seriously confused. She rolled her eyes and sat down.
"When is the last time you bought me lingerie Steph?"

I shrugged.
"A while ago, why?"

She looked up and sighed.
"Because if you had bought me some recently, you'd know that I gained weight and I'm a size up now."

I scoffed and sighed at her angry demeanor.
"I was just trying to do something nice for our anniversary. I'm sorry."

She sighed too, standing up and walking towards the door.
"Well look what happened." She spat, rolling her eyes and walking out.
