A fourth royal part 2

Lie-la was seething. Why was it that marinette knew someone from the avengers and she didn't. Well I have so many answers but right now I have to keep the story going. Suddenly an alarm rang. (So endgame didn't happen cause they built the time machine and killed baby thanos) something was happening in the safe room. 

"Friday, pull up the safe room camera please," tony requested. Immediately, the footage was shown. It was Loki trying to steal the tesseract, again. The class looked shocked, well except for Mari, she yawned. Thor smirked when he saw the look on her face. Ooooh it's about to go down! So the god of thunder got a pack of popcorn while marinette tried to keep her cool. She then turned to Ironman, "hey T, you wouldn't mind, would you?" Everyone expected tony to shout at her for calling him T but he actually didn't mind, "be my guest," he decided, still confused about what she wanted to do. Mari walked out of the room.

The security camera that everyone can see (italics is what the people watching are doing/saying):

Marinette walked into the safe room.

"How did she get in?" Steve asked, bewildered. Thor, tony and Natasha looked unfazed, "Its marinette," they said in unison. What did that mean?!

Loki turned around to see a very angry looking sister in front of him. Heck he almost dropped the tesseract. "Hello Loki," marinette began in a stern voice. You could see the beads of sweat on The god of mischeif's forehead, "H-hello Mari."

"Wait what!? Thor! How  does your brother know her?" Bruce asked. Thor shrugged, "you'll see."

Mari inched forward as Loki inched back. "Whatcha holding there lo?" "Nothing, just the tesseract." The two stopped moving as Mari put her hands on her hips, "here's what your gonna do, your gonna put the tesseract back and apologise to the avengers for disturbing them." And just like that, Loki obeyed.

"Holy shit that worked!!!!!! How the fu-" "language!!" "-nky deer did she do that!!!!" 

No more footage

Mari and Loki appeared in the common room where everyone was and Loki apologised to everyone and Mari gave him a hug as he cried into her shoulder, "I'm supposed to be the god of mischief! What am I supposed to do if I can't do bad!?" Mari patted him on the back and gave him an answer, he decided to stay since they were playing truth or dare.

"Adrien truth or dare?"


"Why are you dating marinette? Lila is so much better!!!"

Mari and the MPS burst out laughing and even though Peter knew about adrien, he put an arm  around her shoulder. 

"Mari's already taken and I'm as straight as a globe!!!" Oh my fucking god their faces!!! They were like, what!? But I thought he had was dating marinette!! And now all of a sudden he's gay!? And who is marinette dating!? 

Not that far away, two gods and an ex Russian spy had just found out that their little sister was dating someone. Overprotective mode: activated

"Marinette, care to tell us who your boyfriend is?" The three asked. And that's when marinette realised, she fucked up. But then she had a great idea, "what about Jane Foster? Or even Silvie? Hmm?" The two faultered for a second. Then they began screaming.

*hey cookies! Sorry this is short but the first few days of school are really hectic!*
