Chapter 6

Adrien pov

I fall back on my bed, a thick blush painting my cheeks. My princess was my lady. I smiled like a madman. I couldn't help it. My princess was m'lady. M'lady sent my heart flutter sure. But princess, well she sent my heart wild.
I can hear Plagg snickering.
"Shusshh." I whine.
"So lover boy finally find out that his princess and lady are the same." He cheered.
"Does this mean your going to be twice as lovey dovey now?" He asks.
I smirk at him.
"Noookk!!" He shouted flying away. I laugh loudly.

"Adrien." Natalie said as she knocked on the door.
"Come in" I sigh. Siting back up. She opened the door and walked in. Stiff like the robot I believe she is.
"Your father wishes to speak to you" She announced, sternly walking towards my father's office. I nod and follow her. She knocked on the door and popped her head around the door.
"Sir. He's here" She said. She stood aside and let me in.
"You wanted to see me father" I say walking in the room.
"Yes. I wanted to talk to you about your bodygaurd situation" He said without looking at me.
"What do you mean?" I ask. This was strange.
"Well. I understand you want to hand out with your friends more often, but I don't want you out there with the akuma's and no body guard. So I want you to have a bodyguard around you at all times." He said.
I was shocked at first then I though popped in my head. Princess. I smirk.
" I know exactly who" I tell him.
