Chapter 7

I hung out with Yuri and the two little dogs for a while more and after consuming two more tacos, I decided to go back home.

I walked into my apartment and observed it more than I had been doing.

It was very similar to Amber's and Yuri's except it was clean. As soon as you walked in, you were greeted by a fluffy, comfortable looking sofa facing a medium sized tv.

To the left of the sofa, was the countertop which led you to the kitchen. It was very modern but at a reasonable looking price. As soon as I got here, I had stocked the pantry with Ramen and InstaRice, as well as multiple bottles of water.

To the right of the sofa were two doors, one of which led to the bathroom and the other to the bedroom, which was quiet small, but surprisingly cozy.

I wanted to distract myself. Ever since Yuri told me to go against the agency, I had been thinking if that was even possible.

I would have to help Amber escape, if she needed help at all, but what worried me most was the fact that I could lose her trust.

We had been friends ever since we were in the agency in Korea and after I told her I was sent here to kill her, I was worried on how she would respond to that.

Would she trust that I was helping her?

I sighed heavily and walked to the bedroom.

I began to take out my weapons and clean them. I observed one of my many guns. I had no idea what to call it. It had a chamber like a revolver, but it also had a long snout like a shotgun.

Instead of bullets, there were metal shivs with a yellowish, sharp point.

I didn't dare to touch one of them.

I set it back down and began to clean my knives. I was on my fifth knife when I heard a sudden vibration. I looked towards the sound and found the source. It was just the Phone.

I picked it up and unlocked it and immediately wished I didn't. I felt my face pale as I read the most recent message from my sister.

'Jung Soojung, you better explain yourself because we're coming there. I know you know where Yiyun is.'

"Shit." I muttered. I dropped the phone and went to a shopping bag I had left on the floor. Yuri had given me some clothes after realizing I hadn't gone shopping. She had given them to me and after looking at every single piece of clothing, I had thanked her and set it down near my bed.

I silently thanked her as I went through them to look for a certain leather jacket.

I threw all the clothes on the floor as I looked for it and sighed gratefully as I found it.

It was a jet black leather jacket. I would have liked it, but it was too big for me.

I ran back to my weapon stack and I grabbed one of my knives. After ripping several parts of the jacket, I stuffed four guns, and one stun gun into the newly made pockets. Then I slid three knives into the sleeves.

I picked up the jacket, and after realizing it was much, much heavier, enough to slow me down, I removed two of the guns.

"Shit...shit..." I muttered.

They were coming. I estimated how long it might take them until they arrived here.

Amber was an Elite spy. The best. The agency would most likely send all of the Elites, some soldiers, and a few weapons. That would take time and a heavy duty jet.

No, scratch that. They wouldn't fly a jet to a small urban place like this. It would cause a disturbance and the last thing they needed was attention.

So, a few helicopters was all they could bring. I sighed thankfully as I realized that helicopters were slower than jets.

Tomorrow morning they would be here. Maybe tomorrow afternoon. I sat down as I realized I had overreacted a bit. I tossed the armed jacket on the floor and flopped onto the bed.

As soon as Amber came home, I had to tell her, about who I was and also about the oncoming threat.

After I hid all my weapons back under the bed, I went back to Yuri's apartment and asked to speak to Amber.

Apparently, she was still at work.

A bit frustrated, I went to back to my apartment bedroom and lay on the bed, thinking of a plan. I didn't realized that I drifted off to sleep.


"Dammit!" A cold blonde cursed. She slammed her fists on the table, shaking it. A mug of jet black coffee, that was on the table, shook.

A rugged, dark looking man raised an eyebrow and gently took his mug and sipped the bitter brew.

"Calm down, Sooyeon." He said, placing the mug back down. He yawned, twisting the scar that ran halfway along his face.

"But, chief, we have to get there now. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Soojung could be contemplating with Yiyun on how to escape." The girl argued.

"Or she could be held against her own will in one of Yiyun's possible hideouts." The man replied, monotonously.

"I told you we should have installed a security camera on the Phone." Sooyeon muttered, pacing the room now.

"Should I apologize on trusting your sister?" The man asked, his voice reaching a dangerous level.

"No, but-"

"Or should I install security cameras in your dorm room?" He interrupted. Sooyeon shuddered, knowing the security cam guys would like that a little too much.

"No, sir." She said.

"Then stop your yabbering. Besides, we'll take a couple helicopters there. We'll be there by tomorrow afternoon at most."

"No. Because you said that, Soojung will expect that and slack off. She has learned everything your way and thinks like you, chief." Sooyeon replied. The chief almost smiled. Almost.

"So what do you say we do?" The chief said, reaching for his coffee again.

"I say we take a jet to Canada's border, ride on a helicopter to a remote place near the target, and drive cars to the apartment where they are. Hopefully, we'll catch them by surprise." The blonde said, imagining it in her head.

"It's settled then." The chief said quietly, nodding his head in approvement. "Suji! Collect all the Elites and get them ready for travelling. Jiyong, collect twenty soldiers and ten guards and get them ready also. Jinri and Minho, make any connections needed for the trip to be possible. Ask Sooyeon if you have any questions.

"If her plan works out, I predict we'll arrive there at around..." He looked at his watch and smiled.

"Ten pm."

At that moment a single thought ran through a certain someone's mind. careful...I hope you're safe, because we're bringing danger...


A blonde inhaled the night air and smiled. She headed towards her apartment and opened the apartment door.

She was confused as to why it was dark, but as soon as someone else turned on the lights, she gasped at a lone figure on the sofa.

