Even help with homework

Tommy and Tubbo were chilling in Tubbo's room when Tommy got a call from Phil. He had turned his phone on an hour ago to find over one hundred notifications from both of his brothers from all sorts of different apps. Still, he ignored them and answered the call.

"Yo, you're on speaker, Tubbo's here."

"Hi!" Tubbo said towards the phone before turning back to his computer.

"Ah, alright then." Phil paused. "Wilbur just called me."

Both boys froze, looking at each other before Tommy got the courage to speak. "And? What did he say?"

A long sigh came from the other end of the line. "He told me that you weren't home "at the moment"," Tommy could feel the air quotation even through the phone, "He was wondering if you had texted me about hanging out with friends."

"Ah," Tommy said, once again glancing at Tubbo. "And, uh, what did you say?"

Phil sighed again, this time sounding like it came out through his nose. "I told him that no, I hadn't heard from you, though you were probably hanging out with friends, like Tubbo, and that your curfew was midnight." Phil paused before continuing. "They are supposed to call if you aren't home by then. I'm guessing they tried messaging you?"

"Uh, yeah, like six hours ago maybe?"

"And you didn't respond." This sounded more like a statement than a question, so Tommy just hummed in response. "Okay, but I want you to at least respond to them tomorrow, saying that you are safe."

"Alright, I can do that."

The line went quiet again, and Tommy almost started to say goodbye before Phil spoke up again. "They didn't know who Tubbo was when I mentioned him. I had to tell them he was Dream's brother. They are probably calling him right now."

Tommy tensed; this could go badly if Dream decided not to keep his word. "Okay, thanks for telling me. And thanks for letting me stay with Tubbo for a bit. I've had a lot of fun."

"You're welcome, Tommy," Phil said in a caring tone, "You needed a break, and your brothers needed a wake-up call."

Tommy smiled at this; he was glad Phil was on his side. "Night Phil, love you."

"Good night Tommy, don't worry your brothers too much for too long. Love you too." They ended call, and Tommy laid back onto Tubbo's bed, enjoying the soft blankets.

Not a minute later, there was a knock on the door, and it opened to reveal Dream standing there. "Yeah, yeah, Wilbur. I can ask Tubbo if he's seen Tommy lately." He stared directly at Tommy while saying this, burning a hole into his soul. "Hey Tubbo? You seen Tommy recently?" Dream directed his statement to his younger brother but didn't break eye contact with Tommy.

"Uh, no, not recently. Why?" Tubbo said loud enough for those on the other side of the phone line could hear, but not loud enough to be suspicious.

"Wilbur was looking for him, any idea where he might be?"

Tommy was starting to find this whole thing fairly ridiculous and funny. He had to stifle a small laugh into the blankets in which he was snuggled.

"Uh, nope. He could be out with our other friends, but I doubt he would go anywhere without telling me." Tubbo was completely right on that point. He rarely went anywhere without texting Tubbo where he was going. Tubbo was also trying to stifle a laugh while he was saying this, causing Tommy to want to laugh more.

Dream glared at them once more before leaving. "Wilbur, you got all that?....... Yeah man, sorry I couldn't help. I'm sure he will turn up. "

The two boys held in their laughs as best they could as Dream walked down the hall and back to his own room. Only once Dream's door was shut did they let out the quietest of laughs. "That was funnier than I thought it was gonna be," Tubbo whisper laughed.

"I know!" Tommy whisper laughed back, "And did you see your brother glaring at me? That was pure gold."

The two boys continued to laugh quietly for a couple minutes and were still laughing when Dream came back into Tubbo's room. "Two things," Dream said leaning against the doorframe holding up two fingers, "One: I hope you are happy that I lied to my friends for you." Tommy nodded, hoping he looked as grateful as he felt. "Two: it's messed up that they didn't notice you were missing for five days." Dream looked rather upset about this, probably thinking about one of his siblings going missing and how fast it'd take him to notice.

"On top of that," Tubbo said from his seat at his computer, "they didn't know who I was."

Dream blinked at the two, confused and a little shocked. "They didn't know who you were? But you've been friends for years? And didn't you go over to Tommy's house a couple of times?"

"Yeah," Tommy answered, "but they were always in their rooms. Streaming or something."

Dream blinked again, looking between the two. "I don't even see you that much," he said to Tommy, "but I at least know who you are and know what you look like."

Tommy just hummed, snuggling back into the comfort of the blankets.

"Your brothers need to get their sh*t together," Dream said as he started to leave.

"Why do you think I'm doing this?" Tommy replied tiredly. Dream just grunted as he closed the door and left. "I'm tired, Tubbo."

"Then go to sleep Tommy. I'm just going to finish editing this, then I'm going to bed too."

Tommy hummed in response again, falling asleep as he did so.

(954 words)
