Oh, Lovely

(Recognize The Pic? if you look in my works ya will,)

Brandon Then Decided That He was gonna start Rolling away from the scene of his Completely Destroyed Van, So he then used his arms and started rolling through the forest looking for a way back to civilization. after rolling for about an hour and a half he encountered a hill and he started flying down the hill........with no brakes so Brandon then started Yelling as he flew down"OHHHHHHH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIIIIIT!!" as he got to the bottom he looked around for something to stop himself with but he looked forward only to see a big branch "well Sh-" Brandon didn't get to finish his sentence as he was launched from his Wheelchair he then did a sliding face plant and hit his head off of a Tree, he said "SHIT THAT HURT!"(man the cursing is happening a lot now....) Brandon looked around hoping that he could see a way to get back to his wheelchair, he then saw a Problem, his wheelchair was in Pieces so he then Whispered "Well.....that sucks." as he then pulled himself up to sit up against a tree. He closed his eyes but not for long as he heard footsteps coming towards him he opened up his eyes only to see what he made out to be a Woman with long black hair and a Knife he then thought for a minute as she got closer only to realize who this person is.......It Wasn't Jeff the Killer But Shaggy........and with boobs.....it was..............(SUSPENSEFUL PAUSE).......................................Jess The Killer. He then Saw her Bend down to his level as she said "Awww looks like someone lost his wheelchair, What are ya gonna do to get away from me huh? Run!?" She said as she Then Took the Knife up to Brandon's Throat and said "It's Really Tempting to slice your neck open right now....but i want you to suffer," Brandon Did Indeed Look Scared as he had no way to fight back but his arms aaaaand he wasn't exactly a super buff guy so that wasn't gonna happen. Jess then Put The Knife away and punched Brandon Square in the Face Knocking Him Out Instantly.........Jess Picked The Unconscious Brandon up and started to carry her to the Place she called home where her and her "Nice" friends live Together. She was Pretty Eager to Finally Get to Torture Someone Again Considering it had Been about 3 Mount's since She had Gotten To, So she was pretty pumped. 

(So How's The Story So Far? Good? Bad? A Piece Of S#&$? Well i hope it's at least okay, Also i wanted to Thank All of you for Almost 60 Reads! That's A lot for a Small Writer with not a lot of Followers! But Anyways Here the Thing, So i was wondering what other Creepy pastas i should put into the story because how i'm gonna do it is there isn't a big mansion just a Normal Sized 2-Story House they Live in so i need 3 More of Em! so go ahead and tell me who i should add in!)
