Part 4 New friends

Now this is my favorite chapter

So your telling me Dream and Chilynn are together in the same place and the only person that can talk to them is your friend Ranboo Techno Deo said

Im right here Ranboo said

Yes said Techno

Well what are we going to do then deo said

Huh ok this hasn't happened in a while hmm said Ranboo

What Ranboo Sam said

Dreams trying to pull me in to my ender walk state himself right now Ranboo said

Wait what foolish said

Yeah so I guess I'm going to go now Ranboo said

Well ok deo said

Ranboos pov

I then let Dream drag me into my ender walk state and I here Dream say Ranboo you can open your eyes now

Oh I didn't even realize I had my eyes closed

It's ok Dream said

Why did you want me here Dream

Well Chilynns been trying to figure out what's going on her self isn't that right Dream said

Yea This person has to be either a former or current admin I just don't know who though because that's the only way someone could do this Chilynn said

Oh so be careful

Yes Chilynn said

Got it

Also Sam wanted me to ask how you ended up here with out him knowing Dream

Well that's a lot story... we then hear footsteps and Dream whispers that I will tell you later then I disappear from the room and appear in front of tubbo Tommy George Sapnap Sam Phil Foolish Techno and his friends

Oh Ranboos back I here foolish say

Yeah hi I'm back

So what did Dream want to talk about Techno asked

did you get to ask Dream the question I wanted you to ask him Sam asked

So for the first question Dream or we'll chilynn wanted to talk to me because it seems like the person that did this is either a former or current admin and to be careful and Sam I didn't because I actually almost got caught

Wait what one of technos friends said I think his name is deo

Yep he was about to answer then we heard footsteps and Dream forced me to come back here

Oh ok also Dream can literally just force you in to ender walking Phil asked

Yep he can that how I use to do it all the time before I learned to control it myself

We all then hear the hub portal turn on and see four people come out they all land on their back

What the heck dudes said one that looks like a dog

Wait Tommy said

That's one of the hermits Tommy adds

We all are said one of the others that has a suit and a mustache and has the same accent Tommy Tubbo Phil George and Wilbur

Tommyinnit my dude at least I see someone I recognize the dog dude says

Ren can I get a hand said one of them who is like a half creeper half robot dude

Oh yeah sorry doc ren said

Tommy we hear a female voice say

Oh false hi Tommy said

Oh ren and false Tubbo said

Yeah hi Tubbo hi Tommy

Oh hi tommy hi tubbo another one of the hermits here said

Grian tommy said

Hi grian tubbo said

Can I ask why you guys just randomly fell through our portal oh and for the people that might not know me hi I'm Technoblade but you can just call me Techno. Techno said

Well some weird Person in a green hoodie appeared and took are servers admin some of us were teleported here right before he disappeared ren said

Technos pov

Ok well we at least minus those four Techno said and points two bitzel Deo thirty and squid

We're all apart of a server called the dreamsmp and the same thing happened to us are admin Dream disappeared as well

Oh Ren said

Dream really false said

Ok before we go any further introductions please Ranboo said

Oh yeah haha the one ren called doc earlier said

Hi I'm mumbo the mustache man said

Im doc the creeper cyborg said

And you all already know who we are false said

Yes Ranboo said

Now who are you guys besides the people that have already introduced their selfs doc said

Hi I'm Sam

I'm George

I'm Sapnap

I'm philza or just phil if you want

I'm Wilbur

I'm foolish

I'm Ranboo

I'm timedeo but you can just call me deo

I'm thirtyvirus or just thirty

I'm Bitzel

I'm squid

Since you guys have been dealing with this already what do you guys know

Well first of all the person can disguise themselves as someone else but they prefer to do the people they already took like Dream as you guys described him

Wait so that wasn't Dream but yet it looked like him

Yeah chilynn who's another one of the people they took said it's possible an former admin

Wait how do you guys know this Ren said

Well me Ranboo said

Oh doc said

Yeah I'm an endermen hybrid that has a special state that's connected to are admin Dream so if I activate that state it will teleported me to Dream we're ever he is it also allows a telepathic connection between me and Dream but yeah

Oh false said

Hey Dream is it safe for me to teleport to you

Yes it is why

I will tell you when I get there

Ranboo we're you just talking to Dream George asks

Yes I was

Ok well then George said

Ranboos pov

I got to go I say and splash my self with water

I then apear we're Dream is

Uh Dream who's that someone else said


You must be the hermitcraft admin I'm Ranboo by the way

How do you know that Ranboo he asks

I meet some of you servers players uh ren false doc mumbo and grian

Oh good Also is doc ok

Uh he can't move with out help right now

I knew something happened to him during our fight with it but I never got a good look at what happened to him

Wait you fought it Dream said

Yeah we did

Also doc's which one Dream said

He's the creeper cyborg hybrid the hermits admin said

Ponk might be able to help him Ranboo

Oh yeah he might I forgot that happened

Yeah I figured you did also have Sapnap or Sam add the hermits to the server whitelist

Oh and by the way Ranboo my names xisuma and here's the list of all the members of my server He said and hands me a list of all the people on his server

Thank you i will give this to Sam and Sapnap I say and then get ready to splash my self again

Hey Ranboo next time try and bring Sam Dream said

Ok I will try Dream I say and splash myself and then appear once again on Techno and deos skyblock island

Ok I'm back Ranboo said

We're did you go doc asks

I went and had a nice chat with Dream actually Sam Sapnap come over here I have something for the two of you

Oh ok sure Sam said and him and Sapnap come over to me and I hand them the paper xisuma gave me

Yeah we can do that ok well let's get started Sam this is going to take a bit

Yep it is Sam said and they both walk into the hub portal

What are those to doing deo said

I don't know probably some server stuff as they along with me have access to the server console but Dream never trusts me to do actual server work so I just don't George said

I then message Sam and say

Ranboo: Sam whitelist the people with us first ok

Sam: ok got it will do

Ranboo:let me know when they are whitelisted

Sam: will do

And not even 10 minutes later I get a message from Sam

Sam: ok their whitelisted

So do you guys know someone that can help doc ren said

Not that I know of Techno said

That's only because you don't play on the server much Techno but yeah we have someone that might be able to help doc Ren

Really said Ren

Yeah his name is ponk I'm going to have him on stand by for when we join the server

Wait what grian said

Oh yeah that's what Sam and Sapnap went to do

What about us deo said

You four as well

Oh cool Bitzel said

Well let's go then I guess Mumbo said


Finally I got another chapter done but let's go also I didn't plan on adding the hermits originally but then as I started writing it kinda just happened because it made since so yeah but anyways also the rest of the hermits are ok they will be in the next chapter maybe I don't know
