there she is

Ibuki wore her usual outfit hoping Mikan won't mind. The sunlight brushed her face, as a blush soon appeared on her cheeks. The thought of how Mikan looked, how her voice sounded like music to her ears and how she would hear that soon, was amazing to her. She hummed a quiet melody, fidgeting with her thumbs. Ibuki imagined Mikan as a human goddess. Like human Aphrodite.

"H-Hey! Are you Ibuki?" A shy voice calls out to her laced with a mix curiosity and paranoia.

Ibuki's eyes lit up as she turned around and saw a pale girl, blushing. Her dark purple hair cascaded down her back, strands of hair lifted by the wind. Ibuki's blush grew darker, her eyes widening, as she stared at the girl she thought to be stunning.

"Hey Mikan! This is Ibuki!" Ibuki assures her, adding a cheerful tone to her voice as she opens her arms for a hug, which Mikan reluctantly accepted.

"It's good to see you in p-person!" Mikan shyly looks away, her eyes flickering towards Ibuki. A smile tugged at Ibuki's lips, as she giggled in response.

They started having a conversation, discussing favourite characters, games, shows, anything. Giggles could be heard from the two girl's lively conversation. They talked for what seemed like hours, both excited they could finally meet.

"Ibuki wants us to meet at the saaame place again!
Buuut! This time at the end of the day! Okay?"

Soon, they parted ways, having to go to class. Ibuki couldn't focus. The whole time, she was focused on the thought of Mikan in her head, every time she tried to smother it, the thought would stay, lingering in her mind. Ibuki doodled hearts on her work, maybe just one... just one heart saying "M+I". As she doodled, a blush crawled up her neck.

She couldn't wait for the end of the day

<owo mikan pov time>

Mikan couldn't stop herself from blushing. She fidgeted with her thumbs and clicked her pen, probably annoying a few people there. The fragile nurse's corner of her lips quirked up, forming a smile. She couldn't stop thinking about Ibuki, and what she wanted to talk about. Maybe a Mikan was overthinking it. Ibuki probably just meant she wanted to talk, right?

Mikan was confused and didn't know what Ibuki meant, but for a strange reason, she found herself content with it.

<time skip to end of the day bc,,,,,,,, just bc>

Ibuki found herself playing with her hair, fidgeting with her thumbs and things alike, her eyes flickering to each side of her body, words forming in her head as she thought of what to say.

Ibuki stood in the place they agreed to meet, taking deep breaths as she waited for Mikan to arrive, imagining her pretty purple hair and her pretty face in her arms, her soft lips on hers. Ibuki giggled to herself, enjoying the thought.

The scenecore girl watched the clouds pass, weird shapes drifting into the distance. She saw a familiar pink haired boy holding hands with another boy, with ice cream looking hair. A soft smile tugged at her lips, happy for Souda.

The shark boy noticed Ibuki, his eyes lighting up in the process, speeding towards her, dragging the other boy along. He looked suprised by the sudden action, but quickly masked it with a calm expression.

"Ibuuuuuuukiiiii!" Souda called out to the girl. He smiled at Ibuki. "It feels like I haven't talked to you in like.. years! Alright, maybe the actual answer is a day or something, but still!"

"Oh and," He clinged onto the other boy's arm, looking up at him and smiling. "This is Gundham," Souda hesitates, Gundham glancing around him and nodding. "My boyfriend."

Ibuki grinned widely, immediately whisking Souda into a tight hug. Souda flinched, hesitating, before deciding to hug her back. The two smiled and hugged like children, leaving Gundham confused.

"Heeellooo! My name is Ibuki Mioda! You probably know that though!" She introduced herself, offering her hand. Gundham shook her hand and gave her a polite smile.

"Well, we should get going now. Bye Ibuuukiii!" Souda waved goodbye before taking Gundham's hand and skipping away. Ibuki smiles, wishing that Mikan and her could be like that.

Minutes past, and Ibuki finds herself staring at her shoes, getting lost in fantasies of her and Mikan. A soft sigh escapes her lips. She hoped Mikan would come soon.

A tap on her head made her loop up. A familiar group of girls awaits her.

"Heeeey! How come you're here waiting? Don't you have anything better to do with your life?" Hiyoko asked, in a rude tone, glaring at Ibuki, her face asking for answers.

"Hiyoko, don't be so rude! I'm sure Ibuki has a good reason. Jeez, you really need to be nicer," Kaede started, glancing at Hiyoko. "We just wanted to check up on you."

"Hey! I'm not rude at all!" Hiyoko protested.

"I gotta agree with Kaede here, you're pretty rude.." Sayaka points out, taking small steps away from Hiyoko, as the small girl glares at the blue haired girl.

"Anyway," Kaede glares at Sayaka and Hiyoko. "Are you doing okay?" Kaede asks.

"Ooo! Are you waiting for someone? Who?! WHO?!" Hiyoko cuts in, curiosity lacing her voice as she glanced up at the girl, begging for answers.

"Errr.... yeah! Ibuki's waiting for Mikan! You know her! Ibuki's doing okay, no worries!" Ibuki answers, her eyes scanning the area once more for Mikan.

"Well.. I guess we can leave now! Hope whatever-you-and-mikan-are-doing goes well! I mean, we all know it's a confession, but whatever!" Sayaka waves goodbye, before dragging Kaede and Hiyoko along with her, Hiyoko struggling to get out of her grasp. Kaede giggles and waves goodbye.

Ibuki waits and waits, watching the clouds pass and pointing out different shapes, replaying memories of her and Mikan. It was getting late and Ibuki hoped Mikan would arrive soon. A small tear slipped down her cheeks, and soon, a few more slippped down.

"H-Hey!" A shaky voice says from behind, she feels a nervous tap on her back. Ibuki turns around to be met with a familiar purple haired beauty. A blush crawls up her neck, her eyes flickering to her side.

"Heeeeello Mikan! What's up?" She answers, a smile worn on her face.

"I-I should be asking you that.. after all.. you told me to come here. W-Was that rude? I-I'm s-sorry!!" Mikan cries out, a string of apologies escaping her lips. Ibuki places her hand on Mikan's shoulder.

"Hey, hey! It's alright! Ibuki didn't think it was rude!" Ibuki reassures the girl. She wants to hold Mikan, give her a thousand kisses and tell her "I love you." but Ibuki can't do that. Not yet.

Ibuki decides she will confess to Mikan.

Her original plan was to just talk, but Ibuki wants to finally tell Mikan her feelings for her. Ibuki loves her. She accepts it.

"S-So... what did you want to tell me?" Mikan timidly asks, wiping her tears away, managing a small smile on her face.

This is it, Ibuki thinks.

"Ibuki... Ibuki doesn't really know how to say it. Ibuki- no, I, I love you. Ibuki wants to hold you and whisper lovey dovey things in your ear. Ibuki wants to feel your lips against hers. Ibuki wants to be with you. Ibuki loves you." Ibuki confesses. A billion nervous thoughts cloud her mind, as she tries to shake them off one by one.

She waits.

And waits.

And waits.

It feels like time is going so slowly.

She waits.

And waits.

And waits.

I love you too, Ibuki."

Ibuki's world stops. She never would of thought she would hear those very worlds. The most likely scenario in her head would of been that Mikan friendzones her, but never this. She's lying, isn't she? Ibuki thinks, even though she knows the answer is no.

She just couldn't believe it. Ibuki has a wide grin on her face.

"Can... Ibuki do something?" Ibuki asks shyly, a timid look on her face as her eyes flicker to the side. Mikan nods curiously. Ibuki blushes furiously, and Mikan can't help but wonder what she wants. Mikan thinks she has a clue.

Mikan stares at Ibuki with a confusion, her look of curiosity quickly becoming a flustered and blushy look as she realises the scene girl leaning in, a grin on her face. Their lips connected and joined the two together in a fit of love and adoration. Ibuki slowly wraps her arms around the nurse's waist as they kissed, the musician smiling into the kiss.

Soon, they pulled away, gasping for air, a string of saliva connecting their lips. A pop can be heard as they disconnected. Ibuki and Mikan stared at each other with a grin on their faces. The musician pulls the nurse into a tight hug, a squeak escaping the purple haired girl's lips. They soon let go, ending in Mikan sitting on Ibuki's lap.

They should really go home soon, but they're content staying like this for a few more minutes.

"Ibuki loves you."

"I love you too."


Sooo... that's the last chapter! Well maybe not the last.... but you know what I mean! I'm kinda upset that i never got Mikan to meet the music gals and Ibuki's other friends,,, i really wanted to write fuyuhiko. I may write another fanfic so uh.... reccomendations for ships???

Thanks for reading, loves!
