together โค๏ธ

Jimin :- u told me that u have a expensive thing . What is that u will not tell me .

Anushka:- my Grandfather is not is in world . He left me alone . I was more close with since from childhood . Then i came to America I left house , village and my country.

Jimin :- u know if everything was in human hand is it called the life . We should forgot about that and move forward . Everything is nit in ur hand .

Anushka:- how easily u say . I think America then easily.ย  In india after they also they will never forgot. But u will not understand that.

Anushka goes from there

Jimin drops her to home .

Jimin :- Anushka one minute ! When I 10 years my died . When she died I use cry whole moth in room . But my mom never came back . Neither my problem solved . I can understand u feelings . I know india is beautiful but America is well . From our feelings u leave this nature and Americaย  friends. Give them time it will change. I have saved my number in your phone . If u think my words are then call me .wait for u .

She get down from car .

Time skips

Next Morning ๐ŸŒ„

ushka was sitting in front of mirror and her phone rings .

She picks the call .

Jimin :- hello !

Anushka:- thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š jimin. When I started to see ur worldย  I am feeling better .

Jimin :- that great ! What are u doing afternoon?

Anushka:- afternoon , nothing.

Jimin:- so I have teo film tickets. My friend got some work he will not come so can u come ?

Anushka mind:- I thought he is plan to meet me but he told directly.

Anushka:- Humm.. I will think and tell

Jimin :- what do u mean ?

Anushka:- mr jimin if girl tells no means no . If she tells she want think then she will come to meet .

Jimin:- ohhh!

Anushka:- which film ?

Jimin :- if u will come u will come to know .

Anushka:- OK see u bye .

After some they meet each other.

Jimin:- how u look in india no one cares . But this America if u want u can u beauty u can .

Anushka:- Acha! So u are telling I am not looking beautiful?

Jimin :- no no Not like that .

A lady comes there .

Lady :- mam , may I help u . She askes.ย  Wow u look so beautiful I liked u style . Where are u from?

Anushka:- india .

Lady :- let me show u collection . Here I will .

Then they start seeing dresses .

Anushka shows one dress but jimin tells no .

Jimin :- black doesn't suits on u . Try this ?

He gives dress .

After some time . But Anushka comes wearing black dress.

Jimin was sitting on sofa .

Her dress , earrings , bracelet,ย  hairstyle , sandalsย  , purse , makeup.

Jimin sees and he not blink his eyes also .

Anushka:- how I am looking ?

Jimin:- Beautiful ๐Ÿ˜!

Anushka:- Thank you .

Jimin outfit ๐Ÿ˜.

Jimin :- I don't know how this dress looking on u but black is highlighting on u . I am happy that world see u in diffrent way .

Anushka:- Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š.

Jimin:- Anushka Sharma , now let's go .

Now fully they became close and they enjoy together.

One day .

They both meet hear .

Anushka:- thanks jimin . When I was leaving and came here. I was very sad but u changed my life not only life my style also . Thank u so much .

Next day

Anushka gave tea to Nisha and Asha.

Anushka:- how is it ?

Asha :- u know I told u when u came that canteen coffee is best .
It was wrong.

Nisha:' it is more better than coffee.

Asha:- yeah !

Anushkal:- thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š.

Anushka's look.

Asha's look .

Nisha's look .

Jimin and Anushka were get more day by day .

At college

Sir :- so I want announce the topper of the class Anushka Sharma.

Every sees them and claps .

At home

Basavanna came out of home doing jogging.

Kamala :- where are u going ?

Basavanna:- I am jogging.

Kamala:- if u want to do jogging do here . Don't go anywhere . If u forgot the way .

Basavanna:- u thought I will forgot . Still I can tell u where I kept the bank documents? I can tell In all accounts money is there.

Kamala:- everything u know but one thing forgot. Vimala not Kamala.

Basavanna:- with changing country u changed ur name . She laughs " don't beat ur so had that u will also forgot.

Anushka was sitting with her friends.

Anushka:- so working more we can start business. If we needย  clarity we should need this .

Asha :- what !

Anushka:- what not spot . Spot means learning about market profit ,loss , opportunities we can start ur own business.

At home

Anushka was studying in her room abhi enters

Abhi :- Anushka!

Anushka:- bro what is this?

Abhi :- open it

It was a watch.

Anushka :- what is a need of this . Thank you bro .

Abhi :- time us important to think about it it helps.

Anushka:- it is nice thank you.

Abhi :- take this . He gives one letter to her. " Go there and give interview OK.

Anushka:- bro time is expensive for everyone for u also for me also . Doing job is waste of time for me . I am not going anywhere.
I have my life goal u know it well .

Abhi:- Anushka we not made ur admission for u to do your choice . I u want to leave
in this house u have follow my words.
If u don't want to follow u can go it ur choice now your's.

He goes from there .

Next Morning

Anushka went to office for interview.

Her dress ,sandals,ย  hairstyle makeup.

At the they lady at counter was calling everyone

Lady :- candidate 1 , candidate 2, candidate 3 , candidate 4 Anushka Sharma.ย  U can go in please.

She goes inside.

Anushka:- excuse me ,sir

It office boss jimin .

Jimin :- hey Anushka u what pleasant surprise.

Anushka:- hey !

Jimin :- what is need of interview to u ? If u would tell u should thought u got job .

Anushka:- thanks but also u take my interview. I want to take job by my hardwork .

Jimin: - well Anushka I how much capable are u . I will ask u one general question. There are sitting for Bharti male but I have to choice a female candidate ?

Anushka:- no 1 that I am a topper from school to post graduation I have been a topper. There are many works there are trained for female not mens like multitasking. That the female work in home take cares and give birth to child that Pain she control but a men can't control in science also they tell mental fitness is more in female than men .and in business aslo men cannot design like female .

Jimin :- wow liked itย  u can join the post .

End of the part
