
Olivia was on her phone. She knows people from a world named Alnara but has been very discreet about it.

She played games on her phone, considering no one was talking to her.

However, Olivia suddenly felt and saw her phone being yanked out of her hands

"Yoink! Now, let's see what you're up to, missy," Henry grins.

He looked at the screen, seeing Olivia was playing a puzzle game

"Puzzles? You're boring, Olivia," Henry sighed, smiling a little.

Olivia snatched her phone back.

"I like puzzles. They give me attention when you lot ignore me." She said and got up.

Olivia turned her phone off and put it away just as Henry got up

"Hey, look, I'm sorry. Why don't we all go out to relax, yeah?" He asked.

The others nod, too and get up.

"Why don't we go to that beautiful cafe with the garden outside?" Olivia suggested, her eyes twinkling with excitement

"Nah. Boring. Why don't we go to that pub that makes awesome cocktails?" Garnet grins

"Yes! They make the best homemade soft drinks, too! Much better than smoothies, tea, etc," Jake nods.

Olivia knew the family were being judgemental of her. As they always are.

Sighing, Olivia shrugs her shoulders.

"In that case, I don't feel like going. I won't hang around with you people while you drink cocktails and all that rubbish. I'd rather take a walk," she mumbled.

Marcus slings his arm around Olivia's shoulders.

"Come on, Olivia! You may have a lot of fun!" He grins

"How often have I gone out with you and visibly had fun? Answer me that." Olivia asked, not smiling anymore

"Hey, we were joking with you! You know we love to joke around, Olivia," Marcus smiles.

Olivia crossed her arms over her chest

"When it's about me, you do," she mumbled.

Marcus heard her, however.

"That's not true, Olivia. We joke with you to try and lift your spirits!" He says happily.

Olivia decided enough was enough. She stormed out of the mansion. She has had enough.

Knowing her girlfriend, Iris Starling, was available during the day, Olivia texted her and asked if she could come over.

Iris replied, saying okay. However, she told Olivia a male friend of hers was there too.

Olivia felt her heart sink. She didn't reply after that. She walked to the Starling mansion and knocked.

Eventually, the doors opened, and Iris stood beside her guy friend.

"Hey, hey, girl! Come in," Iris grins, and she and her guy friend move aside.

Olivia smiles and thanks her girlfriend. However, just as Olivia was going to kiss Iris, she stopped Olivia.

"Nuh ah, not today, girl," she says carefully.

Olivia felt hurt, and it showed on her face

"So... I assume this guy is... your friend?" She asked

"Ah... well, I'll come out with the truth. He's my boyfriend. Has been for years. Sorry girl, you just weren't my type," Iris smiles politely.

Olivia could see the memories of her and Iris playing back in her head. She returned to reality, realising they were a waste of her memory space.

Only nodding a little, Olivia held back her tears. She looks at Iris

"In that case, delete my number." She said calmly

"What? Why would I want to do that?" Iris asked, shocked

"You bent my trust so badly, Iris. I don't trust you anymore. Delete my number, and don't contact me ever again." Olivia sneered and left, slamming the doors shut as she did.

Olivia was at her wits' end. She went to the cafe she had suggested earlier. She ordered a mug of sweet strawberry tea and a beautiful strawberry sundae there.

On this day, Olivia just wanted to drown her sorrows somehow. She was served her drink and sundae.

Olivia thanked the waitress, who smiled and nodded at Olivia, then got back to work.

The smile once on Olivia's lips was now long gone. Olivia looked out at the garden, feeling extraordinarily hurt and insecure.

Olivia looked at her tea and sundae. She swallowed, feeling the dreaded lump in her throat. However, Olivia decided not to let her sundae and tea go to waste.

Just as Olivia picked up the spoon and was about to eat some strawberry ice cream, footsteps approaching her stopped her.

Olivia looked and saw the male Iris was with. She immediately put the spoon back in the sundae glass, not amused.

The male sits down with Olivia.

"I didn't know Iris was dating a girl. I had no idea," he said carefully.

"Doesn't matter. She doesn't need a girl as a sexual partner. I'm just the side piece. Always will be," Olivia smiles bitterly.

"I feel bad. You seem like such a lovely girl," the male said cautiously.

Olivia gives the male an annoyed look.

"Don't give me that. You're judging me just like everyone else. Stop trying to please me. I'm beyond hurt, " she said in a slightly shaky voice.

Olivia's response took aback the male.

"What? I'm not here to judge you; I'm not judgemental of you! I want to help you," he said

"I don't believe you," Olivia said merely.

"I know you don't, and I know you find it hard to trust me, but do you happen to know a place named Alnara?" The male asked

"I do, yeah. Why?" Olivia asked, not showing she didn't like where the conversation was going

"I know everyone there. They've told me about you. That's why I was shocked when you revealed that you and Iris were dating. I dumped Iris then and there for lying to me and betraying my trust, time, and love, " the male said.

Olivia swallowed a little, looking away and at the garden again

"Well, we're both on the same page there... I guess Iris played both of us with each other," she said carefully

"Exactly my point. I thought Iris was the one. Perfect, out there and an amazing lover. But, it turns out she didn't have much brains or a kind enough heart to spare the two of us," the male sighed.

He got up and went inside and ordered an orange ice cream sundae and an orange tropical smoothie.

He came back and sat down with Olivia

"Who are you...?" Olivia asked, looking at the male

"My name is Zack Zarper. I'm eighteen and grew up here on my own after a massive family fallout," Zack introduced himself

"I see. Well, it's nice to meet you, Zack. I'm Olivia Southwell, sixteen," Olivia introduced herself.

The two shook hands just as Zack got his smoothie and sundae. The two ate their sundaes and drank their drinks while chatting.

Olivia eventually felt better, knowing Zack was in the same boat. The two began to trust each other.

The two exchanged phone numbers just in case they needed each other. After paying for their drink and sundae, they went their separate ways.

Olivia smiles a little. She rolled her shoulders back and went home. Knowing she now has a genuine friend, Olivia felt slightly better about life.

When Olivia got home, she entered and went to her main bedroom. She was stopped in her tracks when she saw an arm in front of her.

Olivia looked to see Jay.

"Where were you, Olivia? We came back an hour ago," he asked

"I went to the cafe I suggested. I needed time on my own. Especially after seeing Iris." Olivia replied merely

"You spent a lot of time there, Olivia. Were you with anyone?" Jay asked

"I met someone, yes. For the first time. But that shouldn't concern you. I don't even know why you're interrogating me. You don't care about me." Olivia said bitterly, her smile gone

"I'm not interrogating you, Olivia. I'm asking you a question." Jay said calmly

"Yeah, and I said I did meet someone for the first time. We chatted to ease the pain we both had. I reckon that the male I was with showed more care, compassion, understanding, and appreciation than you all have ever had," Olivia sneered as she entered her main bedroom.

Olivia shut the doors and then approached her bed. She sat down on it, sighing almost silently.

"What's a girl to do when her family does what they do...?" She whispered to herself.

As the day turned to night, Olivia spent it in her main bedroom. She got her phone and turned it on to see a text from Zack:

Hey, Olivia! I know we only met today, but I'm troubled. Can we meet at the cafe again? They're open 24-7, which I don't know if you know. But it'd be a great place to talk. Meet me there in ten.

Olivia smiled and texted back:

See you then and there, Zack. We'll get down to the problems. See you soon.

Olivia put her phone away after turning it off. She got up, got everything she needed, and went to the cafe. When she arrived, she saw Zack waiting for her, leaning against a tree.

Zack indeed showed he was troubled. It seemed it was bothering him quite severely. Olivia approached Zack, and the two sat at the table they had sat at earlier and ordered the same thing, except Olivia got a strawberry smoothie instead of tea.

Olivia watched as Zack put his head into his hands

"My God, Zack, I can see you're severely stressed. What's happened?" She asked carefully

"It's Iris... she's been calling me non-stop and telling me that she's sorry for cheating on me. But I told her it's not just me she's hurt. She's hurt you too, and I told her that. I never knew Iris was one to be reckless," Zack sighs

"I didn't either, but I knew, as a tomboy, she's not afraid of a challenge. Or a risk, as a matter of fact," Olivia mumbled

"I figured. Well, Olivia, I'm at a loss. I don't want to stay here. Adelaide's a pretty messed up world," Zack sighed

"You know what, Zack? Same here. I'm sick and tired of how my family have been treating me. I've had an idea, considering we both know Alnara. Why don't we ask the nine creators for help?" Olivia asked

"Yes! By the way, Olivia, may I ask your sexuality?" Zack asked

"Well... I thought I was lesbian, but for a good part of my life, I felt both ways. I consider myself bisexual," Olivia smiles a little.

Zack smiles and blushes a little, which has Olivia surprised

"Are you...?" She asked

"I may be," Zack said honestly yet shyly.

Olivia smiled, and she reached out for Zack's hand, to which Zack took Olivia's hand

"Why don't we give it a shot? We can forget about Iris and come together as a couple as people who decided this by choice, not by force," she said softly.

Zack nods. The two eat their sundaes and drink their smoothies, but most importantly, they ask for help from the people of Alnara. Olivia and Zack become happier with each other.

Eventually, Zack got a text back from the creators. He looked at the text and grinned, then looked at Olivia.

"Meet me at the Alnara portal at midnight. There, we'll move in and get to bed once we're done, and we'll be able to see everyone," he announced.

Olivia nods, grinning.

"I cannot wait. Seriously, I'm at the end of my wits with my so-called family and friends," she said truthfully, her smile gone.

Zack takes Olivia's hand.

"Soon, we'll be out of here." He nods.

Olivia nods, too. The two finished their smoothies and sundaes and then went their separate ways again. Olivia went straight home, and she looked at the time.

"Almost there, ten thirty it is now," she said as she put her phone away.

Olivia smiled as she got home and she entered. Her fathers approached

"Where were you, Olivia?" Sapphire asked

"I was with a friend. Why?" Olivia said

"Why didn't you notify us?" Emerald asked

"Because I'm sick and tired of telling you where I go. You always find excuses to keep me home and tell me I can't go out! You don't trust me nor respect me or my decisions!" Olivia exclaimed.

Olivia's fathers soften their looks. Amethyst stepped forward

"We just want to protect you, Olivia. You're only sixteen," he said softly

"So is Olin. He's allowed to do whatever he wants with our brothers. Yet I can't. I think I get it. It's because I'm a girl, isn't it?" Olivia sneered, angry

"What? No, Olivia, it's not because you're the only girl; it's because you're the youngest. We want to protect you as the youngest," Amethyst said carefully.

Olivia wasn't amused. She shakes her head.

"I can't have a life. You won't let me have one. So I'm forced to escape the cobwebs you leave me in to get time with other people or even just to be able to go outside!" She said, the volume of her voice raising.

Olivia knew this wasn't going anywhere, and she had to go to her master bedroom to calm down. She was severely angry.

Taking a deep breath in and out, Olivia moved past her dads and went to her main bedroom. She was tense and angry. When Olivia got to her main bedroom, she rechecked the time.

It was getting close to midnight. Olivia packed her things, and it was five to midnight by the time she was done. Olivia knew she needed to go. She needed to move on in her life and cut out the bits that held her back or pulled her down.

Olivia nods her head; she knows she's got everything. She leaves her now-empty main bedroom and shuts the doors. She hears chatter in the lounge room.

When she had the chance, Olivia left the mansion and went to the portal to Alnara; she saw Zack waiting for her.

"Zack!" She grins.

Zack sees Olivia, and he smiles happily. The two waste no time. They take each other's hands and enter the portal. Just as the portal disappears, Iris sees a tiny glimpse of it.
