0.5 Practice Makes Perfect


Students were buzzing with energy and excitement as the first Hogsmeade weekend approached. I was tucked away in my favourite corner of the library working tirelessly to finish a foot-long essay for Herbology about the state of our hand-grown Gillyweed plants. 

As I put the finishing details in, my mind quickly drifted to the weekend and going to Hogsmeade. Luna already explained to me she'd be off looking for Nargels and Cho had mentioned going with Cedric, though not without inviting me to inevitably third-wheel with them. 

Silly as it was, I had been working up the courage to ask George if he'd want to go with me to Hogsmeade. It didn't matter to me, date or not, I had just fallen in love with the idea of spending time in the quaint village with him. I'd imagined we'd stop at Zonko's first, then perhaps to the bookshop to see about any new arrivals, look at Quidditch gear, go to Honeyduke's, and of course finish the day with Butterbeer. 

Even worse than working up the courage, I had spent far too long practicing in the mirror to myself what I would say to him:

"Hi, George! Got any plans this weekend?"

"No that's rubbish of course he's got something going on." 

"George, hi! Going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" 

"George Weasely, just the person I've been meaning to speak to-" "No. That's rubbish." 

"George. I've fancied you for a long time. Go with me to Hogsmeade?" 

Each attempt I made to sound calm, cool and collected quickly deterred me from actually asking. I knew it was going to take a tremendous amount of determination just to even walk up to him, let alone as if he was busy. 

But one morning, I woke up knowing that today was the day. Everything felt like it was in place and the universe was on my side. I felt a strange, out-of-the-ordinary, but comforting sense of confidence as I prepared for the day. 

I knew exactly what I was going to say, I felt happy about it and was ready. That is until I turned a corner, nearly running into the man of the hour. He nor the pretty girl he was speaking to noticed I had shown up.

"So, George, it's a date then?" She asked, smiling. George nodded, smiling brightly. 

"Sure is! I'll meet you at the common room and we can catch a carriage to Hogsmeade." And there it was. The roadblock I had somehow failed to consider. 

"Brilliant! I'll see you then." She stood on the tips of her toes, placing a quick peck on his cheek before hurrying off. I watched George's face grow red as he smiled sheepishly. He never noticed my presence before dreamily wandering down the corridor. 

"Mmhmm..." I said to myself, "that went well."


"So you didn't feel up to going to Hogsmeade?" Remus asked as I sat on a desk in his classroom. 


"And how long have you been feeling sick?" 

"A few days now. I'm worried it might be contagious, I didn't want to take any risks." I replied, my eyes scanning over the words of the book I was currently engrossed in. 

"Right, of course. Contagious. So it has nothing to do with not having a person to go with?" I shook my head, still not looking up, "say, a certain Weasley twin?" My head whipped up so fast my neck ached. 

"How did you know that!? I- I mean, no. It's got nothing to do with that." I sputtered, feeling a bit silly. 

"Mmhmm. I suspected so." Remus said, sitting down at his desk, facing me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head, fiddling with my fingers once again feeling foolish. 

"It's nothing. I mean, it's nothing important." I replied, wanting not to worry him. 

"It's alright to go to Hogsmeade alone, you know," Remus said as I scoffed.

"Sure, says you, Mr. Went-to-Hogsmeade-With-People-Every-Weekend," I replied, picking at my nails. I'd known about his adventures as a Marauder and how he rarely spent any time not socializing or studying. 

"Fine, fine, let me rephrase, it's alright to go without a date." My cheeks were red as I rolled my eyes, feeling embarrassed. 

"Mmhmm," I answered, wanting to shift away from this topic of conversation, "so, you said there's going to be a quiz Monday, is it going to be open notes?" I asked, avoiding eye contact completely. 

I hadn't seen Remus look at me with that disappointed parental look. Oh well.


When Cho had returned from Hogsmeade, she handed me a basket filled with sweets, extra quills, a new book, and a sealed glass jar of butterbeer. I hugged her, exclaiming excitedly. 

"Thank you!" I gushed, feeling content. 

"Of course! I wanted to get some things since you aren't feeling well." She explained. I felt guilt twist in my stomach at the blurred truth I had told her. I smiled tightly, nodding as I faked a cough. 

"Go get some rest," Cho said, putting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded, turning on my heel. While I was thrilled to have a gift basket, it felt wrong as I hadn't told Cho the truth about why I didn't want to go to Hogsmeade. 

As I made my way down the hall, my mind was stuck on my patheticness and how I missed a whole day at Hogsmeade I could've been spending with my friend. Whilst stuck deep in thought, I didn't realize the roadblock in my way until I ran into it. 

With an oof, I landed on my bottom, wincing from the impact. When I opened my eyes, I saw none other than George and the pretty girl from this morning with whom he accompanied to Hogsmeade. Fantastic

"Oh, hey there, Flora, you alright?" George asked, reaching his hand out. Sheepishly, I took it gasping in surprise when he yanked my frame up with little to no effort. 

"Mmhmm." I hummed, not looking at him or the girl.

"Didn't see you at Hogsmeade, did you not go?" I swore my heart nearly stopped beating inside my chest. He noticed I wasn't there. My face grew hot as I scuffed my feet around, nervously. 

"Sick." That was all I managed to get out, now feeling uneasy.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Flora. Looks like you've got a pretty wicked get-well basket, however." His smile knocked the air from my lungs as I giggled mindlessly, staring at his contagiously joyful smile. 

The pretty girl cleared her throat, "oh! Nearly forgot, sorry, this is Wendy." I smiled at her to the best of my dazed ability and she flashed a 10,000-watt smile back. Figures

"It's nice to meet you Flower." She said, smiling almost too wide. I nodded, not bothering to correct her even as my brain was screaming at me to do so. 

"Flora." George corrected, not catching the roll of her eyes as he said it. I smiled at him when he winked as if to say I've got ya covered

"Well, Florence, it's been lovely, we've got to be going now." I pursed my lips, nodding. 

"See you in Potions?" George asked. I nodded, feeling a little surprised when his large hand rested on my head for a second before he smiled again, heading off with Wendy. Did he just pat my head? And did I actually think it was quite adorable? 

"Alright then," I murmured to myself before stalking off back to my dorm. 


im excited to be getting a chapter posted. today was my first day of college classes woohoo. its been hectic so updates will be scattered but hey what else is new lol. dont forget to like/comment/share. update soon. word count: 1290
