Chapter 1: Hello new school

Rosabella Beauty was the new student in school and she had no idea who and what things were. The students stared at the girl with brown hair with red streaks and brown glasses. This young lady was very intelligent and was quite pretty. The school was filled with students and as smart as Rosabella was, she was clueless on what this school's like. She felt like an outcast and she was frozen as ice, since she didn't know where to go.
Darling Charming, a girl with light blonde hair and sky blue streaks. Her glassy ocean eyes stood out.
"Hi, are you new here?" Darling asked and tried to be friendly.
Rosabella was surprised. Achievement unlocked: New friend
"Yeah I am. I'm Rosabella Beauty," she replied, introducing herself.
"I'm Darling Charming," she smiled back. "What lesson do you have, I'll take you there"
"Thanks, Darling. I have uhhh Good Magic Mastery..?" Rosabella responded with a confused look. She's never heard of a subject like that before.
"I have that too! Walk with me there," Darling was happy to walk with someone to class, so was Rosabella
