Surprise surprise

(Hey everyone haven't written in awhile and I've missed it so hopefully you guys like it๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘ I listened to the world was wide enough to get me emotional)

You were reading the last Olympian on a sunny Thursday. You were enjoying yourself, while the kids were with your parents. (If your parents aren't with you then your nearest family member) you were reading when your eyes started to fill with tears. 'Family Luke, you promised,' tears were spilling down your face. You had read this book almost a million times. It was your favorite, you looked over at Misha who was starting at you intently.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing it's just you're even beautiful when you cry," you blushed
"Are you serious? I'm not beautiful when I cry,"
"Yes you are, you're beautiful all the time, I've seen you sick and lying in bed and still your eyes shimmer like the stars, I can't live without. You are the most beautiful and important woman in the world. You look after our children even if they're not related by blood, you make them feel like they are."
"Misha stop you're embarrassing me." You said blushing covering your face with the book. He walked over to you taking your book mark putting it in and putting the book down. You raised your eyebrow at him.
"Misha-!" You screamed as a sharp pain shot through you water flooded down your thighs sticking to your pants. You looked confused up at Misha he gave you the same look. Then he sprung into action, picking you up and putting you into the car. You didn't understand what was happening. You reached the hospital, nurses took you quickly. Misha was at your side the entire time.
"Cut off her pants,"
"What why what's happening to her?!"
"She's going into labor Mr Collins."
"What?!" You looked up at your husband who was extremely surprised.
"No I can't I- I can't have kids."
"Well surprise!" Pain shot through you, you screamed. Misha grabbed your hand, "hey look at me," he said with his extremely calm eyes. You nodded terrified.

Seven hours later and lots of pain later. You laid back against the pillow, tears drying on your face.
"Twins?" Misha said. You looked up, "what?!"
"Two boys," he said looking at them. One had green eyes and the other had hazel.
"Hey I have an idea what we should name them," you chuckled.
"If you name them after Jensen and Jared,"
"Of course not that would go to their heads I was thinking Sam and Dean,"
He laughed handing you Dean, "yeah I like that,"
"Sam Jared Collins," Misha said looking down at Sam. Dean looked up at you his green eyes full of wonder.
"Oh I should go call everyone," Misha laughed handing Sam over to you. Dean and Sam looked at each other, then back up at you. Tears filed your eyes as you looked at your two miracles. A few minutes later Misha, Jensen, Jared, West and Mason walked in.
"Mommy!" West and mason ran over to you.
"Oh my god," Jensen said looking at you then at the boys.
"What's their names,"
"Well this is Dean Jensen and this is Sam Jared."
Their eyes started to fill, "oh don't start crying now boys,"
"I'm not crying it's just liquid happiness," Jensen said wiping his eyes, "could I hold him?" You handed him Dean. You handed Jared, Sam he smiled brushing his thumb over his cheek.
"We have even more family?" West asked smiling.
"Yes these are your two brothers," Misha said as west and mason giggled.
"You guys are too cute."
"we're not cute we're handsome," Jensen said as he held the small cooing baby.
"Yeah," Jared whispered as Sam slept on him. You smiled looking at your family

(Ok guys what do you think? ๐Ÿ’—love you guys)
