The Hottie has the Hots

Cliques, what a cliché. I wish I could say I didn't fall victim to such a crime, but that would be a lie.

Walking to class Thursday morning it was evident that Hillway High was nothing but a living, breathing clique magnet. Simply walking down the hall, I spot 'The Groupies', known for fawning over Ash and his crew; 'The Bandits', who have a "secret" band that everyone knows about; 'The Theater Kids' who are somehow always running lines, and so many, many more.

Just as I'm about to approach my locker, I spot the one and only Ash Brenton in all his bad boy glory, his crew scattered around him. 'The Groupies' nearly faint at the sight of him.

He smirks at me as he passes, "Hey Marsh-mia, loving the look today." He scans his baby blue eyes up and down my jeans and hoodie clad body.

I give him a joking glare, "Thanks, Ashton, it's couture." Only I can call him by his full name, and he's made that known. I strut away, holding back a smile.

My best friend, Riley, the second half of my small clique, rolls her eyes at me as I reach her, "I will never stop loving your relationship with that hottie. He makes me melt." She says dramatically.

"For the last time, Riles, there is no relationship. We just exchange words occasionally, that's all." I open my locker, piles of books before me.

She shakes her head at me, her orange hair bouncing behind her, "Oh please, it's so obvious you guys have the hots for each other." She smirks and I give her a glare.

"Okay, first of all, who even says that anymore? Second of all, we have to get to class." I close my locker, grabbing Riley's arm and dragging her towards first period.

By the time the end of the day rolls around, me and Riles are exhausted, just as most high school students are. The cliques are back at it again, forming groups in the hall.

I'm rummaging through my locker when Riley comes up next me, "So, I was sitting in fifth period, as I usually do, when I overhear 'The Groupies' whispering behind me. Obviously, I listen in and, Mia, apparently there are rumors flying." She leans in to whisper to me, "Word on the street is, Ash –" She cuts off midsentence and I look at her, my eyebrows furrowed.

" head over heels for you." Ash finishes Riley's sentence, walking towards me. His minty breath fans over my face. Before I can say a word, my locker is slammed shut behind me and I'm pressed up against it, his lips hungrily taking in mine.

I jolt away, breathless, my eyes wide. I'm barely thinking as I push my hands through his dark hair, pulling him in for another breathtaking kiss. The various cliques watch us, speechless, but all I can think about is the cool taste of mint on my lips.
