Chapter 11: Aortic Pump

Months ago: the day Chan and Aisha confessed

"Chan confessed! Chan confessed!" Hyunjin beamed, running throughout the dorm.

"I know, we literally celebrated that entire thing, like, ten minutes ago," Jeongin deadpanned.

"BUT! It feels like everything is setting into place now! It's like this was my calling! To grow up and be nurtured into the man I am today, only to see Chan grow over his 'I hate girls' phase and start dating a woman!" Hyunjin dramatically explained, and Seungmin paused drinking his tea.

"I'm happy for him and all, but I would prefer a Grammy," Changbin stated.

"Manifesting a Grammy!" Felix joined his hands to act like he was praying.

"What is going on here?" Chan entered the scene.

"BREAKFAST!" Jisung enacted the vine, and Felix went, "AYYYY!"

Chan and Minho just stood like sims.

"Uh, hello?" Hyunjin flailed his arms, "Channie has grown some balls! He's dating!"

"Excuse me?" Chan was agape.

"Let's talk about how his declining love life shot through the roof!"

"I am offended," Chan creased his eyebrows.

"I am not. Get it? Get it?" Jisung laughed at his own joke.

"Let's talk about love!" Hyunjin, the brand new Shakespeare enthusiast, expressed.

"Alright, Romeo," Minho finally spoke, "I'm still confused, though. How can you make online dating work?"

"Well..." Chan shrugged, "I know that I'll meet her one day."

"Alas! The poor, old Bang Chan spoke in utter disenchantment, howsoever, lighting a candle of hope in his full-sized aortic pump!" Felix cried, and Hyunjin looked overly-proud of him.

"Full-sized aortic pump...?" Chan was lost.

"Your big heart."

"For god's sake, Yongbok!"

"I do have a sensible question, though," Minho piped up, "What made you date her?"

Chan was shy when he replied, "It's... kinda complicated. Like, sometimes all I can think about is her. I wait for her messages, and when I get them, I feel overjoyed, like my day has gotten a hundred times better. I can't stop smiling whenever I talk to her."

A round of "OOOOOOOH!" went throughout the group, but Minho paused.

Because the first name that came to his mind was Yiren.

And amidst the loud, teasing group, he stood, halted,

"Ah, shit."


"Ah, shit."

Yiren spoke, awe-struck, watching Lee Minho move his body like a god. She was currently watching a dance practice video of Stray Kids, and having her gaze focused on him, she watched how gracefully he moved.

It wasn't her plan to only focus on Minho, but she couldn't take her eyes off him. His style of dancing was enchanting, and nobody could argue with that.

She stood up, trying to copy his footwork, but she wasn't satisfied with herself. Of course, she had trained a lot for years, but Minho was obviously more experienced than her. After all, he truly was an idol.

"So it's good to make idol friends" – that remained engraved in her mind; that text message from the guy she was so fond of.

And this time, instead of getting frustrated over not being able to do her best, she smiled.

"I hope we meet one day," she talked to herself, since it was a fact that the most intelligent people talk to themselves (courtesy: Pinterest).

She watched the performance end, and him breathing hard and looking handsome as ever,

"You truly are something else."

(a/n: yes, that aortic pump joke has been taken from FRIENDS. It's too legendary and doesn't deserve being forgotten.

Lmao funny story: I wrote in the previous chapter's author's note that romance was coming up, but due to my old age and weak brain and dementia, I forgot what I was gonna write. So this was improvisation. Don't worry; I'll make it better than before!! :D

Thanks for reading! I love you!) 
