Chapter 6 - Visitors from Imladris

A/N: More drama, and explanations in this chapter.


It had been days since she had last spoken to the King, it had also been days since he promised to speak with her, regarding the matter of war. However, not once did he summon her.

She had been sitting idle for days, and it annoyed her that Thranduil seems to not be taking her seriously, as if her opinion didn't matter. She wasn't sent here to sit idly and nap the whole day. No, she was sent here to warn and aid them. 

Sometimes Legolas would make excuses for his father, saying that the King is busy, which is very true, but couldn't he spare a minute or two just to listen to her?

Her thoughts was then distracted by a soft knock on the door. She looked to her side, realizing that it's either the guards or Legolas, taking her for the normal afternoon stroll, they must've read her mind that she was getting bored.

"Come in..." she said, as the door opened to reveal Legolas, and two other elves. One has  golden hair, and the other has dark ones.

"So it is true! the rumours were true!" The one with the golden haired eyed her intensely, before enveloping her into a tight embrace, which made her feel very awkward. 

She gave Legolas a questioning look, whilst slightly tapping the strange elf's back, awkwardly trying to return his affection.

"The Valar has sent you back!" the dark haired one said, ecstatic.

"I- I'm sorry... I do not recognize, or know any of you..." she said, truthfully, which almost threw both elves off balance.

"What do you mean?" The golden-haired said, looking at her worriedly, and then turning to Legolas, waiting for an answer.

"She doesn't remember anything..."Legolas simply stated, making both elves furrow their brows.

"I am Glorfindel... your cousin, and this is Elrond, Lord of Rivendell... you were the godmother of his children."

"I... I what?" Minerva looked at them, confused. "I know Glorfindel, the slayer of the Balrog... And Lord Elrond, son of Eärendil."

"Aye, I am that Glorfindel..." Glorfindel said, and as he and Elrond's expression turned hopeful. 

"But... But I do not know that he is my cousin, nor am I a godmother of children... I don't recall such things you see... "

"She says she's Rosamund Harris, before she became Minerva, she does not remember herself being the Queen." Legolas added, and looked down sadly. "The first time I saw her, I thought she did some witchcraft to look like my Nanneth, but as I saw her closely... the resemblance is so strong, it's hard to deny that it's not her, except the dark hair and round ears."

She eyed Legolas, sadly. It seems that he still thinks that she is his late mother, despite telling him that she isn't.

"I myself died, and had been re-embodied with the similar body and memories that I had from my previous life... But... but I don't know... Vanamalthenniel's case is the first I've seen. An elf queen, re-born as a human, rather a maiar.... with an appearance that slightly differs from her previous life."

Glorfindel kneeled down in front of her, and looked into her eyes.

"Rosamund is it?" he asked.


"Look at me..." he said gently, which she willingly obliged. 

It was then that Glorfindel attempted to look inside her memories. There was darkness, disappointments, emotional and physical abuse, sadness, and betrayal. It pained his heart, seeing what her life was as Rosamund Harris, that a single tear slid down from his eye, out of sympathy.

"You've been through a lot..." Glorfindel said, as he held her hand, and squeezed it. She nodded in return, not knowing how to respond, as she had already shown him her memories.

"What did you see Glorfindel?" Elrond asked.

"Her life..."

"So is she really Rosamund Harris?" Legolas asked.

"Yes she is... But she is Vanamalthenniel as well... and in time, she will remember..." he said, getting up from his knees. 

"But why can't she remember now?" Legolas said, and there was a bit of impatience with his tone. It was obvious that the prince wanted his mother back.

"Legolas... do not force her..." Elrond said.

"She is no longer what she used to be. She is a completely different person. But she is Vanamalthenniel, Rosamund, and Minerva, all at the same time. "

"What are you trying to say? You're saying she's my mother, yet at the same time you're saying that she isn't? This is confusing!"

"Calm down Prince Legolas..." Elrond said, pushing the prince slightly back, preventing a fight from happening.

"This is not the place to discuss such matters, and not in front of Vanamalthenniel..." Elrond said, pointing at the scared and confused, expression that Minerva wore on her face. She was clutching Glorfindel's shoulder, trying to pull him aside, and prevent a fight from occurring as well.

After Legolas has calmed down, all of them had left the room to discuss the matter somewhere else, leaving her alone, once again. Which irritated her, as Legolas had promised to take her to the gardens today.

It was then that she decided, that she would go and explore the palace with or without Legolas and the guards.

She then grabbed her coat that lay atop her bed, and wore it, before heading out of her room, and began exploring the palace.

The hallways of the palace looked majestic with its high intricate ceilings of stone, and wood. She never grew tired of admiring them, despite seeing them almost everyday, when the guards or Legolas take her around the palace.

She continued walking down the hallway, turning left and right, until she reached a large peculiar door, with intricate carvings. It was something she hadn't chance upon during tour around the palace, as the place was too big, and one day isn't enough to explore it.

Coming closer to the large oak doors, she stretched out her hand, and touched its intricate carvings, that reminded her of a beautiful tapestry. However, she accidentally pushes it open, revealing the doors to be unlocked.

Out of curiosity of what's on the other side of the door, she pushed the door open and entered the room, without thinking that somebody might be inside.

She then found herself in a large study, with beautiful furniture,  neatly stacked amount of paperworks and scroll and a large collection of books inside the bookshelf, behind the large desk. There was a matching sofa and beautiful fireplace on the living room area. On top of the fireplace, were small, yet beautiful sculptures made out of porcelain, and a little higher than that, was a portrait of a woman, who bore a strong resemblance to her.

It couldn't be this room, no way.

She then turned to her side to find a small entrance that lead to a work area. There, she found wrapped canvases, and beautiful paintings, finished and unfinished ones, that the art stand held. And along with it were numerous art tools and supplies.

One painting that caught her attention, was beautiful rough sketch of the late queen.

The painter sure did capture the crinkle of her eyes and mouth when she smiled. It was an obvious fact, that whoever drew this, held so much love for the queen.

She immediately left the 'art' room, and went back outside the main room, which was the study. And there, came some sort of smell that emitted from another door that she hasn't explored. 

Wait? Sweet buttery smell? pies? pot pies?

She suddenly found herself hungry, and walked towards the door where the smell was coming from. Pushing the door open, she found herself inside a small kitchenette, with a  stove- oven and sink. There were jars of condiments, preserved food, so as utensils on the shelves, and small ice cabinet that is used to preserve perishable foods.

 She then turned to her side, to find the Elven King, wearing a dark apron around his waist, and red colored baking mittens. On his hand was a freshly baked pie, that emitted a delicious aroma throughout the room.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" she yelped in surprise. 

He merely raised an eyebrow, as he placed the freshly baked pie on the small table. It appears that he had just finished baking.

"I should be the one asking that question. What are you doing here?" He said, as he took a knife from the drawers and sliced the pie into equal portions.

"Sorry, My Lord, I didn't know this was your room... I was just merely exploring the palace, when I happen to see the carving at your door."

He completely ignored her, and got some small plates from the drawer. 

"And... My lord, you haven't summoned me for days. I have been wanting to speak to you." she said, taking the chance.

She was met by silence from the Elven King, further infuriating her. She then sighed in resignation, before turning around and walking away. It seems like the Elven King had no plans of listening to her.

He then pulled the chair, and called her. "Please sit down Lady Minerva." he said, sounding more like a command, than a request.

She then reluctantly obeyed, and watched him place a slice of pie on the empty plate.

"Did you mean what you said about the war..."

"Yes... though it won't occur now, the days for immortals alike, is different. We must prepare..."

He then pushed the plate of pie towards her, and place a fork on the side.

"Please eat."

"T-thank you..." she said, as she inhaled the delicious aroma of the food before her. She then forked out a piece, and ate it. The taste was rather exceptional, causing her to finish the pie rather quickly, and wanting another piece.

Thranduil sat back in his chair, after placing another piece of pie on her plate. He watched her every movement, finding some similarity with his late wife.

She was wearing a dark green dress with a boat neckline, that showed her chiseled shoulders, and collarbone. Her hair was pulled into a low and loose bun, but neatly tied and parted equally. Her ears and neck were adorned with gold jewelry, and her face had a slight touch of makeup in them, a dust of blush on her cheeks and light colored lip rouge on her pouty lips, which enhanced her features. He figured out that this must've been Legolas doing, as it was highly possible that he had asked the palace's in-house stylist to do this, trying to at least recover a part of his mother, even if it was just on a physical aspect.

 The resemblance was strong, if not for the color of her tresses, and the ears. He wanted to almost take her into his arms, to hold her, and kiss her there. However, he quickly got rid of the thought, and reminded himself that she was no longer 'her'.

"You were saying something about a war..." he said, going back to the main focus.

"Yes... Sauron has began his move, carefully laying his plans well..."

"And how do you know of this?" he asked.

"Through Oromë who still hunted the forest of Arda on occasion."

"The Vala of hunt..."


He stood up and walked towards the large window, that had the view of the whole town. 

"Sauron's allies are also powerful and when the stroke falls, it will not only fall upon those lands near Mordor. The North will feel his wrath as well.

"You're afraid that the dark lord will bring war on our doorstep."

"Yes... and it isn't the first time it happens..." she said, referring to the battle of the five armies. "Dol Gurdul hasn't been exactly cleansed of its darkness. You are aware of this, I believe. The three Nazguls have reoccupied the old elven fortress. Sauron has already declared himself openly."

Thranduil was silent, and was staring at the open door behind her, which also made her do the same. Only to find the three elves whom she had been speaking to earlier;  Glorfindel, Elrond and Legolas.

"I believe that you've heard everything..." Thranduil said, turning to them.

"But without his ring of power, he cannot do much..." Glorfindel reasoned.

"But what happens if he finds it?" Elrond added.

All fell silent with what Elrond had just said, not knowing what to exactly answer.

"As what Minerva had said, we are to prepare of what may come. Whether it be soon or later..."


After that heavy discussion about the dark lord, Legolas had suggested to take Minerva on a trip on the great market of Mirkwood, or even the great market that lies in between between Dale and Erebor, for a change of scenery, despite him not really liking the dwarves.

However, Elrond suggested the later, as a change of scenery for her. They travelled there in two small carriages, one for Glorfindel and Elrond, and another for her and Legolas.

"I haven't seen my father bake in quite a long time..." Legolas recalled, breaking the silence that they had within carriage.

"You mean he liked to bake?" she said, surprised that a proud and high elven lord liked to bake. 

"Yes... I believed he had stopped baking, painting, gardening, and all his other hobbies after my Nana died. But today, I find out he has started doing this things all over again." Legolas looked at her happily, implying that she might have something to do with it.

Before she could say anything, the carriage came into a stop.

"We're here..." he said, alighting out of the carriage first and held the door open for her.

She smiled and looked at Dale's 'great' market, in awe. 

"They have already rebuilt the whole city, and restored it, to its former glory."Legolas explained, as they walked along the crowded street.

"We will have an early dinner, and after these, we will head to meet the King of Dale for supper..." 

She nodded in agreement, feeling a little hungry. The first few stalls she saw  offered produce, meats, pastries, candies,spices, and spirits. Legolas had mentioned a very delectable wine called 'Dorwinion' which his father favoured, he added the fact that it was so strong, that even an elf would fall asleep, after drinking a few goblets.

"Then we should get two bottles of that wine you mentioned, one for the King of Dale and one for your father when we return back." she suggested.

"Aye, that is a good idea..." Legolas smiled, as they entered the shop that sold Dorwinion wine.

"Two bottles please..." she said, as she passed 20 pieces of  silver pennies. Elrond and Glorfindel bought as well, As Dorwinion wine is hard to import to Rivendell.

The lady tending to the shop, smiled at her, as she gave a fabric wine bag, that secured the two bottles of wine in place, which she found quite ingenious.

Afterwards, Legolas lead them further down the market, where she found a bakery, that had many patrons. The sugary sweet smell of freshly baked pastries invaded her nostrils, she then walked to the small bakery and found a familiar face.

There were beornings. A number of them tending to the shop, she shouldn't be surprise at all, as Dale is considered a melting pot of the northern region. 

"Hello..." she said, trying to catch the attention of the familiar Beorning.

"Ah... My Lady, it is you again, I see..." he greeted, and smiled at her. "I am glad that you had arrived in Mirkwood safely." he added seeing her companions, and recognizing the prince as one of them.

"I just followed what you said...Which is to look up when I get lost, though, I literally had to climb the trees. "

The beorning and her both laughed.

"I have forgotten to ask your name?" she asked.

"Beran, and you my lady?" 

"Minerva..." she said, as she stretched out her hand for a handshake, which Beran took gladly with his large hand that felt warm, and shook hers earnestly.

"I'll be buying two boxes of honey cakes..." she requested

"All right then" he said asking the one of his assistants to pack her cakes. 

She looked around to find the bakery  almost out of bread, as the shelves were being emptied by patrons alike. Which further proves that the Beornings are good bakers.

Beran then handed her a brown paper bag which contained her cakes wrapped in brown paper, tied with a string, and two cinnamon rolls.

She then paid for her purchases, and added a few coins for the cinnamon rolls.

"The cinnamon rolls are on the house my lady..." Beran said, returning the extra coins she gave.

"Thank You, I'd definitely come again..." she said, whilst smelling two cinnamon rolls, wanting to eat it right there.

"Yes... I'll see you again my lady..." he said, seeing her off, before turning back to his work.

They continued walking around the great market, and it seems that Elrond and Glorfindel had more purchases than she has, judging from the bags they carried, and it looked much more expensive.

Elrond then stopped  to find a spinning & weaving shop, selling exquisite tapestries with complicated patterns. 

They then entered the shop and found the interior and furniture to be in the hues of brown. There were baskets, tapestries, carpets, different types of cloth, yarns and strings. Elrond and Glorfindel went to look at the Tapestries, deciding on which to buy. Whilst her and Legolas stood there looking at the different types of cloth.

Legolas grabbed the dark silver one, as the colour is what his father favoured.

She then went on to purchase a great number of different types of strings and yarns.

"You like weaving my lady?" Legolas said, looking at the amount of string she purchased.

"Yes... It was one of my daily activities during the afternoon. I quite missed it..." she said, placing the strings on the counter, and paid for it.

"Who taught you?" Legolas asked curiously, as he remembered that his mother never weaved.


Legolas gave her knowing smile, impress with who her teacher was. "The Vala of weaving..."


"Then I would have a weaving machine setup on your chambers once we return..."

"Thank You Legolas..."

"And I would also like to see your work once you finish." he said, as he opened the door for her.

"That is not a problem..." she said, whilst turning to Elrond, seeing that he bought two tapestries. It seems that the two elves were rather on a shopping spree.

"Don't judge us, we barely get the time to shop..." Glorfindel said, jesting.

Once they left the shop, they continued on walking around the crowded street of the great market, still looking for rare finds that they can take home.

A few minutes later, Legolas then turned to his side, to find Minerva gone.

His brows furrowed in worry as he realized, that he had lost sight of her.


Minerva looked around, to find herself lost among a sea of crowds. She turned to her side to find the three elves, no longer there. They must've separated somewhere without noticing.

She tried to think where she had last seen them, and maybe head back to the area. Only to find that she had walked further, and was completely not knowing where she exactly is. 

She looked to her side to find Dwarves busy bantering over some type of blueprint. She would've asked for directions, but out of curiosity, her inner designer took over, taking a quick peek at the blueprint without them noticing her presence.

She looked over to discover that it looked like a secret passage from the palace of dale to the dwarven halls. There were some mistakes here and there, but she understood it clearly that is was some sort of escape route for the townspeople when the city gets attacked. 

They were still busy arguing, when she looked to her side to find a ruler and pencil. Though she was not an architect, she had studied the basics of it, as part of her design degree back in university. An escape route can never have only one exit, nor can it be too narrow. What if a stampede happens? 

So she did what every designer would do, she picked up the pencil and made amends to the blueprints. 

"Excuse my lady? what are you doing?" a very distress voice said, upon seeing what she was doing with the blueprints, and soon, a number of heavy footsteps came rushing towards her.

To her surprise, they didn't push or drag her away, but rather, out of sheer curiosity that every designer has, looked at the amendments that she drew. And much to her surprise, they actually agreed amongst each other, and found her amendments feasible. 

"Ah! this is good!" one of the dwarves said, pointing at the sketches on the blueprints that she had made. 

They then all turned towards her. 

"And who might you be my lady? You don't seem to be an ordinary one, nor are you from these city."

"I'm Minerva... master dwarves..." she said, referring to all of them. "And I am lost..." she said, whilst re-adjusting the purchases she had on her grasp. "I saw your blue prints, and found it a little intriguing... and I..."

"Like a true craftsman, you couldn't help but amend it..." one of them said, continuing her sentence. 

It was true that only a craftsman would understand another craftsman, and that was the same for her and the dwarves.

"If I may ask, why are you only creating secret passages now? why not before?"

"We're only able it to create now, as we waited for Dale and Erebor to restore itself to its former glory. If you remember the battle of the five armies, most of the town people didn't have any safe escape route, so most of them perished and died during the battle." One of them said, and motioned for her to follow them, and join them for a walk.

"Where was the last place you remember? we'll take you there..."

"I went to the Weaving shop..."

"Which one?" one of them asked. "There's a number of weaving shops in the area."

"A few blocks after the shop that sells Dorwinion wine..."

"Uhhmmm... you have to be more specific my lady, there's lots of stores that sell Dorwinion here..." 

It was then that she felt like a toddler that was lost in a mall. It had happened to her when she was young, only that no one was there to help her, and the police had to send her back home, as no one picked her up from the kids area. She suddenly felt sad, recalling her childhood. 

"I forgot to ask your names..." she said, shaking the sad thought off her head.

"I am Dain Ironfoot and this is Gloin and his son Gimli, and Balin." He said, introducing himself, as well as his companions. They gave a slight bow, which she returned as a sign of respect.

"Dain Ironfoot? the King under the mountain?"

"Yes! "

"But what is a great Dwarven King doing in Dale? shouldn't he be in the great halls of Erebor."

"Aye, but Dain here wanted to oversee the plans... he's a bit of a control freak." Gloin said, in jest, receiving a slight slap on his shoulder from Dain.

They continued walking along the stone cobbled pathway of the market, when a voice behind them suddenly spoke. 

"Dain? who's your friend? 

She turned around to find a good looking man, ruggedly handsome, although he was already old. His face looked like it has hardened over the years, and the grey streaks on his dark shoulder length hair made him look more dignified. He has a neatly trimmed beard and forest green eyes that any woman can get lost in, just by staring at them. She wanted to nickname him Silverfox, right then and there. 

"I know, he's handsome despite the old age eh!" Balin teased, which made her blush. 

The man then turned towards her expectantly.

"I am Minerva my lord, and I lost my way around the market, and I couldn't find my companions"

"Would you kindly help this young lady Bard?" 

"Yes I would..." he said, stretching his hand out, and assisted her up on his horse,  and then checked the tack and smoothed her skirt, like a gentleman would.

She then blush profusely with what he had done, no, she never had a man assist her up on a horse before, nor smoothen her skirt.

"You look like no one has done this for you before..." Bard said.

"Y-yes..." she stuttered.

"You're making the girl blush Bard!" Gloin teased.

Bard chuckled and turned back to her. " It's a man's duty to  a lady into the saddle and smoothen her skirt."

"Aye..." The dwarves agreed in unison.

"I guess I will see you again my lady?" Dain said.

"Ofcourse!" she smiled at the dwarves, and waved, as Bard mounted the horse and sat behind her.

 She did read before somewhere, that a gentleman should have a lady ride in front if they're sharing a horse. It was an actual equestrian etiquette. But she couldn't help but blush, realizing how close she was to him. Maybe to him, it was something very normal, but to her, it was something new, and something she isn't used to.

"Would you kindly send me to the King's home, I was suppose to go there for early supper, my companions would probably be there by now." she asked nicely, breaking the awkward silence.

Bard looked at her knowingly, and smiled. "Alright..." he said, as he had the horse slowly increase its pace, and then a few seconds later, began galloping along the cobbled streets of Dale.

Bard seemed to have taken them into a shortcut, as the streets that they have passed by were almost empty. 

"Are these part of the great market?" she asked curiously.

"No, it's a different road altogether." he added.

They then came into a stop, and finally arrived in front of beautiful  house which strongly reminded her of a spanish colonial architecture with some moorish architectural traditions. 

"Is this the King's home?"

"Yes it is..." he said, as he first dismounted.

"It's beautiful..." she said, finding it different from the palace of Mirkwood which was very grand. " It is simple... yet elegant..." she added, whilst looking around.

She then turned to him, and smiled. "Thank you my lord..."

"You're welcome..." he said, and returned the smile, causing her to blush a bit. "Why don't you go in, your companions must be inside, waiting for you..."

She nodded, before turning around, and entering the courtyard that the place had, but before doing that, she turned around wanting to see Bard one last time. Much to her disappointment, she found that he had already left.

She sighed in disappointment, before heading to the main door of the King's home. Although she didn't want to admit it, she might have develop some sort of crush towards the old man, rather the Silverfox, despite him being old enough to be his father or grandfather. However, she couldn't help but analyze if it had something to do with her daddy issues, or that the old man is just good looking with strong gentleman qualities. 

She shook the thought off her head, and entered the large oak doors.


"Where have you been?" Legolas said, as he approached her, his expression relieved.

"I- I got lost... I'm sorry if I had you worried..." she said apologetically.

"That's alright, what matters is now you're here and safe!" Elrond added.

"The King's men had looked all over for you though..." Legolas added.

"Oh... I hope they have returned back."

"Yes they did, they returned quite early, and what had me worried was that they couldn't find you." Legolas said.

"Of course they'll have a hard time finding her, all you said was a woman with dark hair, and dressed in green." Elrond teased, causing Glorfindel to chuckle.

They continued walking along the beautiful hallway filled with paintings and sculptures, until they came into a stop, in front of a large double door.

"The throne room?" she asked.

"Yes..." Elrond said.

She then stood up straight and smoothed her skirt. 

They entered slowly as the doors opened, revealing the throne room.  They all bowed as a sign of respect, before greeting the King before them. 

She then looked up to find none other than Bard himself, sitting on the throne. She wanted to mentally slap herself, not realizing earlier that he was actually the King, and that she had shared a horse with him.

"King Bard... slayer of the dragon smaug..." she said, as he smiled widely at her. She smiled back, and couldn't be more impressed, recalling his valiant deeds, weaved in the tapestries of Vairë.

A/N: I'll be doing some soft editing, as I might have grammatical errors. There are few things that I just want to clarify with you.

-I'll explain as the story progresses, with what happened wit her re-embodiment, to why she became a human/maiar instead of an elf.

-I'm sorry for bringing out Thranduil's 'inner' Ned. I just couldn't help it. (LOL)

-Next is the issue of Sauron reappearing in Dol Guldur. They were driven out from Dol Guldur during TA 2941, but Sauron declared himself openly in TA 2951, and sent three Nazguls to reoccupy Dol Guldur.

- I had her befriend the dwarves for later reasons in the story.

-Silverfox means (for those of you who do not know) - An attractive older man with gray, white or silver hair

-I have strong reasons to make her like Bard (more to do with the issues of her past life, and etc...), and I'll be using it on the story later on. But do not worry, her story is still with Thranduil.
