Chapter 17

It was my abusive ex boyfriend. We weren't actually dating but he forced me to be with him. I never told my parents about him because he told me not to or else he would kill me. He would always hit me when I didn't agree to have sex with him. I would always end up having bruises everywhere. He sat at the empty seat next to mines as I scoot over the opposite way he was.
"Do you know him?" Ten asked knowing I was a bit scared.
"Y-yeah." I stuttered. He glanced at me once more before looking at the movie. I felt very uncomfortable with him being right there. I set both my arms on the arms rest and he grabs my arm pulling me closer to him. I wince in pain as he put his head near my ear.
"I'm still getting what I want from you!" He reached his hands down my pants as I struggle to pull it away.
"Don't hesitate, you're friends are right there so be quiet!" I wasn't gonna have it anymore I grab Ten's arm as he looks at me. He whispers something to Taeyong and Taeyong gets up and grabs me and we walk outside to the hallway near the restrooms. He pushed me agains the wall gently and puts his arm on the side of my face while the other is in his pocket.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What did he say to you?" He checked my face and my wrist. He saw a little bruise on my arm and growled.
"It's okay but when we go back in there can we switch spots." He nodded.
" come on let's go." He kisses my forehead before we got back in the theatre. Taeyong sat next to my ex, and I sat in between Mark and Johnny.
"You okay hannie?" Mark turns toward me.
"Oh, uh yeah I'm okay just a little bruise it won't hurt." I fake a smile and try to seem fine.
"You don't seem okay, do you want me to do aegyo?" He tilts his head and does a pucker face with a peace sign. He was too cute I smiled and cringe.
"There we are! Smile, I don't wanna see you sad!" I nod and he ruffles my hair.
Taeyong POV
I sat right next to him as he smirked. What is literally wrong with this guy. He leaned on the arm rest closer to me, he looked like he was going to say something.
"You know little guy, Haneul isn't yours. She's always been mine, she was always screaming my name everytime I would kiss her neck, she would would always let me kis-" my blood boiled while he was a planning the bullshit I did not want to hear. I wasn't going to take anymore, I decided to deal with this outside.
"Shut up with all that mess, and come with me!" I growled getting up as he follows behind me. I see him touching Haneuls thighs before leaving. I clenched my fist and rolled my eyes. We finally made it to the hallway as I lean my back against the wall.
"So what'd you bring me here for?" He smiled as I death glared him.
"You stay away from my girlfriend! If you don't wanna listen that's on you, you better hope you come out alive!" I growled as he chuckled. He's really getting annoying.
"Oh-oh I'm scared, what are you gonna do?" He sarcastically said as I clenched my fist. I was just about to punch him until I felt a arm holding me back. I turned to find Jaehyun.
"Stop, it's not worth it!" He whispers to me as I let out a loud sigh and pulling my fist down slowly.
"Get the fuck away from here!" Jaehyun snapped at him as he walked away chuckling with his hands in his pockets.
"Aish what's wrong with that fool! Come on!" We walk back into the theatre earning glares from everyone. I sit in my seat and sigh. I don't know who that guy is but he better stay away from Haneul or he would be finished.
Haneul POV
Taeyong and Jay (Jay park) got up walking. Jay passed me touching my thigh as I flinch.
"I'm sorry to ask you this but, did he ever hurt you?" Johnny asked looking very disgusted that Jay touched my thigh. I really didn't know if I should tell them I never told anyone so I'm scared if something happens they would tell. I took a while and finally told them.
"Uh-uhm he did... Actually he abused me." I became very quiet hoping they won't get mad and end up fighting him. If they fight him he's just going to go after me like what happened when my friend did it.
"Did he rape you?" Mark looked concerned. I shook my head, I could tell that they were mad because of their faces and Marks hands were clenched it was kind of cute when he was mad.
"I thinks it's best if we leave here, I don't want nothing bad to happen here." We nodded but stayed down until Taeyong and Jaehyun came back.
"So what did we miss?" Jaehyun smiles at us.
"Oh nothing really, I think we should leave to be honest. Lets do this some other time where people won't interrupt us!" Johnny gets up following along with all of us. We got in the car and drove off. Johnny was driving as I ate the snacks from the theaters.
"Haneul it's November 18, your birthday is coming up. What are you gonna do?" Ten looks back at me since he was in the passenger seat.
"Uhm I really don't know."  I frowned not knowing what to do.
"I know what's happening on her birthday." Taeyong smirks at me as I hit his shoulder playfully.
"Ah Taeyong you're so dirty!" Mark whined at Taeyong. We all laughed. We dropped them off and Taeyong spent the night again. I took a cold shower so my bruise wouldn't hurt. I rest my head on the wall while the cold water runs through my neck and back. Closing my eyes I slowly tend to relax. After a while of relaxing I get out the shower wrapping my favorite blow polka dot towel over my body and started walking out till a voice scares me.
"What took you so long?" Taeyong says huskily as I nearly jumped 2 feet off the ground. I grip my towel so it wouldn't fall.
"I was just relaxing, I can't be in the shower long?" I walk past him to my room as he follows.
"You can, but not too long. I want to see my princess. By the way you can change in front of me if you'd like." He sits in a chair while I look for clothes.
"What do I look like changing in front of you?" I snared as he just licks his lips.
"You look like my girlfriend, why not? I'm going to see it anyway when we're gonna have our babies." I roll my eyes and put my clothes out on the bed.
"Get out, I have to get dressed." I point towards he door as he looks at my finger and me.
"You can just get dressed right here, I won't mind." He smirks as I glare at him. I grab my clothes and hold them towards my chest and walk to the bathroom. I get dressed and walk out to find Taeyong right by the door.
"Ya were you spying on me?" I flinch like I was going to hit him.
"Why wouldn't I there a beautiful piece of art I need to find out. I couldn't miss that opportunity!" He smiled and walks downstairs. This boy really gets annoying. I set my clothes in my hamper and walk downstairs. I find Taeyong siting on the couch, the awkward thing was I seen his bare thighs and he had no freaking shirt on.
"Ya Taeyong where are your clothes?" I yell as he ignores me.
"I don't know, I don't want them." He simply said. I didn't bother to look at him again, all though it would be a good sight to see. But I'm not doing that! I go in the kitchen to look for some ice cream. Taeyong creeps behind me and circles his arms around my waist and buries his head in my neck.
"You look very sexy right now!" I frowned because how can sweats look sexy?
"Uhm thanks. Do you realize what I have on?" He nods with a smile.
"You're wearing sweats. You don't have to dress up in a dress and all to look cute. You always do even when you're sleeping. You're most beautiful when at home in pajamas than out in a dress."
