Normal day not

I wake up in bed and it was oddly quiet no noise downstairs either.
I got up and walked into the bathroom. I took a shower and got out. It was still quiet so I change and do my hair.

I go downstairs and jimmy isn't there so I get nervous and call him.
The phone rings but there is no answer and I call again but still no answer.
Where could he be? What could he be doing? Is he cheating? Why did he leave so early? Questions fill my head but I ignore the fact that I think he is cheating on me.

I call Caroline.

Me Hey bestie

C Hey watch ya up to

Me I'm coming over

C everything ok?

Me I will explain when I get there

C ok hurry

I start the car and call jimmy one more time and he still don't answer me. I was getting pretty worried where could he be this early in the morning. The only reason I could think of is he is cheating on my I don't know why else he wouldn't be home at fucking 8 in the Morning.

I arrive at Caroline's and explain to her how I feel and ask her for help.

Well I have to options for you either you look through his phone or confront him she says.

Well I don't want him to get upset so I will go with the look through his phone I say.

Ok and tell me if you find anything she says.

I get up and leave. I wait for the car to heat up and pull out of the drive way. I call jimmy again but there is still no answer.
And I was getting pretty pissed where could he fucking be. And why didn't he tell me where he was going and most importantly why ain't he answering his phone.

I walk into the house and slam the door shut I was so mad right now. I don't understand why he would leave so early and not answer his phone.

I put on the vampire diaries and watch before I fall asleep on the couch.

Jimmy's POV

I wake up at 6 o clock and make sure that Kayla is still sleeping. I get up and change then quickly walk out of the house. My ex girl friend Madison wanted to meet up with me and I couldn't say no I know I love Kayla but I was curious on why she just decided to hit me up.

I knock on the door and she opens the door.
Hey come in she says.
I walk in and she had everything set up a movie snacks blankets and pillows.
We sit on the couch and start watching. I wasn't planning on getting touchy with her but then she puts her head on my chest. I plant a kiss on her forehead like I always do to Kayla. And then she starts kissing me so i kiss back and that turns into a whole make out session.

I few hour later I remember that I didn't tell Kayla where I was going. Well I was supposed to make up a lie but she probably mad it's 9 pm and I am still not home. I thank Madison for having me over and then I go out to the car. I open the door and check my phone and see over 30 calls from Kayla and over 70 texts. Damn she must be super mad. I mean I kinda deserve her being mad at me. she doesn't know I made out with my ex but it still makes me feel guilty. I pull onto the drive way. And open the doors quietly.

I see her sleeping on the couch and I gently shake her.

Baby get up im home I say.

Fuck off jimmy she yells pushing my hand of off her. You literally left me and didn't tell me where you were going and on top of that you ignore my calls and texts so it's either you tell me where you were or I am done she says.

Relax baby girl you must be tired we will talk in the morning I say.

Well I'm not sleeping with you I don't even know what ya been out doing so I am gonna to sleep In the guest room.

Kayla you are sleeping in my bed weather you want to or not I say sternly. She looks scared but I don't think she will give up that easily.

No I'm not sleeping with you she screams walking up.

I grab her arm with most of my strength which makes her yell in pain.

Ow let go of my arm she whines.

YOU ARE SLEEPING IN MY BED UNDERSTOOD I could tell she was scared. She nods her head and I loosen my grip on her arm.
She runs upstairs and I sit on the couch. A couple minutes later I walk up and knock on the door. I could hear her crying.

Can I come in I ask.

Y-yes she says. I don't even know why she is stuttering I mean why do I scare her so much.

When I walk in she turns her body around so her back was to me. I sigh as I get into bed and wrap my arms around her.

Can um you not touch tonight she says and I could hear the fear in her voice. I didn't want to make things worse but I ain't going to give up she is going to act normal in bed weather she likes it or not.

I can touch and shut up I say.

Please Jimmy just tonight she says trying to wiggle out of my grip.


She nods and cry's quietly while I wrap my arms around her. I feel bad but I don't want  her to stop loving me and not let me touch her. To be honest I'm scared to lose her. I look over at her and she is asleep. She is so beautiful she deserves so much more then what I can give her. I plant a kiss on her forehead and fall into pockets of sleep. Every two hours I wake up to check if Kayla is still there.


Kaylas POV

I wake up and notice Jimmy's arms won't around me and to be honest I felt safe when they were. But I'm not going to give up that easily. I'm going to she him that he can't play with me I need to show him how mad I am and most of I need him to tell me where he has been.
I walk into the shower in the other room so I don't wake Jimmy up.
Then I put this on.

I go down to the kitchen and make eggs with avocado. I set me a plate and jimmy a plate then sit on the couch.

Jimmy's POV

I wake up and my eyes widen when I don't see Kayla. I get up and put my ear to the door to listen to any noise. I hear Kaylas phone she is texting someone.
I go in the shower and then put on a hoodie and sweat pants.
I rush downstairs and there I see Kayla on the couch. She didn't jump up to me when she saw me like she usually does.

Are you coming down to eat or do you want to eat up there she says.

I didn't notice I was frozen zoned out on the last bit of the stairs. I will come down eat here I say. Going to the table.

She brings the  plates and we begin to eat.

So are you going to explain yesterday she says. I was dreading this conversation but I guess I can't run from it.

Kayla my phone was dead and I couldn't um   a-answer you.

Lie cause when you came here it wasn't dead it had 50 charge so don't lie she says in voice tone showing she is scared from the truth.

Kayla please let's just say forget about yesterday I say trying to run from this.

Nope we are having this conversation here and now she says.

Ok ok ok what do you want me to say then I say acting dumb.

First of all why didn't you answer my phone calls she says.

My phone was on mute I say. And I'm not lying I had it on mute and I didn't know she texted me until I got into the car.

Second of all why did you leave so early and not tell me.

Well um you looked tired and I didn't want to wake you up I say.

Okay... where were you then she says.



I didn't know what to say. It's like she knows I cheated on her. But I can't lie to her forever I eventually have to tell her.

I was at Madison's ok is that good enough to keep your mouth shut I say.

I could see the disappointment in her eyes. She runs up stairs into our room crying. Omg what did I do. Shit I mumble.
She is going to leave my ass and never come back. I walk into our room and see her sobbing into a pillow.

Kayla I say.

She did not answer me but I didn't want to scream at her so I walk over to her and sit on the edge of the bed.
Kayla I'm sorry it wasn't planned whatever happened there wasn't planned I got a text fron hers saying she wanted me to come over and I was curious so I went. She had a movie set up and I didn't see the wrong in it so I watched with her until she kissed me and I kissed back. It wasn't like I wanted it. Please Kayla I'm sorry.

You weren't sorry when you were cheating on me she says tears rolling down her cheek.

I'm sorry I really am.

Sorry isn't going to change the fact that you sheared on me she spat out.

I wanted to scream at her so bad and tell her not to talk to me like that but I messed up enough if she don't leave me because I cheated she definitely gonna leave me for hitting her.

Please Kayla I didn't mean anything I did I love you and only you. You know how messed up I am with you I won't do it again please just give me a chance I ask.

Jimmy just please leave.


JIMMY IF YOU DONT LEAVE I WILL she yells getting up.

Ok ok I will leave you have an hour I will be back in here understand. And with that I left I go into the kitchen grab a protein bar and sit on the couch.

Kaylas POV

I told Jimmy to leave me alone. I can't believe he cheated on me. I don't know what to do I love him but I don't think I want this relationship. I get a text message from the guy I met at the coffee shop.

?? Hey I was thinking that you can come over so we can get to know each other a bit more

Me well um right now??

?? Yeah why not

Me ok just give me your address

?? (Address)

Me I will be right there

I walk over to the closet and decide on red.

I walk out of the room and down. I see jimmy ok his phone so I just grab my car keys and walk past him.

Where are you going he asks getting up.

Why should I tell you.

I'm not playing where are you going he says louder.

To Caroline's I don't want to be here I want time alone I say.

Ok be back by 10 he says.

And who are you to tell me when to come back home I ask.

Shut up and be back by 10 or you ain't going no where.

I scoff and walk out. This time I make sure to tell Caroline to lie for me since jimmy got her number.

Caroline hey what ya up to

Me I need you to do something for me

Caroline k what is it

Me if Jimmy calls you and says is Kayla with you say yes and if he says can I speak to her say she is in the toilet

Caroline ok bestie love you bye

Me luv you too bye

I end the call and start driving. He lives about 25 minutes away from here so it wasn't long until I found the house.

I was getting a bit nervous because I didn't know if he really wanted to meet me or something else.

I knock on the door and he answers it.

Looking good there he says in a friendly tone.

Thanks I say blushing.

Would you like to come in he asks moving out the way.

I walk in and we sit on the couch.

So what is your name he asked me.

Kayla and yours.

Noah. And I remember you telling me you broke up with your bf how are you dealing with it. Find someone new?

Actually we got back together but I don't know if I want the relationship anymore I say.

Why what happened he says. Well you don't have to tell me I'm just curious.

Um well he cheated on me with his ex.

Damn he don't deserve you he says.

Well he goes insane without me he literally smashed and broke everything in his house when I left him I say.

Don't waste your time on him. If you want give him one more chance no more he says getting up.

Where are you going I ask.

Getting you some snacks he says


I sit and wait until I get a text from Caroline.

Caroline hey Jimmy just called and I told him you were in the bathroom and he said just remind her she need to be back by 10. I think he fell for it haha

Me aww thanks bestie.

Noah comes back into the room with snacks and we eat and talk. I check the time and it's 9:17.

I better get home but thanks for having me over I say.

Anytime he says. We can meet this weekend at the club he says.

Yes that would be great I say giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I walk out and drive off home. Before I enter I get myself ready to argue with him because I didn't want to sleep with him. Who knows where that dick has been.

I walk in and jimmy is sitting on the couch exactly where he was when I left.

Well interesting he says smiling.

What I ask rolling my eyes.

First of all don't give me attitude second you listened to me and came back by 10 he says.

Ugh I don't care just leave me alone I'm going to bed.

Well I'm coming as well he says getting up.

I don't want to sleep with you I say scared of what his reaction is going to be.


I said I don't-

I heard what you said but why he asked.

I don't know I just want to sleep in the guest room I say.

Ok fine but only tonight he says.

Really um thank you I say surprised that he didn't argue and yell this time.

I walk up and into the guest room and he goes into our room. I heard the shower running so I made a guess he was in the shower.

I get changed into my pjs and slip into bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Noah and how nice he was. I mean I love jimmy but he cheated on me. I can move on with Noah right. I tried to shake those thoughts because I know Jimmy with haunt Noah down if he found out.

Long chapter. But I'm making another one and posting it today or tomorrow. I love and enjoy writing this book and would love if you read thank you. 
