제 4 장

♥️Suga Imagine♥️

Made by: Maria Lara🌻

{Chapter 4}

Elica: Hey Unnie Liza, Unnie Patricia~

You and Liza: Ne?

Elica: How do you guys rap?

Liza: Hmm? What do you mean?

Elica: I just wanted to know how you guys rap so cool

You: I dont know?

Liza: We learn? Me and Patricia-ah really likes rapping and it became our hobby

You: Yah and when we have free time, the both of us raps, so i guess we rap cool because of practice?

Elica: Good point

Sooxi: Hey Ria-ah

Ria: Ne?

Sooxi: Why does it say that I'm a Sub-rapper?

Ria: It means that you're also going to rap

Sooxi: But I'm not that good in rapping

Ria: Atleast you rap, its just a sub-rapper anyways, you're originally a vocalist

Sooxi: Ok then~

Hann: Yah! I've set up the TV already, we can all watch now

(You girls will use the TV to watch the original dance)

Nielle: The title's DNA right?

You: Ne~

Ria: We're just going to watch their dance practice and not the MV

Hann: Okay then~

(While you were watching you saw someone familiar)

You said softly: This guy looks very familiar..

Ria: Patricia-ah~ Listen to the rap carefully~!

You: Yah yah

(After a few minutes of watching the video a lot of times you guys started practicing)

Nielle: Yah! This is hard~ Especially how they're boys and we're girls

Hann: Just positive thoughts okay girls?

Ria: We can make the note a bit higher for you nielle

Nielle: Okay~

Liza: Their choreographer sure did do a tough choreography

You: I wonder what their names are

Ria: I only know namjoon-ah because of the meeting earlier

Liza: Kim Namjoon right?

Ria: Mhm

You: Oh the tall guy who came out of the room earlier?

Ria: Yup, But Let's talk about that later and focus more on the practice

(After 2hours you girls are finally done with the vocals and rapping)

Elica: I brought water you guys!

You: Ah~! Finally!

-All of you drank water because all of you were so tired from practicing again and again-

Liza: Wah~ its already 4 o'clock

Ria: We still have to do the dance, then singing or rapping while dancing

Elica: Maybe when we practice dancing we can slowly add the singing parts while dancing? Or singing a bit while dancing?

You: Thats a good idea, so we wont have that much of a hard time

Ria: Mhm thats good, we should rest for about 5 minutes then we'll practice again?

-after 5 minutes-

Ria: Okay its time to practice again!

Hann: Ooh~ maybe we should record it this time

You: Okay! I'll play the record when we start

Ria: Ok 3, 2, 1 and Go!

-You press the record-

(Just pretend that this is sung by seven members)
{If you want to listen you may, if you do not want you may too}
[The positions depends on you]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

-After you girls sing your manager came in the room-

All of you: Annyeonghaseyo Manager Lin~

Manager: Wah~ Annyeonghaseyo, you girls did a great job!

Ria: Mwo?

Manager: I was listening outside when you were practicing and I'm very proud of you girls especially how its just a practice and not a training yet

All of you: Thank you Manager Lin~

Manager: No problem

Hann: Well manager Lin, we actually haven't done the dance yet

Manager: Don't worry there's still tomorrow, Though I really want you girls to finish earlier and not until 5 days or something

You: Oh don't worry manager! I'm sure we'll finish earlier than that

Manager: I really do hope so, anyways you girls can go home now

Elica: Really Manager Lin?

Manager: Yes

Elica: Thank you Manager Lin! We promise to go here tomorrow early for practice

Manager: Your schedule depends on you when you practice

Ria: Ne~ it depends on us what time we want to practice

Manager: I will just be at some room here in the building fixing your girls papers and discussing with your other managers

All of you: Ahh~

Manager: So yah, you girls can go now!

-You girls get your things before you leave-

Manager: Oh yah before I forget, Ria-ah

Ria: Ne Manager Lin?

Manager: Can you stay a little bit mire and go to the other meeting room at the 4th floor?

Ria: Oh ah sure Manager Lin

Manager: Ok thank you, see you all tomorrow!

All of you: Annyeong manager lin!

-all of you goes out of the room-

Ria: Well you guys should get going already and I'll just see all of you at home

Nielle: Ok then, though we still need to stop by the mall and get something

Ria: What Is it?

Liza: Clothes that we bought

Ria: Wait, you guys went shopping without me?

Nielle: Yess but thats no big problem to you right?

Ria: Yes but Rude~ I wanted to go shopping too

Nielle: I'll just give you some of the things I bought

You: Hey Unnie~ I'll go with you~!

Ria: Ok then

-all of you went to the elevator and pressed the 4th and Ground floor-


Hann: We'll see the both of you later~ Annyeong~

-the elevator door closes-

You: So what room is it unnie?

Ria: That room right there

You: Oh okay, should I still go with you?

Ria: Nah its fine, how about you just go and wait for me outside?

You: oh okay sure

Ria: Ok Dont leave me ah!

You: Yah yah!

Ria's P.O.V:

-knock knock-
(She opens the door)

Ria: Oh annyeong Namjoon-ah

Namjoon: Oh ria-ah what are you doing here?

Ria: I don't exactly know

Namjoon: Oh well uhm are you like looking for our manager?

Ria: I guess so

Manager-nim: Oh you must be Park Ria?

Ria: (she bows) Oh Annyeonghaseyo I am Park Ri–
(With the Manager she saw her brother Jimin and Jin)

Your P.O.V:

You: Yah Yah!

-You see Ria go in the room-

You: *sigh* Well this has been a day

-while you were waiting for the elevator you heard people talking and heading to your direction-

V: Ah~ Annyeonghaseyo (he bows down to you)

You: Oh ah (you bow down too) Annyeonghaseyo

Jhope: Wah Taehyung-ah You're really that kind ey


-the elevator door opens and all of you goes in-

Staff: Oh V-ssi, Jhope-ssi, Jungkook-ssi, Yoongi-ssi, you guys are heading home?

The four of them: Ne~

Jungkook: How about you hyung-nim?

Staff: Ah aniyo I still need to do some work

Jhope: Ah well good luck on that Hyung-nim!


-all of you goes out the elevator-

V: Oh annyeong Hyung-nim!

Staff: Annyeong!

You said to yourself: I wonder who they are..

-You accidentally dropped your handkerchief-

Suga: Yah! You dropped your handkerchief!

-You didn't hear a thing and you went out the building-

Jungkook: Ah hyung, We'll just buy some food~

Suga: Ah ok, I'll be back

-he goes outside-

-You were waiting outside until someone tapped your shoulders-

You: Hmm?

-You turn around-

Suga: Ah you dropped your handkerchief

You: Oh uh...Thank you

-You took it from him, you couldn't identify who he was because he was wearing a mask-

You: (You bow down) Thank you

-He bows down too and left-

You: He looks like one of the guys from the elevator

Ria: There you are dongsaeng!

You: Ah Unnie

Ria: We can finally go home~!

You: Aigoo I want to Lie down already~!

Ria: Lets go home then!

-You and Ria walked your way to the bus station-

-after a few minutes you and Ria finally arrived at your house-

Hann: Welcome home~

You: Oh, all of you are fixed already

Hann: Of course

Nielle: Oh you guys are here already, I placed the clothes on your bed

-You and Ria went to your room and changed into comfy clothes-

Ria: Hey guys what do you want for dinner?

Elica: Can we just eat outside?

Hann: Fine~ Unnie's treat! Just a celebration for us because we made it as trainees

You: Wahh Unnie! That's so surprising

Elica: Wahh! Our very unnie is going to treat us~

Hann: Hehe~ Later at 7 We'll go at (restaurant name)

Ria: Wahh Daebak~

You: Now I'm just excited to eat dinner haha

*ding dong*

Sooxi: I'll get it

-she opens the door-

Sooxi: Oh, Daniel Oppa

You: Hm? Oppa is here?

Ria: Not just him but also some of the members and also Nayeon Unnie

Hann: Wah? Unnie is also here?!

Ria: Ne~

Daniel: Annyeonghaseyo

Nayeon: Annyeong~

-You and Hann runs to your siblings to hug them-

You: Wahh Oppa! Why are you here?

Daniel: Ria-ah invited us

Ria: With the help of Nielle

Hann: Thank you so much dongsaengs~! It's been so long since I saw unnie

Nayeon: I missed you too~

Daehwi: Annyeonghaseyo ~

You: Who are you with Oppa?

Daniel: Daehwi, Jihoon, Ong, Jisung-hyung, and Kuanlin

You: Ah well you guys should sit down

Daniel: No its fine

Sooxi: I ordered pizza already

Ong: Hey Patricia-ah What can we do for fun?

You: Well we have games here?

Ong: wah~ Kuanlin-ah, Jisung-hyung lets play games

Jisung: Okay~

Daniel: Hey dongsaeng~ How about we chitchat for awhile! I really missed my little girl~

You: Aww haha, I missed you too Oppa~ Oh how about we talk about your girlfriend! Huhh

Daniel: Haha very funny

You: Seriously Oppa, howcome you still don't have a girlfriend?

Daniel: Well I haven't found anyone yet~ and plus, Oppa wants to focus on you first

You: Aww how sweet of you Oppa

Daniel: Even if you have a boyfriend or a Husband I will still focus on you

You: Silly Oppa~

Elica's P.O.V:
(While they were talking I noticed that Jihoon went next to me)

Elica: Oh

Jihoon: Annyeong

Elica: Annyeong

Jihoon: Uhm, elica-ah

Elica: Ne?

Jihoon: Can we talk?

Elica: Sure? Let's talk in my room

-They both went upstairs to talk-

-He sits down on Liza's bed and you sat down on your bed-

Jihoon: Who do you share rooms with?

Elica: I share with Liza Unnie

Jihoon: Oh I share with Woojin ah

Elica: Oh okay

Jihoon: So uhm, how have you been?

Elica: I'm doing fine, how bout you? How's being an Idol?

Jihoon: Its fine though there's always full schedules

Elica: So thats how it is

Jihoon: Ne

Elica: I-I have a question

Jihoon: Hm?

(He looked at her like that)

Elica: We're just Bestfriends right?

Jihoon: Oh...yah..that's what you wanted right?

Elica: Yah, well we don't like eachother right?

Jihoon: Of course, I mean it looks like it

Elica: Oh okay

Jihoon: Well..uh..I'm actually liking someone right now, her name is Lee Suwan, I'm planning to take her out this weekend

Elica: Oh...really? Well...that's good to hear~

Jihoon: Oh, please don't be weirded out by me saying that, I'm just really used with opening up to my bestfriends

Elica: Oh its fine

Jihoon: How about you? Are you dating someone?

Elica: Me? Uh no, I'm not

Jihoon: Well I hope you find someone

Elica: I hope too~

Jihoon: It really has been a long time since we last talked

Elica: Yah, its probably have been 6 months already

Jihoon: Im really sorry

Elica: Its not your fault, I was the one who decided to not communicate anymore

Jihoon: It was really unexpected

Elica: Yah..

Jihoon: What you did actually hurted, but its no big deal, I just really thought that you hated me and didn't want to see me again. But that was before -he stands up- Atleast we're talking again and also happy

-She stands up too-

Elica: Yah~

Jihoon: Let's go now, the pizza probably arrived already

-they went out of the room and went downstairs-

Your P.O.V:

Sooxi: Pizzas here!

Liza: How many boxes did you order?

Sooxi: 4 boxes

Daniel: Yah! Ong, jinyoung! The Pizza is here already

Jinyoung: Just one last game!

You: Yah! We're not going to leave you some!

Ong: Ah! Fine!!

-They stopped the game and went to the dining table to get pizza-

You: Oh Dongsaeng! The pizza is here~

Ong: Wah Jihoon ah~ you were with Elica-ah?

Jihoon: So?

Nielle: Im still wishing for Elihoon to reunite~!

Elica: (she said softly) That won't happen anymore unnie, he's already dating someone

You: Jeongmul?

Elica: Ne~

Ria: Wahh~ I think thats not true

Elica: It is true unnie~

Ria: Ok then~

-After 2 hours of them staying-

Nayeon: Dongsaeng~ I need to go now

Hann: Wahh really unnie?

Nayeon: Yes~

Hann: Aww but I want to spend more time with you~

Nayeon: Me too but I promise that we'll spend another time

Hann: Ok then bye unnie~

Nayeon: Bye everyone~

All of you: Annyeong~

-She goes out-

(After 10 minutes)

Jisung: Wah, we need to go now

You: Aww~

Daniel: Looks like we need to go dongsaeng

Patricia: Okay Oppa~

-You both hugged eachother-

Ong: Jihoon-ah how about you hug elica too?

Jihoon: Ah! Hyung~! Stop teasing me already

Ong: Finee~

Daniel: Ok We'll go now

-He rubs your head-

Daniel: Be a good girl patricia-ah especially during trainings

You: Yah! You be a good boy too~

Daniel: Ok bye everyone~

Liza: Bye daniel Oppa!

All: Annyeong~

-They left-

Ria: Well that was a day~

Nielle: Only an hour left before Unnie treats us~!

Hann: Aigoo you're really observing the time

Nielle: of course~! Its been so long since all of us last ate there~

(After an hour you guys went to the restaurant already and ordered food)

Sooxi: wah~ Let's do a toast!

You: Yah Unnie ria!

Ria: Ok, Good luck to all of us on being Kpop Idols~!

All of you: GG-bundae~!

(After an hour all of you went home already and went to sleep~)
