The journey

(Pic not mine, credit to artist)(song not mine credit to artists and creator of the video)(the song doesn't really have anything to do with this chapter, but it can also be what mihawk felt in the time period she was gone idk)(you can skip the song or enjoy it, your choice owo)

Mihawk pov

Its been a week since shin left, I haven't heard word from her nor from the newspaper. As i became more restless I finally decided to go ask shanks, although that was my last choice he had to know something about her location. With that i headed to the island shanks always hung out around this time, as i arrived i could hear their music and shouting all the way to the shore, as shanks saw me he ran to me and tried to hug me, i easily dodged him and sat down on a nearby tree trunk.
"Aww why are you being so cold? We're basically family now, no need to be shy~"

I glared at him as he came closer to me and handed me a bottle of booze,
"So, what has brought my brother-in-law to visit me so soon?"
He asked as he started to drink from his own bottle, and everyone else continued with their own conversations.

"Do you know where shin is?"
Is all i managed to say as i heard shanks starting to snicker,
"So the strongest swordsman already misses my sister's touch? Haha i never new the day would come."
Shanks said as he continued to chuckle in amusement, i glared at him from the corner of my eye,
"Do you know where she is yes or no"

I asked him with a more harsher tone, wanting to know if he had any information.
"Haha no need to be so moody, i had thought she told you where she was going but seeing as you dont even know about her mission and who she's going up makes me worry about your relationship"

"What do you mean with that? Who is she going up against?"
I looked at him now as i raised one of my eyebrows in curiosity, i know very well how strong she is but seeing how he phrased it started to make me worry.
"Whoops I wasn't supposed to say that so lets just say that although she is very powerful if she makes one wrong move its game over."

I turned to look at shanks trying to process what he just said,
"W-what do you mean? Who's she going up against, tell me redhead!"
I said as i grabbed his shoulder so he could look at me, although his face didnt seem worried his eyes had a hint of it.
"I cant tell you that as it is kind of confidential, so all i can tell you is to wait and believe in her. Although her wanted poster worth is less than mine, when she gets serious even i can have a hard time against her."

~Shin's (y/n) journey~
3rd person pov

It took a whole month for shin to pin point exactly where 'windigo' was and to get to that place, the place was the land of the kingdom of Wano. Although shin knew where the criminal was it was a bigger country than she had imagined and it took longer to find him, as she got closer he got further and that cycle repeated for 8 months. Once she had him he was able to escape from her because of certain events, after that she had to be careful as to not get attention since she became a wanted criminal. After 5 months she was able to finally corner the criminal, it ended in a big fight of 2 days with neither one of them falling. Shin won, however she was badly injured and had to rest for a month. After Kaido heard of the event he went after her, since she was shanks sister he wanted to see how strong she would be and if he would be able to get rid of her. Shin battled Kaido for 5 days putting in all her strength and power, however she new she would lose so she retreated when he got distracted. Her wound reopened but it was to dangerous to stay so she had to leave back to headquarters, after barely making it she fainted and went into a coma for 9 months.

~Shins pov after waking up~

'W-what happened? Last thing I remember i was trying to escape wano, am i dead? Where are those voices coming from'
I tried opening my eyes but was meet with a blinding light making me shut them once more, i then concentrated on what the voices were saying,
"Sir has their been any sign that captain is going to wake up?"

'Isn't that the voice of one of my underlings? What is she doing here?'

"I dont know, i already gave her all the treatment i could now all we need to do is wait for her to do the rest."

'And isn't that Ivankov? Am i not dead? Did i really make it'
With that i tried opening my eyes again but this time slower, trying to adjust to the light. I was in what seemed to be Ivankov's hospital, i turned towards them and saw them talking while they looked tired and stressed.

Was all i could say as it was all that came to my mind, they quickly turned to look at me and once they saw me their eyes were filled with tears.
They shouted together as they came closer and grabbed my hands.
"How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain? Does anything hurt?"
Ivankov started to bombard me with questions,

I chuckled and slowly sat up,
"I'm fine i haven't felt this good since before i went to wano, thank you. By the way for how long have i been out? I remember leaving wano but everything else is a blur."
Ivankov sat back down as he wiped some of his tears and snot,
"You've been in a coma for 9 months, your wound was very bad, not only that but before it could fully heal it was reopened making you lose even more blood. If you had arrived later, you would of been gone."

"Ahhh....i see, then its good i left soon. By the way how are thing going since ive been gone?"
Ivankov and my underling then went on to tell me everything i had missed on the past two years, after that i walked around and did some exercise's to get some of my muscles going. After Dragon heard the news that i was awake he called me to his office, i explained everything of the mission including every detail of what i saw in the wano kingdom.

"Good job Shin, since that was a big mission and it will take a while for you to completely recuperate ill give you 5 months of vacation. You can come earlier if you feel your ready to continue."

"Yes sir, thank you very much."
I thanked him sincerely as i left his office and went to grab my things, i also checked on the reports of how ace and luffy were doing and it seemed that they doing much better.
"I guess the only thing now is to fulfill a certain promise."
I chuckled as i left the building and got on a boat, leaving headquarters and going towards the person I've been waiting to see.

~short Shanks story~

Its been a long time since I've heard of shin, and because of that i am now the one being bothered which is weird since it's always me bothering someone else. That person is Mihawk, he comes looking for me at least twice a month asking if ive heard anything from shin, its come to the point that he has forgotten how cold we was towards me. Sometimes i don't even know if to hide or to run away, once i see shin she is going to pay me back for all of this. No matter how much i love her, I've seen that there will always be someone who will love her more. Its so weird, even as children me and shin wouldn't send messages, we would always just appear out of the blue and hangout, so when someone asks me about her whereabouts I've got nothing. I hope this saga ends soon cuz I'm going to need a break after this.
(For those of you wondering how many times mihawk visited shanks throughout the 2 yrs, it was 48 times. O-O)

Next chapter might be the last one, but I'm thinking on doing one of ace x reader which will take place on the same timeline as this one.
Thank you for all of the support that I've been getting, and i hope you enjoy it till the end!~<3
