3rd Person POV

Michael Had Just Finished Yet another Trial, He was at the nurses office because not only did the survivors start using shards of broken glass, They Had ruined his innocent mind. He was currently getting stiches on his shoulder when Bubba came in whimpering like he does but he wasn’t hurt.

Bubba Proceeded to tell michael that Jason was back again looking for him by using sign language. Michael sighed as he got up from his seat with a wince coming soon after. Michael walked out to see Amanda In a attack stance at Jason with his machete ready to attack. Freddy and Ghostface were watching with amusement waiting to see what would happen next.
Michael stepped in middle on the two and looked Jason up and down telling him to leave.

Jason Just stood staring at him and the current blood pouring from michaels shoulder. Trapper was watching from around the corner with a protective stare.
Jason Placed his hand over his heart shakily and then put him and on michaels heart. Michael shook his head, That’s when our boy trapper came out and possessively snaked his arm around michaels waist as michael looked at his feet nervously. Jason's Dead little heart started breaking even more, He loved Michael and didn’t want to lose him.

Michael stared at the mountain of dead flesh infront of him with tears swelling in his eyes and ran back into the nurses office. Trapper grabbed Jason by the collar of his Jacket dragging him out of the area as the nurse was trying to calm Michael deep with in the office. The Doctor then proceeded to shuffle his way in and glance toward their direction.
“I swear *electric shock* I was only gone *shock* a few minutes”
The nurse rolled her eyes and Michael left the building only to be met with a familiar pair of strong arms around him. He smiled *behind his mask* at his loving boyfriend who was currently trying to comfort him. Michael slowly entered the embrace making a few awes go off around him.

Michael smiled up at him while Trapper smiled back down at him. They were as happy as could be but the same didn’t go for Jason and Sadako, She was pregnant and he kept leaving to get michael back. He didn’t care much for the child. They always fought and punches + Slaps were given.
Michael couldn’t care less, he was currently sitting on trappers work bench cleaning his knife. Trapper was fixing up yet another trap, They would exchange small kisses in the process earning giggles from michael and chuckles from Evan.

The Legion still looked up to michael as the quiet mother figure, but now they see evan as a father figure. Jason would watch from a distance with a few tears in his eyes. Michael was babysitting Jamie one day and Jason took that as Trapper and his child that they kept hidden from him. That hurt the poor mamas boy even more.
Michael and Trapper were constantly together after trials so Jason had no way to talk to michael privately. Michael was extremely happy with trapper because every once in a while Trapper gave him little gifts such as stuffed animals, chocolate, and knifes.

While all the boys would gag the girls would awe of them wishing they had a relationship like that but no one was really interested in them I dunno nowadays. Jason Changed aswell, he kept to himself more, killed more aggressively and worse of all, would threaten to kill his unborn baby. Jason would stalk michael more often whenever he had nothing to do. Michael knew of this and told trapper as soon as he knew it was positive, Trapper started keeping a closer eye on him keeping close when needed. One night while they were cuddled on the couch asleep Jason came in and stole one of michaels jumpsuits.
Once they found out michael had one of Trappers security systems put in but what happen next shocked them all…

Hah cliffhanger
