Let the Contest Begin!

A/N Amber decides to join the contest just only to beat May again. Drew tries flirting with Amber again, but this time it won't be Amber who gives him the punch.

The gang finally reached Mauville City, May is entering the contest again, but May is not the only one, Amber decided to join. Amber received the instructions on what to do. Ash suggested to use Poke-balls or a Master Ball for it won't raised any suspicious. Today is the day, the contest will soon begin and Amber was getting her outfit ready.

"Oooohhh, Aaaashhh" Amber said in a sing along
"Yes, are you ready?" asked Ash
"Well, almost just tell me what you think?" She said as she stepped out of the restroom.

"Wow, you look beautiful!!! Ash said hugging Amber and spinning her around. Amber giggled at Ash's silliness and gave him a kiss on the lips. Once the gang reached the building, Ash gave Amber a good luck kiss before they departed but May walked away in disgust.

Amber was the last one to perform she used Mew to do the performance, "nobody has never since this kind of pokemon it must be rare" stated the announcer but Amber just smirked because they had no idea. Amber past her performance with mew, now its time for the battles and Amber came out the winner, winning her first ribbon.

Amber waited for Ash and the others to show up, unfortunately she was unprepared to see Drew again. "Congratulations, beautiful" Drew said but Amber remained silent and gave him a bored look. Drew notice he was gonna get a response, so he tried a different approach. "Why don't we wait for your friends at this wonderful restaurant down the street" he said, again ignored him.

Not too far away Ash made his way through the crowds, and saw Amber and Drew standing together. Max and Brock took May for to buy her an Iced Coffee for to cheer her up on her losing. Ash walked up behind Drew and poked his right shoulder to get his attention. Amber saw Ash coming but chose to see what he would do because she sensed that he was mad. Drew felt the poke and turned away and the next thing he know he blacked out.

Ash punched Drew on his nose, and grabbed Amber's hand pulling her along as she laughed at Drew for being so dense. Ash kissed Amber on the lips and congratulated her on her winning. As they reached to where the others are, they talked about what they should do. Amber paid no attention to the conversation, she was too busy looking at the ribbon, she doesn't see what made it so special. Amber walk towards a trash can and threw away the ribbon. May noticed that Amber walked away and curiously looked to see what she was doing and saw Amber through away the ribbon.

May screamed which cause Ash, Pikachu, Brock and Max to get scared, but once May explained what Amber did, Ash questioned Amber why she through it away. "It was mine" Amber simply answered, but they didn't bother to questioned any further. The gang decided to go to the beach and hang out for the rest of the afternoon.

They released their pokemons and had lunch now it was just time to enjoy the rest of the day in the water. Ash, Brock and Max got into the swim suit and Amber couldn't help but blush and look away from Ash's body that keeps getting her attention. May changed into a two piece bathing suit showing off practically her whole body, Amber just shooked her head. Now it was Amber's turn to change.

A/N I know this chapter was slow. Don't forget to rate and comment.
