
Third Person POV

  The next few days pass in a blur. Aizawa and Baisho get released from the hospital, Zohzue devotes all of her time into the bakery to help her mom get it running again.

Zohzue POV

  I sigh and lean against the counter, rubbing my face.

  "Zue?" Mom calls, I glance towards the oven as I make my way to the front of the store. 

  "Yeah ma?" I call out as I pass through the door. My step falters slightly at the sight of  my friends standing off to the side talking among themselves. Bakugo is the only one not participating, instead he's a little ways away from them leaning against the wall.

  "There you are Zue!!" Mom exclaims, walking over to me. "Your friends came to see if you were still going to hangout with them this weekend!"

  "Oh!" I say. "I forgot that we had plans! Is that okay with you?"

  "Yeah! Mina said that you're staying at her house, I'm so glad you're making friends sweetheart."

  "Thanks ma. Let me finish what I was doing and I'll go!"

  "Nonsense. Go now, I can finish up." She says, hugging me tightly.

  "Alright... if you're sure." I say hesitantly. She gently nudges me towards my friends.

  "Zue! There you are!" Mina yells, she runs over and hugs me roughly.

  "Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been in touch, we're trying to get the shop running smoothly again." I say shyly, refusing to look at any of them.

  "Let's go." Bakugo grumbles, grabbing my wrist and pulling me after him.

  "Where are we going??" I ask, slightly pulling against his grip. He stops and looks at me curiously.

  "We're going to my house so everyone can change or whatever and then going to karaoke."

  "I need to go home first, I don't have anything to change into."

  "Oh. Right my bad." He says, a small smile appearing on his face. He turns and starts pulling me in the direction of my house.

  "Uhm, Bakubro? How do you know where she lives?" Kaminari asks.

  "None of your damn business Pikachu." He snaps, his body stiffening slightly. I wrap my fingers around his wrist and squeeze. He relaxes slightly and peeks at me over his shoulder. I smile reassuringly and pull my wrist away, taking the lead. After a few moments we arrive at my house.

"We'll wait out here." Bakugo says, disinterest lacing his tone. He glances at Sero and Kaminari before looking at me.

"That's fine! Mina, you're coming in though. I need help picking out an outfit." I smile at the boys as I enter the house.

"No fair! We want to go in too!" Kaminari whines, crossing his arms.

"No." Bakugo says, turning to examine the street.

I chuckle as I close the door, leading Mina towards my room.

"Sooooo..." She says, dragging it out.

"Hmm?" I hum, distracted as I dig through my closet, trying to find the perfect outfit.

"Bakugo is like completely smitten over you."

I freeze, looking over my shoulder at her. She's sitting cross-legged on the bed examining her nails.

"What- what makes you say that?" I stutter, continuing my search for clothes.

"Well, anytime anyone asks about you, except for me and kiri, he explodes. He is super defensive when it's about you. Kiri told me about what happened in the hospital with your ex. I'm sorry you had to deal with an asshole like that, and I want you to know that if you ever need it I'll kick his ass." She says, looking at me and smiling sadly.

"Thank you. I don't know if your right, I guess I haven't seen how he interacts with other people enough to see the difference." I respond thoughtfully, pulling a black dress out of my closet. Mina gasps and nods enthusiastically.

I grin and put it in my bag, adding some clothes to sleep in and an extra outfit, also making sure to pack toiletries.

"Okay! I'm ready. Let's go before the boys kill each other out of boredom." I say, smiling at her. We head outside, watching silently as Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima chase each other around in the street.

"Um? Bakugo? What are they doing?" I question, watching them curiously.

"They got bored waiting for you two, they're playing tag I think." He says nonchalantly, his gaze staying glued to his phone.

"Oh. Well we're ready. Sorry it took so long." I say quietly, walking by him to get to the sidewalk.

He grunts in response and walks down the sidewalk in the direction we came from. I glance at Mina and she shrugs, following him. The other three run after us, voicing their complaints at being left behind. I grab Kirishima's wrist and slow down a little so we're walking behind everyone else.

"What's up Zue?" He asks, eyeing me curiously.

"Did anything happen while we were inside? Bakugo is acting weird."

"Oh." He says, chuckling. "Denki asked if y'all were together, Bakugo denied, Denki asked if he could ask you out, Bakugo yelled at him and told him that you aren't interested in an idiot like him and has been sulking ever since."

"Oh." I murmur, watching the aggressive blond curiously.

He looks over his shoulder at us, his lip raises defiantly and he scoffs.

"Blue." He calls. "Come here."

I look at Kiri worriedly, hurrying to catch up to him.

"Yeah?? What's up Bakugo?"

"Don't fall behind." He says, refusing to look at me.

"Oh, okay. Hey is it okay if I invite Mei to karaoke?"

"Whatever." He says dismissively.

"Okay?" I say questioningly. I pull my phone out of my pocket and text Mei, asking if she'll come. She quickly agrees and asks where to meet us.

"What's your address? So she can meet us there." I ask quietly.

He tells me and I text her, putting my phone back in my pocket. After about twenty minutes we approach a large tan house surrounded by a tall brown brick fence and shrubbery. My mouth gapes open at the size, it's 5 times the size of my house.


  I turn slightly, looking behind us. Mei is hurrying down the sidewalk, a giant bag slung over her shoulder.

  "Hey Mei!" I call out, waving at her.

  "Hey!" She grins at me, catching up quickly. "Hello Bakusquad! Thanks for the invite to hangout."

  Bakugo scoffs, glancing in our direction.

  "Bakusquad! That's great Mei!" Kiri exclaims, doubling over with laughter.

  "Shut up!" Bakugo snaps and goes inside, slamming the door behind him.

  "Someone seems moody." Mei observes, watching me out of the corner of her eye.

  I shrug absentminded and go inside. To the left is an enormous living room, one wall is completely covered in bookshelves, there are a few couches and an end table. To the right is the nicest kitchen I've ever seen. There's a giant island and the appliances are stainless steel, the countertops are marble. I set my bag down under the doorway, fully planning on exploring the kitchen further, before continuing down the hall, following the sounds of lazy guitar playing.

  I quietly approach the door and crack it open, peaking inside. Bakugo is sprawled out over a black and orange bean bag in the middle of the floor, fiddling absentmindedly with a guitar. My gaze wanders the room, trying to absorb as much as I can. There are a few All Might posters, book shelves that are filled to the brim, a Queen sized bed full of pillows and light blankets, a wall decorated with metals that he won, and a little end table and lamp by the bed. My eyes drift back to him, catching his crimson gaze.

  "I was just checking to make sure that you're okay. And to see where I can put my stuff?"  I say nervously, our gazes remain locked.

  "I'm fine." He huffs, standing up and setting the guitar on its stand. He comes towards me, squeezing next to me and turning to continue down the hall, passing a few doors before he stops.

  "That door right across the hall is the bathroom. I'm assuming you saw the living room and kitchen, go ahead and make yourself at home. My parents won't be back until next week sometime." He talks distractedly. "This is the room you can use, it should be plenty big enough for you to be comfortable, and I'm right down the hall if you have any issues."

  "Thank you, you don't have to do all of this!" I argue.

  "I'd rather you stay here than somewhere else while dealing with those idiots shenanigans." He says, meeting my gaze. "If they give you any issues at all let me know and I'll handle it."

  "Alright, I doubt there will be problems." I reassure him, smiling softly.

  He nods and turns to return to his room, I go that way as well, needing to get my bag.

  After I grab it I return to the room to start getting ready, texting Mei and Mina which room I'm in.
