an interesting development for the messiah and the angel.

This chapter will show the same events as last one but from mahiru's perspective.

Mahiru's PoVIt's been a week since I started giving food to my neighbour Fujimiya Minato.After talking to him everyday I can safely say that he is as nice as the rumours says.Never angry, never rude he always receives my meal with a soft smile.At first he really tried to refuse but in the end I came on top.He always bring me back the container completely clean and he gives me a sincere compliment about the taste and that makes me glad.

Our relation  was basically just that, no talk in school or outside our apartment.if we were to see each other we would nod at each other but not talk.I remember the day where he found me crying outside under the rain, I saw real concern in his eyes at that time. he wanted to help me but knew not to push, while he didn't do much I felt grateful at that time.That's why when I saw him sick the day after I forced myself in his apartment and was decided to pay him back.

That was the first time I really talked to him too, I heard the rumors about him and his friends, Narukami Yu was called the stoic prince, he was fairy handsome but was always seen with a stoic expression.

He was kind with the other despite never showing them a smile, well at the exception of his friends, he earned himself the title of prince since the girls were quite a fan of him.

Kurusu Akira, the shadow prince, his title is a huge contradiction he is known for being ... basically unoticable,kinda like Kokichi san he keeps surprising the others by suddenly speaking up to them but since no one noticed him they keep being surprised.
He once scared me the same way, he is kind to everyone and doesn't hesitate to listen and help those that are nice to him though despite being unnoticable he managed to earn himself a solid reputation hence the prince nickname.

and finally Fujimiya Minato the patient prince, known in the school for being a mediator of sort, always in the center of conflict between student he place himself as a third party and allow the students to talk to each other.
People says they never once saw him show any kind of annoyance on his face despite being talk to regularly by student asking for his help, he is less liked by the girls in school due to his hair hiding half of his face which gives him a gloomy look but he earned his title thanks to his action.

The three of them are called the golden trio which is to me another stupid nickname.

Back to Fujimiya san I really appreciate him being so cordial and easy to talk to, while we don't talk much we still exchange words when he gives me back his food container, he has been honest when he told me he wouldn't for himself in my life.
"We're not really close so I don't want to invade your privacy, if you do wish to talk to me my door is open but we're just neighbour, once I feel better we're even and we can get back to our usual routine"  This is what he told me and yet I went out of my way to keep interacting with him.

The day  I helped him recover from his cold I saw some infuriating things, his room is a mess with countless of useless items, then he doesn't pay attention to his eating habits and the day later I saw him eating jelly nutrition meal and he had the guts to look at me confused when he says he does eat it regularly!

How can someone be so uncaring about his health I swear just thinking about it make me seething!

And that's why I started making meals for him, it doesn't cost that much more and it's a manageable workload so I really don't mind.


Now I'm in front of the classroom I took a deep breath preparing myself for the day, I open the door and starts greeting everyone I then see Kokichi san talking with Naegi san once they see me they wave at me and I wave back.
During a talk with the golden trio I inadvertly called Kokichi san Ouma san which brought a number of rumors which were a pain to deal with though Kokichi laughed it off and said he didn't mind.

Though speaking of Kokichi san I remember hearing from Fujimiya san that he was the leader of one of the delinquent group in our school if I remember correctly the name was---

"Ahh Shiina san could you please get out of the way you've been standing there for some time now and my arms are getting tired..." I jumped as I suddenly hear a familiar voice I turned back to apologize and I'm then greeted with the strange sight of Komaeda san with numerous scratch and lot of dirts on his face and a huge bag with numerous cans of panta in his hands.

"Komaeda san what happened to you!?" I ask him concerned about his state everyone stopped their discussion and look toward us Kokichi san and Naegi san came toward us with concern on their face.

"Oh that... I just bought something to drink " He answer as if that would explain everything which definitely explain nothing at all.

"... Explain more please..." I ask him narrowing my eyes he seems to sweat a little under the intensity of my gaze.

"well here is what happened---"


Nagito's PoV

Today was an unlucky day for me, my clock died so I didn't have my alarm, my mother woke up late so she woke me up later than I asked her to, then I saw a wild dog who seemed to be angry with me as he started chasing me for a bit, while I was running I tripped on seemingly nothing and started rolling until I was stopped by a vending machine.

"Ouch Ouch  this hurts quite a bit... Where am I?" I look around and finds out I'm at the vending machine right in front the school that's actually a lucky thing!

"Since I'm here I'll just take a panta..." I took out a coin and slide it inside the machine, then... Nothing comes out.

"Come on now the coin is stuck?" I try to make the machine move but it's too heavy for me 

As I was resigning myself to just lose the coin I heard a voice behind me.

"Did the machine eat your coin komaeda san?" I turned around to see the kazama family.

"Oh hello kazama san... yeah today has been quite a bad day as you can see now I lost a coin." I told him with a weary smile.

He look at his two friends then they get closer to the machine and started shaking it and kicking it.

"Usually  if you shake it and hit the machine it should either give you your drink or the coin back" Kazama said.

Seeing the efforts they were doing to help me I was moved and start joining into hitting the machine.

We hit until we heard a strange noise then some sort of spark was starting to spread on the machine.

"Wait you're kidding me is it going to explode!?" The trio shouts, they grabbed me and started to run away from the machine but it was too late and we were caught in the little exolosion.

I opened my eyes and saw the four of us on the ground with dirt on our face, luckily we managed to avoid heavy injuries but the hit was still hard.

With great difficulty we all managed to get up and we were greeted with the sight of countless cans of various drink on the ground, we decided to share all the drinks and we went ou separate way

in the end I was quite lucky! 

End of flashback

Mahiru's Pov

"And that's what happened."  he told us as if it was the most normal thing to have ever happened to him.

"Komaeda san... Are you even human?" I ask him completely shocked by what I heard.

"Hmmm? why are you asking Shiina san I'm pretty sure I'am?" He asked me confused about my question.

"Because a normal human just doesn't ends up being blasted by a vending machine and is fine enough to just get up and pick up everything!" Kokichi san explained with a frustrated mark on his face.

"I mean the kazama family were there too and they got up just fine?" He answers back.

"... Okay that's a good point." I conceded.

"Or they just are abnormal too" Kokichi san exclaimed.

"Who are you calling abnormal you laughing bastard!!!" An angry voice shouted from the back of the class, we all look back just to see the angry face of kazama kenji who was as injured as komaeda san also his friends were absent.

"Where are the other two?" Komaeda ask while tilting his head.

"Had to carry them to the infirmary they lost consciousness after walkinf a few meters, so I had to carry the two of them at the same time it  was a huge pain in the ass" Kazama answer him 

.... What is wrong with the people in this school!?

"Wait so you went to the infirmary and didn't ask the nurse to take care of you?" I ask him getting frustrated with the lack of care from those guys... First fujimiya san and his horrible diet, and now those guys not caring about being injured.

He makes an audible gulp and try to not make any eye contact with me... Why is everyone doing this around me recently?

"Well no one was there to begin with and the nurse kinda hates my guts since I keep coming back injured, also she kinda freaks me out." he says while scratching his head.

So he is a regular enough to be at odds with the nurse?!

... calm down Mahiru just take a deep breath and just let it go, it just guys being guys it's totally normal...

"Then that proves it you guys are abnormal for tanking the explosion,hmm wait who took the brunt of it?" Kokichi san continues absolutely unaware of the internal struggle I was having.

"It was me and Kazama san the other two were further they basically just caught us being propulsed by the force..." Komaeda san answers he then place his bag on a desk and shouts

"Who want's a free can of panta? there is too much for me" Kazama san then join in the free distribution has he also had a big amount of cans with him.

please make this day go by quickly i'm not sure I can take this much longer.


"... What are you doing?" seems like I jinxed myself, I'm sitting on a bench in the park close to my apartment.

I wanted to take a detour to cool down for a bit there I saw a cat that seemed to be stuck on a tree, I tried to help it and ended falling and injuring myself now I was in a humiliating position and in the end Fujimiya san ended up seeing me.

"... Nothing just taking some fresh air" I smiled at me to try and defuse the situation.

Unfortunately it's not working he looks at me then sighs.

"Stay right here I'm coming back." well  even if I wanted to leave I couldn't so I just waited for him to come back.

few minutes later I see my neighbour coming with a bag with what I assume are medical supplies.

"Shiina san I'll need you to remove your tights..." He tells me with one of the most monotonous voice I ever heard in my life

"Eh?!" this was definitely one of the things I never thought Fujimiya san would tell me.

"Sigh... don't act like that I can tell you injured yourself let me treat you so that it doesn't get worse." ah so he noticed.

He then turn around and give me a shirt I understand it's for allowing me to cover my legs.

"Alright you can start."

He treated me without hesitation I could tell he was used to gives first aid treatment.

"You're quite good at it!" I tell him

"Well my best friend has a habit of injuring himself over the stupidest thing so I learned how to treat injuries like that." he answers with a soft smile on his face.

"And yet you don't cook and your apartment is a mess *giggles* " I tease him.

" tchh you just caught me  at a bad time I'm not always like that..." he says while looking away.

"Alright alright *giggles*" he then tell me he was done he gives me a sweater he has just bought and his gym pants.

"To cover your legs and to hide your face while I carry you back home." He tells me which surprise me though I shouldn't be it's fujimiya san after all.

I put on quickly the clothes he gave me and he pick me up and starts carrying me until we arrive at my door.

"Thank you so much Fujimiya san you saved me" I tell him while smiling.

He nods to me and smile softly at me. "Don't worry about it, I wouldn't forgive myself if I let you alone there too, we're neighbour there is nothing wrong about helping each other right?"

I nod back and he starts going back to his room.

"...See ya later Shiina san" he then closes his door.

I'm truly glad to have him as my neighbour....

And done! Sorry for being away for so long I was in a big magic the gathering phase with my friends I should have more time to make my stories now, I won't promise anything but I might be able to upload a new chapter of umineko cinematic universe this week.

Anyway this was the king of Bel and I'll see you later.
