Chapter 4

It was the next day and Jisoo was getting ready for her wedding, she was wearing a big white dress and light makeup, she looked so pretty that haein would fall in love at first sight, jisoo's mom was talking to haein's mom and they were welcoming the guests there were around 100 people who attended the wedding and Mr Kim (jisoo's dad) was taking Mr Jung (haein's dad) and on the other hand haein was getting ready by his stylist, haein looked so handsome that maybe jisoo would fall for him ;) haein wore a very expensive suit but looked too handsome in it. All the guests and everyone are waiting the bride and groom to come, it's finally the time, Haein was standing on the stage waiting for jisoo, suddenly jisoo came wearing her beautiful dress haein got shocked because she looked too pretty, jisoo on other hand also got surprised by his handsome face, jisoo walked to him and the they stood beside each other.

"Jisoo and Jung Haein are going to get married today but before getting married you need make some agreements" the wedding guy said.

"Jung haein will you keep Kim Jisoo by your side all the time and give her all your love."

Haein: Yes I will.

"Kim Jisoo will you keep Jung Haein by your side all the time and give him all your love."

Jisoo: Yes I will.

"Jung haein will you accept this marriage?"

Haein: yes, I do.

"Kim Jisoo will you accept this marriage?"

Jisoo: Yes I do.

"Now you may kiss eachother"

Jisoo was really nervous, her heart was burning inside and so did haein, They gave eachother a light and a quick kiss, after the kiss jisoo's heart flutterted she had butterflies in her stomach and same with haein, after the kiss they went to greet everyone, after the greet they all ate food and the wedding was over.

Jisoo and haein hugged and greeted their parent and then went to their apartment.

It was pretty awkward between them cause they kissed for the first time, finally they reached their apartment, haein opened the and they went inside.

Jisoo: uh I am gonna change.

Haein: take your time. *smiles*

Jisoo than turned around and couldn't stop smiling, jisoo quickly changed herself into a crop top and trouser type of shorts, jisoo than told haein that he can go and change, he went and changed his clothes.

They both were sitting on the couch and chatting.

Jisoo: I am hungry, do you have food in the kitchen.

Haein: not that much, should we grocery shopping?

Jisoo: right now?

Haein: yep.

Jisoo: ok but I need to change.

Haein: ok I will wait *smiles*

Jisoo: ok *smiles*

Jisoo quickly changed her clothes, she wore jeans and a shirt.

They both were sitting in the car and going to the grocery shop.

Haein: You looked pretty in that wedding dress. *smiles*

Jisoo: To be honest your not as bad as I thought. *awkward smile*

Haein: that means we don't have to fight every second.

Jisoo:I guess....

Haein: How about this let's try romantic stuff together and we will fall in love.

Jisoo: like what?

Haein: I dont know maybe like dates and cuddlings and stuff.

Jisoo: ok let's try *smiles*

Haein: we are at the store.

The both went inside the store and started doing shopping they bought a lot of food and after 1 hour they were finally done.

After grocery they decided to go on a date, they went to a fancy and expensive restaurant, after finishing their food they payed and left, they went to their apratment.
