Part 4

*Time skip to when Aredian's ready to announce the sorcerer*
Uther: So you know who it is?
Aredian: *Grins* Yes
Uther: Who is it?
Aredian: *Points at Merlin* Merlin
Arthur: *Laughs* My stupid servant...a got to be kidding me
*Doors blow open open and a few knights walk in*
*Camelot knights start to run toward them*
Merlin: NOOO! *Runs toward them*
Arthur: MERLIN! *Runs after him*
Merlin: *Pulls a sword out of nowhere and starts blocking every swing that come toward him*
Arthur: *Freezes and watches*
*All the Camelot knights stop and stare*
Knight: Sire, is that you?
Merlin: *Turns around* James, I thought I told you to not call me sire. You know how I feel about titles
James: Sorry si...Merlin *Smiles and hugs him*
Merlin: *Hugs him back*
Arthur: Merlin...What is going on?
Merlin: *Turns from the and looks at Arthur* There the knights of Nathia. As for me, I am Prince Merlin
Uther: You mean the missing Prince?
Merlin: Yes
Uther: How can we be sure?
Merlin: *Pulls up his shirt and points to a dragon birth mark* This is one way
Uther: How do we not know it's not a fake?
*A man and a woman walk in*
Man: *Looks at Merlin and smiles * Hello sin
Woman: *Hugs Merlin*
Merlin: *Hugs the woman back* Hello mom. Hello dad
*The woman and Merlin pull apart*
Uther: Who are you?! *Yells*
Man: I am King Balinor and this is my wife, Queen Hunith. We came as fast as we could when we heard our son was here
Merlin: Mom, dad, if it's ok if you, I would like to stay here
Hunith: The whole kingdom is waiting for you. Why do you want to stay?
Merlin: Because the man I love and the father of my child lives here *The spell that is hiding his stomach lifts*
*Everyone gasps except for Arthur *
Balinor: Well we can bring him with us
Merlin: Actually we can't
Hunith: Why?
Merlin: Because he's the crown Prince
*Again everyone gasps except Arthur*
Uther: What are you saying? You saying that my son is gay and in love with you and you're carrying his child?
Arthur: Yes father, that is exactly what he's saying *Says calmly*
Uther: And you knew of his magic this whole time *Pissed*
Arthur: Yes father, I did know and I don't care because he didn't hurt people
Uther: And how do you know he hasn't or isn't planning on it?
Merlin: Because hurting people is a terrible thing to do. Especially when their innocent *Glares at Uther*
Balinor: Son, you and Arthur can come with us
Hunith: Please Merlin...Nathia needs you...We need you
Merlin: *Looks at Arthur*
Arthur: *Nods* I will come with. I will go anywhere Merlin goes. I don't care about my title as crowned Prince
Balinor: So you're coming with?
Merlin: Yes, we'll go to Nathia with you
*The four of them alone with the knights of Nathia all leave for Nathia*
