
Merlin was getting restless. Sure he had been training his knights as well as attending to his royal duties. In fact, he had even gotten the dragon den drawings done and sent them to Camelot along with those who had built the dragon den in the castle of Deria as soon as he got the news that Magic was legalised in Camelot. In fact, he had visited several times to make sure that the Den was coming along fine as well as going to Camelot to discuss the alliance terms. 

He missed having his Camelotian friends by his side. Sure he missed being in Deria and missed his old life but in the decade he spent in Camelot he made a lifetime of memories. In fact, he was closer to the knights of Camelot than his own. It was understandable. Sure he still had the same bond with his own knights before the war, but the bond had weakened to some extent. 

Merlin was itching to get back to Arthur's side and help him out. In fact, after the alliance that they agreed on Camelot and Deria together were referred to as the united kingdom. Together the two Kingdoms were in fact the most powerful in the entire nation. Allies and foes alike respected them out of fear and awe. A kingdom that was not known until now had risen through the ranks and was one of the most powerful kingdoms out there.

But he was glad that he was able to see his friends again in a couple of days again as they promised to come for his wedding that was to be held. He in fact laughed when the messenger told of their reactions. 


One day while the Royal family of Camelot were having dinner with their closest knights a messenger walked in claiming they had a message.

"What is it?" Arthur asks beckoning the messenger to speak

"I come from Deria Sire. I come to inform you that King Merlin Emrys Ambrousis is to be married to Lady and soon-to-be queen of Deria, Lady Lilliana in 2 weeks' time. Your family and the closest knights of the round table to King Merlin have been invited to attend the wedding. The king has also specially requested you and your family to be there to help with the preparations for the wedding King Arthur," the messenger informs

"Merlin? As in the merlin who was working as a servant a couple of months ago is getting married?" Arthur asks in disbelief

"Yes sire," The messenger replies

"Finally! Lady Lillian is good for him. They make a good pair," Morgana says and everyone agrees

"We must tell Gauis. He must miss Merlin loads, especially his antics that put smiles on everyone's faces," Lancelot says

"Gwen we shall go together tell him. After all, it's his nephew that's getting married!!" Arthur says turning to his wife

"Yes. He'd be delighted!!" Gwen says a small smile gracing her face "Any of you that want to come should as well, I'm sure he misses us all. We don't see him often other than when he is called in for his expertise!"

"Thats true Gwen. It's been a long time since we visited the old man. He treated us like his own all these years after all," Leon says

Chuckling the young king turns back to the messengers "Tell your king and our dearest friend we'll be there in 2 days' time."

Nodding, the messenger leaves to go back to his kingdom to tell his king the news. 

~end of flashback~

As promised the pendragon family and the closest knights of the round table with Gauis set off to Deria in 2 days' time. And as Arthur suggested they all took the dragons in fact they all agreed that they have been cooped up for far too long.

When they got there they were all welcomed warmly, especially by the soon-to-be-married couple and Percival. 

After tackling everyone in a hug Merlin says "It's so good to have you guys by my side again. It felt weird and I was itching to come back to Camelot and stay for a couple of days at least!"

"It's true, you know he hasn't stopped talking about you guys since you left," Lilliana says walking up next to her fiance with the rest of Deria's royal family and close knights behind her 

"We're honoured, Merlin. It's nice to see you again lady -" Leon begins 

"Nope. What have I said about you and your use of titles Leon? You are a knight of Camelot, yes but you are a close friend of the king of Deria. Here everyone is equal, we earn respect based on what we do not on the title we have. understood?" Lilliana scolds the knights 

Chuckling Leon replies "Of course Lilliana. it's wonderful to see you again everyone again. 

"Come on Lee. You normally are very strict!!! It took me years to get you to call me Arthur! And we've grown up together!" Arthur exclaims 

"Orders from the late king, Arthur you know this," Leon says 

"He's not wrong Lee! You are the strictest among us when it comes to titles and protocols," Merlin reminds him

"Someone has to be the responsible one among us Merls. Lancelot is the only other responsible one and he goes too soft for you and your antics, especially your puppy eyes!" Leon reminds him 

"Hey! my puppy eyes are a part of my charm!" Merlin exclaims 

"Merlino Basta! Invece di invitare i nostri ospiti dentro, li stai facendo stare fuori dopo il loro viaggio, qui. Non ti ho pensato niente?" Hunith scolds her son in Italian (Merlin thats enough! Instead of inviting our guests in you are making them stand outside after their journey, here. Have I thought you nothing?)

"Sorry, mother. I just got carried away, you know how much I wanted to meet them for the past couple of days (Scusa, mamma. Mi sono appena lasciato trasportare, sai quanto volevo incontrarli negli ultimi due giorni)," Merlin replies to his mother with a sheepish smile 

"Translation?" Smirking Gwaine asks knowing fully well that Merlin got told off 

"Shut it, Wayne," Merlin snaps at his friend "Come on in guys sorry about making you wait outside longer than you had to. I'll take you guys to your rooms."

"Are they the same as last time?" Morgana asks 

"Yes" Merlin replies 

"Thats quite alright then Merlin. I think we'll find our way," Morgana says 

"Well, it's nearly time for dinner, so come on!" Merlin says walking ahead of the group

Over the next couple of days leading up to the wedding, those from Camelot noticed how well Merlin and Lillliana complimented each other not only in the way they looked when they were standing together but the way that their personalities complimented each other. 

On the actual day of the wedding, merlin was slightly nervous but with the help of his closest knights and friends he got through the day. 

~Years later~

Years had passed. Merlin and Arthur had gotten older and were ready to pass on their thrones to their sons. The two families were also bonded by marriage as well now. Arthur's daughter and Merlin's son were married. Morgana and Noah had also gotten married as well as Amelia and Leon. Those days were few of the happiest for the two kingdoms. Of course, with the birth of their heirs, the two kingdoms also rejoiced. 

However, Hunith had passed away 2 years prior and with the help of Camelot, Deria had come out of their sadness. Both of Merlin's parents were loved by the people and with both of them dead, it was silent. Nonetheless, they still loved their royal family with their whole hearts. 

This was the end of Merlin and Arthur's story. Albion was finally united and the two kings were to see their kingdoms grow and prosper under their rule as well as their children. 
