Chapter Three

Somewhere in Gravity Falls

"Watch your steps," Stanford stated as he pushes a few boxes away from the path he is walking.

"This place is still intact?" Dipper asks, wiping away the cobwebs that were in his way.

"Well, we needed a basement to store things. So, Stan and I decided to rebuild it before we head out in search of the unknown, well, minus the interdimensional portal of course. We don't want anyone coming down here and starting up another chaos."

"I told him that we should rebuild it so we can have a faster way of coming home but he was all, 'That's not how it works Stan. Portals aren't meant for traveling to one place or another in the same dimension, portals are meant to travel from dimension-to-dimension blah blah blah, science, science, science'." Stanley and Mabel started laughing as Stanley does a weird yet funny dance of some sort. The dance of mockery.

"Mock all you want Stan, but that's really not how portals work. Plus it's very dangerous." Stanford began moving a few more boxes out of the way until he finds a white curtain and something is under it. "It's still here."

"What are we exactly doing here Grunkle Ford?" Mabel asks, setting down Waddles to the ground.

"I wanted to show you this." Stanford grabs the white cloth and yanked it off from whatever it is that is under it. Everyone's eyes grew wide as they stare at Bill's statue sitting under their basement.

"Hold on! You placed Bill under the Shack!?" Stanley asked surprised. "Are you crazy!?"

"I had to find a place to keep it safe! I can't just leave it out in the open like that!"

"And you thought that keeping it under the Shack is safe!?"

"Guys! Stop arguing!" Dipper said as he stood in front of their Grunkles, trying to make them stop yelling at each other. "I'm sure Grunkle Ford has an explanation as to why he kept it hidden under the Shack! Right Grunkle Ford?"

Stanford lets out a sigh as he placed the cloth back on Bill's statue, covering it up. "Listen, there's been something I haven't told you before we left."

Somewhere in Amphibia

"Is this the Boiling Isles? It doesn't look boiling to me." Marco asks Star as he carefully looks around their surroundings. Marco asked Star if they're in the right place because what Marco expected for the Boiling Isles is something redder and less wood. "I don't know Star, this doesn't feel like Boiling Isles. It smells like a farm in here and smells like frogs."

"Huh, you're right. I don't know if they did some redecorating or something but the last time I visit the Boiling Isles, it was filled with crazy shenanigans, just like Mewni but crazier."

For some reason, Star's dimensional scissors opened up a portal leading to a different place other than the Boiling Isles.

While Marco and Star were discussing where they were, they don't notice the door open and they just kept on talking with each other.

"What the?"

A voice caught their attention, they turned to look at the door and there they see a frog, a tadpole, and a human staring at them.

"Hello!" Star waved as she gives a smile. Marco did the same but unlike Star who was enthusiastic about her greetings, Marco's greeting was shy and on the lay low zone of greeting.

Anne looks at them as she smiles, slowly raising her hand to greet them back.

"Monsters!!!" Out of the blue, Sprig yelled out and he started charging towards Star and Marco, Polly hopping behind as she carries a stick.

"Monsters? Where!?" Star quickly pulled out her wand and she readied herself and Marco did the same thing. He started doing his taekwondo stances.

"AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" Sprig yelled out as he jumped in the air, the stick getting ready to clobber someone.


Somewhere in Gravity Falls

"You see just before Stan and I went out on our journey, I did a final sweep in the woods to see if there aren't any more weird things happening. And during my sweep, I came across this statue of Bill and I was going to call but something happened. I accidentally tripped and touched the statue and there I saw this weird vision, a vision where up until now I still have no explanation as to what it means."

"What's the vision you saw?" Stanford asks as he starts looking at Bill's statue that is under the white cloth. "Is it like the dream you got from last night?"

"No, the vision and the dream I got were two different scenarios. They're not the same, well they are the same but they are different."

"We're not following, what dream are you guys talking about?" Dipper asks as he and Mabel have no clue as to what their Grunkles are talking about.

"Well, last night I had this strange and weird dream." Stanford began telling the dream he had as he wiped his glasses. "I dreamt that Bill was at Gravity Falls and he has taken down numerous creatures ranging from man-like frogs to humans to other creatures that words cannot describe."

"And what about this vision you got?" Stanley interrupted.

"The vision was..." Stanford stopped mid-sentence as he looked around. "Another Weirdmageddon."

"Another Weirdmageddon? But how can that possibly happen?" Dipper asked as he started panicking. "We erased Bill! We nearly lost Grunkle Stan trying to get rid of him!"

"Dipper, calm down."

"Calm down? How can I possibly calm down when you said that you got a vision of another Weirdmageddon happening? You saw how the first Weirdmageddon went, we nearly survived!"

"Dipper," Mabel called out his name, making everyone look at her. "It's just a dream and a vision, right? There's no proof that those things could be real. I mean, I get visions and dreams all the time and do you see those happening? As far as I know, dreams and vision only happen if you want them to happen. So, there is really not any valid and/or solid proof that Grunkle Ford's dream and vision will come through. So stop your worrying Dipper, there is no way that the dream and vision are real."

"Hey doods, sorry to interrupt this family bonding moment but there's something happening outside. I think you doods should see it."

As Mabel was about to stop Dipper from freaking out, Soos comes down and tells them that something weird is happening outside.

"I could be wrong!" Mabel added to her statement as she realizes that Soos came down with some bad news.

End of Chapter
