toxic relationships

I can't stand the way you look at me
Pity or love, I don't care
Don't you dare give me that look

I can't return the look of admiration you've so selfishly cursed me with

You were someone I admired
Someone I couldn't help but to care for
Because I trusted you with anything
We could've talked about everything

But now I know why I'm given that look
You want to use me like everyone else
I have to remember that I'm just a toy

A placebo for your pleasure until I'm worn out and you search for better

You never really cared
I understand that now

You wanted someone to look down upon so that you yourself could believe you were better

Or the later

You found someone who would do anything to make you happy, even if I was miserable doing so

You took me for granted

What a shame

I could've been your closest friend
But you threw me out for someone else
A shiny new toy to have and abuse

I won't let that happen again

I won't fall for your games

The puppy dog eyes
The pitied glances
Or lust-filled looks

Good luck finding someone better
Because I was the best thing you ever had

And once you realize your mistake
I won't take you back

Good luck
Good bye

I'll be long gone
Once you've changed your mind

// AN: I actually hate this one. No thought went into it I was just kind of ranting. But I thought I'd post it since it's been a little hectic and I don't know when I'll post next.
Sorry :/
