Chapter I- Oreo

I'm still getting used to using they/them pronouns for Evil X so tell me if I mess up so I can fix it.

Xae opened their eyes. They were laying face down on the floor. Sitting up they racked their brain for why they were there. Nothing. Xae knew nothing except that their name was Xathan. There had to be something else beside that. They closed their eyes and concentrated, something, anything that could be a clue. And the it came to them, a man with brown hair, an x shaped scar over one eye, bright blue eyes smiling at them, Xae knew that he must be important but he had no idea why. They stood up, their legs shaky as if they hadn't walked in a week. They took a step forward, then another, soon they were wandering around the strange place, strange fog filled the place making it hard to see. After a while they heard a voice from behind them speak up.

"Are you lost?" Spoke the voice. Xae whipped around to find a knight standing behind them. The knight was a bit taller than Xae, he had dirty blond hair and reddish-orange eyes. His armour was darker than typically armor, not that shiny either, to top it all where the feather thingy(what's the correct term??) typically was a flickering flame sat upon his head instead.

"I...uh...I don't know," they said slowly, meeting his eyes.

"Don't know?"

"I just don't know," They shrugged, "I just woke up, with zero memory." The knight looked concererned.

"So you don't remember anything?" Xae shook their head. "Welcome to Hels then. I'm Helsknight."

"Helsknight of Hels?" Asked Xathan raising an eyebrow.

"It's complicated."

"Well, I guess I'd better introduce myself, I'm Xathan, or Xae."

"But didn't you say you don't remember anything?"

"I only remember my name," lied the red doomguy, not wanting to tell the knight about the man, not sure if they could trust him.

"Well, you'll need someplace to stay Xae," pointed out the knight, " you could hang out at my place for a bit." Xathan smiled.



"Xae!" Shouted a voice. Xae looked up to see the man hugging him.

"X," they sobbed hugging back.

"He's gone, Jeff  won't comeback." Xae didn't respond instead the two sat there, hugging each other and sobbing.

Xae awoke with a start. They were on Hels's couch. X, that was the mans name. They glanced over at the table next to the couch where their helmit was. Xae had taken it off too sleep and didn't feel like putting it back on, they weren't even sure why they had it in the fist place it was extremely uncomfortable. They stood up and walked into the kitchen where Hels was sitting at the table, reading a book while munching on a bagel.

"Hey," said Xae. Hels nearly jumped out of his skin, looking around and then spotting Xathan he aimed a glare at the snow haired doomguy.

"You scared me," grumbled Hels.

"I could tell," said Xae, they opened a pantry door looking at what Hels had for food. They spotted in the upper left hand corner a box of Oreos. Sweet. They grabbed the package of cream filled Oreos. It was sealed, "Is it okay if I open these?" Hels looked over to see them holding up the Oreos.

"Cookies. For breakfast?" He asked.


"Fine you can open it." Grumbled the knight looking back down at his book, "Who on earth would would have cookies for breakfast?"

"X lets me-" Xae froze. How had they known that? An image flashed in their mind. X was sitting at a table next to Xathan the two were eating Oreos together.

"X?" Asked Hels, he looked mildly concerned.

"I think I just remembered something."

"Would you mind telling me," asked Hels standing up and walking over to Xae. He gently took the cookies from Xathan's hands and placed them on the counter.

"Someone named X and me eating Oreos together."

"Would you mind describing what 'X' looks like?"

"He looks a lot like me, but with brown hair and blue eyes. He has a scar similar to mine over his eye, " described Xathan.

"Sounds like he's a family member of some sort," offered Hels.

"I figured out that much," sighed Xae. It was silent for a moment. Then Hels broke the said silence.

"Lets open theses Oreos," He picked up the box and opened it taking two creme filled cookies out and handing one to Xae before taking a bite.

⎓╎∷ᒷ ↸╎ᒷᓭ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ⎓ᔑᓭℸ ̣ ... 𝙹⎓ ↸𝙹𝙹ᒲ ꖎ𝙹ꖎ

744 words *cries because its so short*. I'm thinking about putting the song(s) I listened too while writing this because they often influence what happens. Today was "What if I made a theme for Evil Xisuma" By Jono and "Wanderer" from the Stargazer soundtrack, also by Jono.
