
Margot Robbie
Seraphina Forbes-Salvatore

'The tribrid Mother'

("You might be their biological father but don't ever think their your kids because their not. They're mine. Mine and Alex's")

("Ok since when was this any of your concern.")

Henry Cavill
Alexander Salvatore
'The heretic Father'

("Look Kevin, their my kids weather you like it or not. And don't start saying my wife kept them from you, because she gave them a choice to meet you but they didn't want to")

("I'll always protect my family. No matter if I have to die trying to")

Hayden Christensen
Jeremiah Alastor Forbes-Salvatore(Mikaelson)

'The Noble son'

("I'm sitting right here. You wanna talk about me, talk to me")

("Excuse my brother, but he's right. This is family business")

Dominic Sherwood
Jonathan Ares Forbes-Salvatore(Mikaelson)

'The anger issue son'

("Look Kevin I don't give a flying fuck who you are and neither do I care who your little bitches are or the red head, what her name again?")

("I love you mom")

Ester Expósito
Jordanna Adelaide Forbes-Salvatore(Mikaelson)

'The mothers daughter'

("Look hope you may be my sister by blood but make no mistake you are not my sister by heart. So if you or your little family do anything to mine, I won't hesitate to drop you down In the pit." )

("You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you")

Michelle Trachtenberg
Coralina Artemis Salvatore

'The bitchy daughter'

("I don't want a boyfriend. I want a distraction")

("I may be bitchy but I would do anything for my family or my true friends")

Matthew Daddario
Alec Azrael Salvatore

'The protector son'

("Ok seriously touch my mom one more time and it's your head rolling on the ground")

("Wait who?")

Makenzie Foy
Evangeline Ariel Salvatore

'The purest daughter'

("Not all monster do monstrous things")

("I hope that one day I'll have a love as pure as mom and dad. And then a family like this one.")

Raffey Cassidy
Lucianna Athena Salvatore

'The beautiful Daughter'

("Whoa cool")

("Mom!!!!!Johnny hit me")

Dylan Spraberry
Leonidas Apollo Salvatore

'The young warrior son'

("Mom really? How many times I got to tell people it's Leon. I hate my full name")

("Dad I want to be with the big boys. I know I'm a little smaller then them but I can assure you I'm way smarter then Johny and gray. Their just dumb in general")

Toddler on Pinterest
Victoria Arabella Salvatore


("Mama, I scared")


Daniel Sharman
Mason Lucas Lockwood

'The puppy boyfriend'

Lily collins
Maddison Josephine Lockwood

'The werewitch bestfriend'
