Chapter 8

 "Harry  i just wanted to reassure you that your friend will be ok. Really. And it was wonderful having you here. Also i would still like to see you for progress reports. While i trust your...Potions Master i do think having  a back up doctor is important." harry smiled " yea well I'm going to need one to deliver the little guy aren't i?" the healer smiled " I would be honored." " Thanks. Again. it means so much to me that you didn't say anything about me paying for them or the baby." " It my pleasure. Now i should get going, i believe you wanted to head out as well?" "I am. Bye." 

"Are you sorry for you language?" Harry felt his eyes prickle with tears and nodded. Severus stared at him before waving his wand and the soap left the boy mouth. "I never want to hear you speak like that again harry understood?" Harry sniffed " y-yes sir." Severus sighed and opened his arms " Come here harry." a sob broke through the boy and he leapt into his Professors arms crying. Severus pulled the too small boy onto his lap rubbing circles on his back and running fingers through his hair while muttering reassurances " It's ok. You're ok little one. I'm right here. It's ok." " I'm sorry. So sorry. I wont do it again. I'll be good. I'll listen." Severus tightened his hold on the boy. Harry wasn't normally like this but when he felt guilty or emotionally exhausted he would end up in Severus' lap with the dour man comforting him. "I know you're sorry Little one. I know. You're such a good boy. The best in the world. It's all ok. Everything's ok."  the sobs turned into whimpers before Harry fell asleep.

Harry would never tell anyone what really occurred that night, only Fred knew. Entering the Headmasters office he smiled " He's awake." Severus looked up from his paperwork with a smile. " That's wonderful Harry. I'm extremely happy for you." "I was wondering if you wanted to see him? He'll be released in a few hours. Maybe join everyone for dinner at the burrow? Hermione, Draco, Pansy and Blaise are coming too. We'll be putting up a table in the garden. Please?" he gave his best puppy dog eyes and smiled when the man sighed" Very well. I could never say no to you." " Thank you Severus." Severus tilted his head " For what? It's just dinner." " No. I mean- telling this story brought back memories. You've done a lot for me over the years and i will never be able to express my gratitude." The Headmaster stared at his ex-student before standing up approaching the child hugging him. "Live a happy life. Have a family. And don't go looking for trouble." he pulled back putting one hand behind the boys neck and the other cupping his cheek. harry had tears in his eyes and Severus smiled warmly " It's all a father ever wants for his son." The older man planted a gentle kiss on harry head just as a sob broke out and Harry clung to him. " I love you little one. Always." " I love you Always." Severus planted another kiss on his boys head before pulling away letting Harry wipe his face. "I will see you at Burrow Harry. Have you told them about your...condition?" " Not yet. I'll tell Fred before and then we'll announce it then if he wants." Severus nodded.

Harry opened the door only to faced with furious glares. " Um...what's happening?" Molly blew " Harry James Potter!" " Yes?" " How dare you?!" Harry looked around for help only to receive apologetic smiles from Hermione, Fred and Draco. " Alright I'll bite. What did i do?" " We wanted to pay at least a little for Fred's care here so we went looking for our healer, but he was busy so we went to the receptionist-" Harry paled "-but then they said that someone's been paying for all this and not the hospital. And then mum asked how much all this was-" Molly cut Ginny off "And colour me surprised when i found out this little room is 200 Galleons. And then we asked who is was do you know what she said? She said MR. HARRY JAMES POTTER. How dare you lie about this?" Harry sighed " Molly, i knew that you would view it as charity or something. Besides it wasn't for you alone. I wanted to stay as well and it only seemed logical. Besides there's nothing you can do about it now. We're leaving." Molly was red until Arthur held her arm " He's Molly dear. there is nothing we can do about it now." Molly sighed and Harry grinned " Oh yea Severus is joining us for dinner." Molly gasped " dinner. we need to go and prepare." " You all go i want to speak with Fred before we leave." everyone nodded in understanding and left the couple on their own. Fred sat on the bed offering the seat next to him for Harry who gracefully took it.

When he sat down their hand instantly intwined. " You're ok. I missed much. And the thought that you might not wake up even the doctor said you would was so scary." The red head smiled pulled Harry to his side holding him "I'm ok. You're here with me, everything's alright." "I missed you." "Of course you did." they laughed and Harry got up " Prat." " We established that long ago already."

Taking a deep breath harry started " Fred we need to talk. I know this is new for you and the war only ended a few months ago but I'm really happy this happened and you know I've always wanted a family and-" "Harry. Kitten, what's wrong?" " I'm pregnant." Silence.
"With a baby?" Harry rolled his eyes " No Fred with a kangaroo. Of course with a baby." suddenly a grin broke out the olders face and he jumped smashed their lips together in a passionate kiss. harry moaned returning it fully before they pulled away breathing heavily. " I hope that was an 'I'm excited ' kiss and not our last one." " I'm definitely excited." breathing a sigh of relief Harry kissed him again.

They arrived at the Burrow finding everyone in the Garden spread out talking while The table was set with shielding and warming charms. Harry looked around " Where's Severus?" " Uncle Severus isn't here yet Harry." replied Draco walking past and going to Ron. "He said he'd be here. He'll come." reassured Fred. Just then the doorbell rang. " I'll get it." he jumped and ran for the door. Opening he grinned " Severus!" " I know my name Harry no need to yell." " You came." the man rolled his eyes " Please stop yelling the obvious." "Severus." " Mr. Weasley, you look well. Congratulations on a speedy recovery and on...other things as well." Fred grinned "Thanks Professor. I'm really happy and excited." he shook the mans hand in greeting.

Walking through the yard Severus greet everyone and Harry stuck close to him until dinner and by extension so did Fred but the man didn't seem to mind. Once everyone took a seat light conversation went around until Severus brought up Hogwarts "Me and a few Professors spoke to the ministry and we think that all those seventh years that haven't completed their NEWTS yet should come back to Hogwarts. Now, its not compulsory but it is advised to do so." "How would that work sir?" asked Hermione. " Well you'll be an 'eighth year' essentially. Since all are of age there will be no houses to associate you with neither will you get a curfew and you're allowed to leave the castle anytime you want so long as someone is informed. Another possible downside is that you're not allowed to be part of any clubs of the school." " That means no Quidditch!" exclaimed Draco, Harry and Ron. The man rolled his eyes " yes t means you have no reason to fly twenty feet into the sky on dangerous broom flying after or away form a dangerous ball. It's very heartbreaking." his sarcasm was met with three pairs of red cheeks and chuckled. " I have no need for an answer now but will need one by two weeks before school starts next term." Ron made a face " i don't know." " If it's any consolation Harry will be going." 

Harrys head shot up " I will." at the look he received he nodded at everyone " Yea i will." catching on to the hidden message Fred spoke " I'll be taking over the branch of WWW  in Hogsmeade so i can watch over." " And i have no trouble helping as well." added Severus. " I feel like we've missed something." said Pansy. Harry blushed an took a deep breath grateful his boyfriends hand in his and his fathers hand on his back " I'm pregnant."
