Meme #152

Some more Newsies memes because Newises is awesome.

Jack:"Here's what I think, Joe's a jerk, he's a rattle snake!"

Davey: "You're right and you know why a snake starts to rattle?"

Jack: "No, why?"

Davey: "'Cause he's scared."

Jack: "Sure."

Davey: "Go and look it up, the poor GUY'S head is spinning!"

If you didn't know, that's Winn Schott Jr. from Supergirl. He's played by Jeremy Jordan. Jeremy Jordan also plays the lead role, Jack Kelly in Newsies! So if you like Jeremy Jordan, you should definitely watch Newsies. Or if you want to hear Winn sing and speak in a New York accent.

I'm Elmer. (Top right)

It's hard to read, so I'll just put it here.

"Newsies Opinion #13

The most iconic part of the Musical has to be during 'Once and For All when the harmony for "There's change comin' once and for all..." starts and the lights suddenly shine as the set piece moves forward."

Once and For all is so freaking iconic and kind of relates to the world today. Seriously, it's such an amazing song and everytime I listen to it, I get blown away.

Anyone know where I can buy a Ben Fankhauser?

Look at that man. Gotta love him.
