
*Also there's a picture of all the gods and goddesses*

(カイダ) Kaida's POV *

It was the next day, I ended up falling asleep after talking to Raidon and Tekkan and I was now touring the streets of Konoha, still with Tekkan's headphones.

"Isn't she the criminal?" I heard people whisper and I got glares as some scared glances. I ignored them all and jumped up onto a high fence while summoning my globe.

"Sani, I have the chunin exams coming up so I'll need your aid." I explained quite quietly and heard a sigh.

"Fine fine kid, alert me when." She replied and then the globe disappeared.

"I do love our long chats." I muttered sarcastically and then heard a lot of commotion coming from somewhere. I gracefully (by that I mean I acted like a cat on steroids running across a jagged bridge.), went over to see what was happening.

I looked down and saw a kid run into a guy with face paint on. "Hey watch where your going kid!" He yelled and picked him up by his collar.

"Put konahomaru down!" Some other kids shouted and the blond girl with Barney the dinosaur (what?! He has ears on his hood and purple face paint!) glared at them.

I jumped into a nearby tree and then launched myself onto his back. He stumbled and dropped the boy while falling over. I smirked triumphantly as I sat on him.

"Now Dino Kun, would you mind telling me why you felt like you should grope that child for your dirty purposes?" I questioned and he fumed.

"WHAT?! He ran into me and what dirty purposes?!" He yelled angrily and I squished his cheeks together.

"Well you were holding him up by his collar, with a dark hood up not to mention it has cute ears on and also you were smirking." I stated the facts and he growled.

"Kaida? Why are you sat on a guy?" I heard Naruto ask and I jumped off of the guy, stepping on him on the way.

"Because he was going to sexua-" I started and Dino Kun clamped a hand over my mouth.

"That brat ran into me, hot shot here decided go sit on me." He explained and I licked his hand making him instantly let go.

"I wouldn't call her hot if I were you." Another familiar voice called from a tree and I stretched my arms high up while waving.

"Hey Sasuke!" I grinned and he smirked.

"Hey Kaida, wait, do you have Tekkan's headed phones still?" He asked and I nodded.

"Correct!" I grinned sheepishly when he sweat dropped. I turned back to the two Sand village guys and only just noticed Sakura.

"Oh, well looks like your from the sand village." She began and I zoned out of her blabbering.

"We're here for the chunin exams." Dino Kun replied and I oh'ed.

"I can't wait for the exams." I beamed and the blond smiled.

"You guys are a disgrace to the village." A cold voice statues monotonly and I saw a red head appear next to Sasuke.

"G-Gaara." Both of them stuttered and I tilted my head to the side as to why.

"This kid ran into me." Dino defended and I scoffed.

"Shut up or I'll kill you." He then said bluntly and I whispered lowly.

"Little bit of a salty red head we got here." I nodded in approval of my own sentence and then the guy disappeared in sand and reappeared next to the two sand guys.

"What's your name?" Sasuke asked and jumped down beside me.

"Me?" The blond slightly blushed and the Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"No, you with the gourd." He replied and I jabbed the back of his head.

"You don't just order people to tell you their name!" I scolded and turned back to them. "I apologies about that duckass." I smirked as he glared at me.

"My name is Gaara of the Sand, I am curious of your name too." He added on the end, just to boost the guys who even more.

"Sasuke Uchiha." He replied and Naruto jumped in.

"Do you wanna know my name too?!" He grinned.

"No." Was Gaara's blunt reply and I laughed.

"Poor Naruto." I patted his head and he sulked in his emo corner. I turned back to see Gaara staring at me intently.

I then closed my eyes as I heard some voices in my head and then focused in on the conversation.

"Long time no see Shukaku." I heard Sani's voice.

"Heh, so this brat is the one you inhabit." A voice laughed back and I internally groaned at them filling my head with talking.

"Hah yeah, she's gonna be pissed at us talking right now one tails." Was the last thing Sani said and I snapped my eyes open.

"Gaara." I furrowed my brows together and then shook my head while turning on my heel and walking away.

(サスケ) Sasuke's POV *

I saw Kaida walk away without saying anything else but 'Gaara'. I decided not to follow her as she probably wanted to be alone.

"Naruto, Sakura let's go." I motioned for them to follow me as the guys from suna left.

We walked for a bit until we met Kakashi sensei. "Here, these are the forms for the chunin exams. I need you guys to sign them." He informed and I took the form he handed us.

"Okay." Was my quick reply before is signed it and went to search for Kaida. I looked around the training grounds and sure enough she was leant against the tree with her team there. Tekkan was leant back on his elbows on the grass and Raidon was glaring at Kaida with his arms crossed.

Masking my chakra I listened in to what they were saying. "And then what?" Raidon asked and she sighed while closing her eyes.

"He's the Shukaku, the one tailed beast. He can easily control sand at his will and he has no mercy when threatening to kill." She relayed and my eyes widened at all the information she had picked up from the short encounter with the guys from Suna.

"Hm, and the other two?" Raidon questioned and she thought for a moment.

"The girl carried a large fan and the girl guy looked to have a large thing with bandages on his back, maybe a weapon or even a puppet." She answered and Tekkan yawned.

"Puppet, weapons would be in a scroll." He added and then stopped talking again.

"And the other team, are they a threat to us?" Raidon inquired and I knew he was talking about my team.

"I don't want to answer that, all I know is if you even think about harming any of them I won't hesitate to harm you twice as bad." She grinned and I chuckled while leaving the scene.
